IBM Tivoli Composite Application Agent for J2EE, Version 7.1.1

Configuration steps for a J2SE application

The following steps are specific for monitoring a J2SE application.

  1. Enter the J2SE application information:
    • In the Server Home field, click Browse to locate the directory in which J2SE has been installed. Ensure the J2SE server home value you enter is correct as there is no validation performed on this field. The value will be displayed in Tivoli® Enterprise Portal after the installation.
    • For the Java™ Home field, click Browse to locate the JDK that is supporting the application.
      Important: On HP-UX or Solaris systems, select the Use JDK as 64 bit check box if you are using a 64-bit JDK.
    • For the Main Class field, locate the .bat file under the J2SE server home directory and copy the fully qualified main class name from the Java command line. For example, com.sample.MyApp from the following line:
      java $ITCAM_JVM_OPTS -classpath $CLASSPATH com.sample.MyApp hello
    • Select JMX Server Remotely connect if the JMX server requires an RMI connection even from the local host.
    Click Next.
  2. Review the information gathered from the specified J2SE application and click Next.
  3. Enter the information required to configure the J2SE instance:
    • In the Instance name field, enter the name for this application to be displayed in the TEP and, if a Managing Server is used, in the VE. Use only English and numeric characters.
    • In the JVM Arguments field, enter the JVM options without the main class name, for example: -Dvarible1=value1
    • In the Program Arguments field, enter the program arguments after the main class.
    • Select the Modify existing startup script file box to modify the current application startup script to start the Data Collector. If you clear the box, a sample script is created instead, and you will need to change the startup script later based on the generated sample script.
    • If you select Modify existing startup script file, select the script file. Otherwise, select the path for the sample script.
      Important: The JVM Arguments and Program Arguments fields are used only if you create a sample script file. If you modify the startup script file, the configuration utility ignores these values.
    Click Next.
For the subsequent configuration steps, see Final configuration steps.
