IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications, Version

Resource Statistics workspaces (WebSphere Message Broker V7.0 or later only)

Resource Statistics workspaces provide the statistics of system resources that are collected by a broker. The statistical information includes performance and operating details of resources that are used by execution groups. You can use the resource statistics to ensure that your systems are using the available resources in the most efficient manner.

Prerequisite: For the workspaces to contain data, you must enable resource statistics collection at the broker in the first place. To do it, issue the mqsichangeresourcestats with -c active specified for the whole broker or optionally for an execution group within the broker.

Statistics are collected for the following types of resources:

  • File

    The File Resource Statistics workspace provides the statistical information for the local file system of any file actions that are done by any file node.

  • JDBC connection pools

    The JDBC Connection Pools Resource Statistics workspace provides statistical information about each JDBC Provider configurable service.

  • Java virtual machine (JVM)

    The JVM Resource Statistics workspace provides the statistical information about the JVM resources that are used by execution groups.

  • ODBC

    The ODBC Resource Statistics workspace provides the statistical information about each ODBC DSN that has been accessed since the execution group starts.

  • Parsers

    The Parsers Resource Statistics workspace provides the statistical information about the parser resources within each execution group.

  • SOAP

    The SOAP Input Resource Statistics workspace provides the statistical information about SOAP nodes on a per-operation basis.
