IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications, Version

Accounting workspaces

Accounting workspaces provide statistics at message flow, node, thread, and terminal level. The data in these workspaces is sampled at snapshot (short term) or archive (long term) intervals. Top-level snapshot and archive workspaces present current accounting data for that interval. Each workspace links to workspaces that display the data for the most recent collection intervals and for the historical collection intervals, if those intervals are configured.

  • The Snapshot Accounting Message Flow Statistics and Archive Accounting Message Flow Statistics workspaces provide statistics at the message flow level.
  • The Snapshot Accounting Node Statistics and Archive Accounting Node Statistics workspaces provide statistics at the processing node level.
  • The Snapshot Accounting Terminal Statistics and Archive Accounting Terminal Statistics workspaces provide statistics at the terminal level.
  • The Snapshot Accounting Thread Statistics and Archive Accounting Thread Statistics workspaces provide statistics at the thread level.
Exception: Historical data cannot be collected for the following workspaces:
  • Snapshot Accounting Message Flow Statistics
  • Snapshot Accounting Node Statistics
  • Snapshot Accounting Terminal Statistics
  • Snapshot Accounting Thread Statistics

Retained data in accounting workspaces

How many table rows are retained and displayed in accounting workspaces are controlled by three factors:

  • Agent configuration

    In the agent configuration file, the defaultRetainRecentSnapshotSamples parameter determines the size of recent snapshot accounting tables. The defaultRetainRecentArchiveSamples parameter determines the size of recent archive accounting tables. Sometimes the number of rows displayed in recent snapshot accounting tables might be larger than the defaultRetainRecentSnapshotSamples value. It is normal if the extra rows are less than four, because a broker publishes snapshot accounting data every 20 seconds and the WebSphere® Message Broker Monitoring agent checks and cleans the retained table every 60 seconds.

  • The refresh frequency on Tivoli® Enterprise Portal

    If you stay in one of the accounting workspaces and keep refreshing the workspace frequently, the retained data will not be cleaned up and the agent will return more and more data in the workspace. It has the same effect when you configure the workspace to automatically refresh data after a certain time period by using the menu option on Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Again, if the specified time period is very short, more and more data is returned in the workspace after each refresh.

    The holdTimeForQuery parameter also determines the maximum interval (in seconds) of refresh frequency. It specifies the length of time that the agent must retain accounting data. If you refresh the workspace more frequently than the interval specified by the holdTimeForQuery parameter, all the previously retained data will remain and will not be cleaned up.

    Do not enable automatic refresh of accounting workspaces, unless the refresh interval is longer than the holdTimeForQuery value. Otherwise, the monitoring agent might require a lot of memory to retain data.

  • Historical data collection configuration

    The defaultHistoricalAccountingType parameter determines which type of accounting data to be collected historically. Do not set this parameter to All or Snapshot unless necessary. This parameter is useful only when the historical data collection has been enabled. If historical data collection is enabled for any of the accounting tables, the accounting data is kept in the agent memory till the data is collected by historical collection. Always set the same collection interval for all the accounting data.
