File Comparison Group attributes

The File Comparison Group attributes refer to file characteristics such as file compare result and file name.

File Compare Option Options that affect how the comparison is performed. The following values are valid: Plain, Ignore Whitespace, Ignore Case, Ignore Case Whitespace, Binary Not Available, and Not Collected.

File Compare Result The result of the file comparison between File_Name_1 and File_Name_2. The following values are valid: Same, Different, Not Available, and Not Collected.

File Name 1 Fully-qualified file name of one of the files to be compared.

File Name 2 Fully-qualified file name of the other of the files to be compared.

System Name The managed system name. The form should be hostname:agent_code.

Examples include spark:KUX or

In workspace queries, this attribute should be set equal to the value $NODE$ in order to populate the workspace with data. This attribute is generally not included in situations, unless there is a need to customize the situation for a specific managed system.

Timestamp The date and time the agent collects information as set on the monitored system.