
Use this resource to retrieve and export the events from the account history of a specific user.

Method summary

HTTP Method Path Description
GET /bwl/users/{user-id}/history Returns the account settings history of a specific user. You must be an administrator or call using a User Management Service ID.

GET /users/{user-id}/history

Use this method to retrieve and export the events from the user's account history.
Resource information
Requirements Description
Response format JSON or CSV. Use the Accept parameter to specify the format.
Requires authentication Yes
Supports OAuth 2 client credentials Yes using a User Service ID containing User Management Category
Name Location Description Required Type
Accept Header The format to accept. The value must be text/csv or application/json. If no value is provided, JSON is the default format. No String
user-id Path The identifier of the user to retrieve. Yes String
Example 1 input
GET the events from the account history of a specific user in CSV format:
  • Using OAuth 2 client credentials:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "Accept: text/csv"
Example 1 output
GET the events of a specific user account history in CSV format:

"Date","Target User (Email)","Made By (Email)","Made By (Full Name)","Change Type","Details" 
"Jun 30, 2020",""," ","Bob","JOIN (EDITOR)","joined the account as an editor by invitation from Blueworks Live Support" 
"Jun 29, 2020", "", "<Blueworks Live Support>","Blueworks Live Support","INVITE","invited to join the account"
Example 2 input
GET the events from the account history of a specific user in JSON format:
  • Using OAuth 2 client credentials:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "Accept: text/json" 
Example 2 output
GET the events of a specific user account history in JSON format:
[ { "date" : "Jun 30, 2020",   
     "target-user": "",
     "made-by-email" : "", 
     "made-by-full-name": "Bob" 
      "change-type" : "JOIN (EDITOR)",  
     "details" : "joined the account as an editor by invitation from Blueworks Live Support"  }, 

{   "date" : "Jun 29, 2020",  
     "target-user": "",
     "made-by-email" : "<Blueworks Live Support>",  
     "made-by-full-name": "Blueworks Live Support",
     "change-type" : "INVITE",   
     "details" : "invited to join the account" } ]  
Response messages
HTTP code Reason

The request was completed successfully.


There was an error processing the request. Required parameters were missing or contained invalid values.

This user didn't pass authentication. This response could appear for the following reasons:
  • An invalid username or password was provided.
  • This user belongs to multiple accounts and an account wasn't specified in the request.

Access is forbidden because you are not an account administrator.


The user-id parameter identifies a user that does not exist in this account.