

Returns a vector containing the results of performing a logical operation between a and b, using the truth table specified by c.


d=vec_logical(a, b, c)

Result and argument types

The following table describes the types of the returned value and the function arguments.

d a b c
vector4double vector4double vector4double int, a value in the range of [0x0, 0xF]

Result value

The value of each element of the result is the result of the logical operation between the corresponding elements of a and b, using the truth table specified by c.

The following table shows how to read the truth table in c for the nth element of a and b.

a[n] b[n] Binary result
False False c0
True False c1
False True c2
True True c3

The result value is calculated from the binary result.

Binary result Result value
0 1.0 (True)
1 -1.0 (False)


If (a[n] < 0.0) AND (b[n] < 0.0)
  If (c0 EQ 0), d[n]= -1.0
  Else d[n]= 1.0
If (a[n] ≥ 0.0) AND (b[n] < 0.0)
  If (c1 EQ 0), d[n]= -1.0
  Else d[n]= 1.0
If (a[n] < 0.0) AND (b[n] ≥ 0.0)
  If (c2 EQ 0), d[n]= -1.0
  Else d[n]= 1.0
If (a[n] ≥ 0.0) AND (b[n] ≥ 0.0)
  If (c3 EQ 0), d[n]= -1.0
  Else d[n]= 1.0
  • EQ is the equal operator.
  • In this function, NaN is considered to be less than zero.


You can use the values for c from the following table to replicate some usual logical operators.

Binary c Operator
0001 0x1 AND
0110 0x6 XOR
0111 0x7 OR
1000 0x8 NOR
1110 0xE NAND