Remote restart states

A remote restartable partition goes through several state changes regarding the remote restart operation, both on the source and destination servers. Most of the remote restart operations are supported only when the partition is in the appropriate remote restart state. A remote restart state is not related to the partition state, but is an indicator that is specifically associated with the remote restart operation.

You can use the lssyscfg command to view the remote restart status of the partition. The following are the possible values:
The partition that is configured for remote restart is in the Invalid state until the partition is activated. Remote restart is supported only on a partition that has been started at least once.
Remote Restartable
After the partition is started and running, the partition transitions into the Remote Restartable state. A partition in this state can be remote restarted.
Source Remote Restarting
During the actual remote restart operation, the source partition is in the Source Remote Restarting state. This state is transitional and valid until the remote restart operation completes or the operation is canceled.
Destination Remote Restarting
During the actual remote restart operation, the destination partition transitions into the Destination Remote Restarting state. This state is transitional and is valid until the remote restart operation completes or the operation is canceled.
Destination Remote Restarted
When the remote restart operation reaches the no return point on the destination system (all the adapters are configured on the destination system), the remote restart status is set to Destination Remote Restarted.
Remote Restarted
After the remote restart operation completes, the source partition is in the Remote Restarted state. The source partition can be cleaned up and the destination partition is now again ready to be restarted as needed.
Local Storage Update Failed
When an update to persisted information (configuration data stored external to the server on persistent storage) on the Hardware Management Console (HMC) fails due to any reason, the partition is in the Local Storage Update Failed state. This state indicates that the persisted information on the HMC is out of synchronization with the current partition configuration. Remote restart is not allowed in this remote restart state. However, you can use the usecurrdata option with the rrstartlpar command to run a remote restart operation.
Forced Source Side Restart
When you use the usecurrdata option with the rrstartlpar command to run a remote restart operation, the partition is restarted with the configuration data on the device and the remote restart state on the source system is updated to Forced Source Side Restart.
Remote Restartable Suspended
If a simplified remote restart partition is suspended, the remote restart state is set to the Remote Restartable Suspended state. This state indicates that the partition is suspended on the source system and remote restart is not allowed in this state. However, you can use the -force option to run a remote restart operation. The partition is restarted on the destination system and the suspended state is lost.
Source Remote Restarting for suspended Partition
When you use the -force option to run a remote restart operation on a suspended partition, the partition is restarted on the destination system. The remote restart state on the source system is set to Source Remote Restarting for suspended Partition.
Partial Update
When a system is connected to an HMC that has partitions with simplified remote restart capability enabled, the HMC automatically collects the configuration information and the data is stored external to the server on persistent storage. Some configuration information like virtual adapter information, requires a Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) connection to the Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) partitions. Therefore, the HMC waits until the RMC connection is established to collect such information. When the virtual adapter information is not collected for any reason, the remote restart state is set to Partial Update.
Stale Data
When a system is connected to an HMC, the remote restart state is set to Stale Data if there is configuration information existing for a partition before the state is changed to Partial Update.
Out Of Space
When an update to the persisted information fails because there is insufficient space on storage disk of the HMC to store the configuration information, the remote restart state is updated to Out Of Space. You can free up space on storage disk of the HMC and run the refdev command to recover from this state.
Profile Restored
When a profile restore operation is performed on a system, during the creation of the simplified remote restart capable partition, the remote restart state is set to Profile Restored.
Source Side Cleanup Failed
When a cleanup operation performed on the source system after a successful remote restart fails, remote restart state on the source partition is set to Source Side Cleanup Failed.
Reserved Storage Device Update Failed
This state is specific to the remote restart operation that requires a reserved storage device. When an update to the reserved storage device fails for any reason, the partition is in the Reserved Storage Device Update Failed state. This state indicates that the data on the device is not synchronized with the current partition configuration. Remote restart is not allowed in this remote restart state, however you can use the -force option to run a remote restart operation.

Last updated: Fri, July 05, 2019