IVM rmsyscfg command


Removes a logical partition from the managed system. This command is operable only in an Integrated Virtualization Manager environment.


rmsyscfg -r lpar { -n ParitionName | --id PartitionID }


The rmsyscfg command removes a logical partition from the managed system.


Flag name Description
-r ResourceType The type of resources to remove:

lpar - Logical  partition resources  

-m ManagedSystem The name of the managed system. This attribute is optional because there is only one system to manage. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed system.
-n PartitionName The name of the partition which you want to remove.
--id PartitionID The partition ID of the partition to remove.

Exit Status

This command has a return code of zero on success.


This command is not accessible by users with the ViewOnly role.


  1. To delete a partition with an lpar ID of 3, type:
    rmsyscfg -r lpar --id 3
  2. To delete a partition a name of lp3, type:
    rmsyscfg -r lpar -n lp3

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020