pdump command


Perform platform (hardware and firmware) dump-related actions.


pdump {-reserve fstype | -enable | -disable | -ls | -size}


The pdump command helps the operating system save firmware and hardware related dumps. This command also provides an estimate of the disk space required for storing these dumps. Note that platform and scan dumps are saved in order to capture the state of the firmware and the hardware for analysis.


Flag name Description
-disable Disables platform dumps.
-enable Enables platform dumps.
-ls Lists the current configuration of platform dump.
-reserve fstype Reserves enough disk space on the system for platform dumps. The -enable option will create a file system (if one does not exist) exclusively for platform dumps. If a file system already exists and the size is not enough, the file system size will be increased. The fstype must be a valid file system type. If the file system already exists, any may be specified.
-size Provides an estimate of disk space required to save the platform dumps when they occur. This option will interact with the firmware to provide this estimate. It is expected that, based on this space information, the user will have enough disk space allocated for platform dumps to be saved. The value output will be the required size in bytes.

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020