lsuser command


Displays user account attributes.


lsuser [ ALL | Name[, Name ] ...]


The lsuser command displays the user account attributes. You can use this command to list all attributes of all the system user accounts or all the attributes of specific user accounts. If you specify more than one user account, each user account is separated by a comma. If you do not specify any user accounts, the attributes of all user accounts are displayed.

The lsuser command lists each user's attributes on one line. It displays attribute information as Attribute=Value definitions, each separated by a blank space.
Note: The lsuser command only displays the users that were created on the Virtual I/O Server. It filters out all users that do not use the rksh shell or have the following role: roles=RunDiagnostics. The lsuser command does not display all LDAP users. For example, the command does not display an LDAP user that was created on another LDAP client, that does not exist on the Virtual I/O Server.


This command can be run by any users. However, user attributes are only displayed for the padmin user.


  1. To list all users on the system, type:
    The system displays output similar to the following for the padmin user:
    padmin roles=PAdmin account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0 
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=0
    sally roles=DEUser account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330
    henry roles=DEUser account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330
    admin1 roles=Admin account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330
    deuser1 roles=DEUser account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330
    sadan roles=Admin account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330 registry=LDAP 
    SYSTEM=LDAP sruser1 roles=SRUser,RunDiagnostics 
    account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330
    view1 roles=ViewOnly account_locked=false expires=0 histexpire=0
    histsize=0 loginretries=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 maxrepeats=8 minage=0
    minalpha=0 mindiff=0 minlen=0 minother=0 pwdwarntime=330
    The system displays the following information for other users:
    padmin roles=PAdmin 
    sally roles=DEUser 
    henry roles=DEUser 
    admin1 roles=Admin 
    deuser1 roles=DEUser 
    sadan roles=Admin
    sruser1 roles=SRUser
    view1 roles=ViewOnly 
  2. To display the attributes of user admin1, type the following command:
    lsuser admin1
  3. To display the attributes of user admin1 and user admin2, type the following command:
    lsuser admin1, admin2

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020