IVM lslparutil command


List utilization metrics for the managed system and partitions. This command is operable only in an Integrated Virtualization Manager environment.


To list utilization metrics:

lslparutil {-r sys | pool | lpar | mempool} [--startyear Year] [--startmonth Month] [--startday Day] [--starthour Hour] [--startminute Minute] [--endyear Year] [--endmonth Month] [--endday Day] [--endhour Hour] [--endminute Minute] [-n NumberOfEvents] [-spread] [--filter "FilterData"] [-F "AttributeNames"] [--header] [-m ManagedSystem]

To list utilization configuration attributes:

lslparutil -r config [ -F "AttributeNames" ] [ --header ] [ -m ManagedSystem ]


The lslparutil command lists utilization metrics for the managed system and partitions. The sample rate at which these metrics are gathered can be changed, or disabled. The information gathered from this command allows for the determination of processor utilization on a system and partition level over a given period of time.


Flag name Description
-r ResourceType The type of resources to list:
  • -r config: List configuration attributes for utilization monitoring
    • Attributes: sample_rate
    • Filters: None
  • -r lpar: List utilization data for logical partitions. The maximum number of logical partitions for which utilization data is listed is 40.
    • Attributes: time, time_bin, sys_time, event_type, resource_type, time_cycles, lpar_id, uptime, curr_io_entitled_mem, curr_proc_mode, curr_proc_units, curr_procs, curr_sharing_mode, curr_uncap_weight, curr_5250_cpw_percent, curr_mem, entitled_cycles, capped_cycles, mapped_io_entitled_mem, mem_mode, mem_overage_cooperation, phys_run_mem, uncapped_cycles, donated_cycles, idle_cycles, run_mem_weight, total_instructions, total_instructions_execution_time
    • Filters: { lpar_ids | lpar_names}
  • -r mempool: List information and statistics about memory pools
    • Attributes: time, time_bin, sys_time, event_type, resource_type, page_faults, page_in_delay, curr_pool_mem, lpar_curr_io_entitled_mem, lpar_mapped_io_entitled_mem, lpar_run_mem, sys_firmware_pool_mem
  • -r pool: List utilization data for shared processor pools
    • Attributes: time, time_bin, sys_time, event_type, resource_type, time_cycles, shared_proc_pool_id, curr_avail_pool_proc_units, configurable_pool_proc_units, borrowed_pool_proc_units, total_pool_cycles, utilized_pool_cycles
    • Filters: None
  • -r sys: List utilization data for the managed system
    • Attributes: time, time_bin, sys_time, event_type, resource_type, state, configurable_sys_proc_units, configurable_sys_mem, curr_avail_sys_proc_units, curr_avail_5250_cpw_percent, curr_avail_sys_mem, sys_firmware_mem, proc_cycles_per_second
    • Filters: None
--startyear Year Starting year filter (default 1970)
--startmonth Month Starting month filter (default 1) January is 1. December is 12
--startday Day Starting day filter (default 1)
--starthour Hour Starting hour filter (default 0)
--startminute Minute Starting minute filter (default 0)
--endyear Year Ending year filter (default now)
--endmonth Month Ending month filter (default now)
--endday Day Ending day filter (default now)
--endhour Hour Ending hour filter (default now)
--endminute Minute Ending minute filter (default now)
--n NumberOfEvents Starting from the most recent event, the maximum number of samples to return.
--spread Used with -n to distribute displayed samples evenly over time.
-m ManagedSystem The name of the managed system. This attribute is optional because there is only one system to manage. The name might either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed system.
--filter FilterData The filters to apply to the resources to be listed. Filters are used to select which resources of the specified resource type are to be listed. If no filters are used, then all of the resources of the specified resource type will be listed. For example, specific partitions can be listed by using a filter to specify the names or IDs of the partitions to list. Otherwise, if no filter is used, then all the partitions in the managed system will be listed.

The filter data consists of filter name/value pairs, which are in comma separated value (CSV) format. The filter data must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

The format of the filter data is as follows:
Note that certain filters accept a comma separated list of values, as follows:

When a list of values is specified, the filter name/value pair must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Depending on the shell being used, nested double quotation marks might need to be preceded by an escape character, which is usually a '\' character.


Unless otherwise indicated, multiple values can be specified for each filter.

Valid filter names for -r lpar
ID of the partitions to view
Name of the partitions to view
-F AttributeNames A delimiter separated list of attribute names for the desired attribute values to be displayed for each resource. If no attribute names are specified, then values for all of the attributes for the resource will be displayed.

When this option is specified, only attribute values will be displayed. No attribute names will be displayed. The attribute values displayed will be separated by the delimiter which was specified with this option.

This option is useful when only attribute values are desired to be displayed, or when the values of only selected attributes are desired to be displayed.

Attribute Names:

Processing units that are being borrowed from powered off partitions with dedicated processors.
The number of capped processing cycles utilized by this partition since the system started.
The number of configurable processing units in the shared pool at the time of the sample
The amount of configurable system memory (in megabytes) at the time of the sample.
The number of configurable system processing units at the time of the sample.
The 5250 CPW percent assigned to the partition at the time of the sample.
The 5250 CPW percent available to be assigned to partitions at the time of the sample.
The number of processing units available to be assigned to partitions at the time of the sample.
The amount of memory (in megabytes) available to be assigned to partitions at the time of the sample.
The number of processing units available to be assigned to partitions at the time of the sample.
The size of memory that the logical partition is entitled to map to I/O (in megabytes).
The amount of memory (in megabytes) assigned to the partition at the time of the sample.
The total amount of physical memory (in megabytes) in the memory pool.
The processing mode for the partition at the time of the sample. Valid values
  • ded: dedicated processor mode
  • shared: shared processor mode curr_proc_units
Current number of processing units assigned to the partition. This attribute is only valid for partitions using shared processors.
The number of processors or virtual processors assigned to the partition at the time of the sample.
The sharing mode of the partition at the time of the sample. Valid values:
  • keep_idle_procs: valid with dedicated processor mode
  • share_idle_procs: valid with dedicated processor mode
  • cap: capped mode. valid with shared processor mode
  • uncap: uncapped mode. valid with shared processor mode
The current weighted average of processing priority when in uncapped sharing mode at the time of the sample. The smaller the value, the lower the weight. Valid values are 0-255
The number of cycles donated by a partition with dedicated processors.
The number of processing cycles to which the partition has been entitled since the system started. This value is based on the number of processing units assigned to the partition, and might be greater than, or smaller than the number of cycles actually used.
The type of event. This will be displayed with a constant value of sample for all samples except the config resource type.
The number of cycles that the logical partition reported as idle. If the partition does not have the ability to report idle cycles, this value is 0.
The total entitlement (in megabytes) of all shared memory partitions served by the memory pool.
The unique integer identifier for the partition.
The total I/O mapped memory (in megabytes) of all active partitions served by the memory pool.
The total logical real memory in megabytes of all active partitions served by the memory pool.
Size of memory (in megabytes) that the logical partition has mapped to I/O memory.
The partition memory mode. Valid values:
  • ded - dedicated memory
  • shared - shared memory
If the memory mode is shared, then the logical partition cannot be assigned any physical I/O slots, the proc_mode attribute on the partition must be shared, and a memory pool must exist.
Note: The Virtual I/O Server logical partition only supports the dedicated memory mode.
The total-page fault count of the memory pool since the initialization of the pool, or since the last reboot of the hypervisor, whichever is more recent.
The total page in delay (in microseconds) spent waiting for the page faults since the initialization of the memory pool, or since the last reboot of the hypervisor, whichever is more recent.
The size of physical memory (in megabytes) that is backing the logical address space of the logical partition. This value represents the portion of the logical memory assignment that is currently paged in the logical partition.
The processing cycles per second on one physical processor. This value is static for a particular managed system.
The resource type queried. Valid values are sys, pool, and lpar, depending on which value is supplied for the -r flag.
The number of non-idle cycles used by the partition, while the run-latch is set, since the last time the system was started.
Note: This attribute is not supported on IBM® POWER8® systems and the attribute value will be 0.
The number of non-idle instructions performed by the partition, while the run-latch is set, since the last time the system was started.
Note: This attribute is not supported on IBM POWER8 systems and the attribute value will be 0.
Shared memory weight at run time.
The rate at which samples are obtained. This can be changed with the chlparutil command. Valid values:
  • 0: Samples will not be retrieved.
  • 30: Samples will be retrieved every 30 seconds. This is the default value.
  • 60: Samples will be retrieved every minute.
  • 300: Samples will be retrieved every 5 minutes.
  • 1800: Samples will be retrieved every 30 minutes.
  • 3600: Samples will be retrieved every hour.
The unique decimal identifier for a shared processing pool.
The state of the managed system at the time of the sample.
The amount of memory, in megabytes, on the managed system that is being used by system firmware at the time of the sample.
The amount of memory in the shared memory pool that is reserved for use by the firmware. This is the greater of the current and pending values.
The time on the managed system that the sample was taken. The time and sys_time attributes will have the same value.
The time on the management partition that this sample was taken. The time and sys_time attributes will have the same value.
The time or sys_time represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
The number of time cycles since the system was started.
The number of instructions performed by the partition since the managed system was started.
Note: This attribute is supported only on IBM POWER8 processor-based systems.
The amount of time instruction counts that were collected since the managed system was started.
Note: This attribute is supported only on IBM POWER8 processor-based systems.
The total number of processing cycles available in the shared pool since the system was started.
The number of uncapped processing cycles utilized by this partition since the system was started.
The amount of time (in seconds) that the partition has been running at the time of the sample.
The number of processing cycles in the shared pool that have been utilized since the system was started.
--header Display a header record, which is a delimiter separated list of attribute names for the attribute values that will be displayed. This header record will be the first record displayed. This option is only valid when used with the -F option.

Exit Status

This command has a return code of 0 on success.


This command is accessible by all users.


  1. To list the last five shared processing pool utilization metrics, type:
    lslparutil -r pool -n 5
  2. To calculate the shared processing pool utilization in percent over a five-minute time period, type:
    lslparutil -r pool --startyear 2006 --startmonth 10 --startday 4 
    --starthour 15 --startminute 23 --endyear 2006 --endmonth 10 
    --endday 4 --endhour 15 --endminute 28 
    -F time,total_pool_cycles,utilized_pool_cycles
    10/04/2006 15:27:56,449504263518104,372389272879
    10/04/2006 15:27:26,449442382657200,372195239995
    10/04/2006 15:26:56,449382561908822,371998920942
    10/04/2006 15:26:26,449320667371346,371797239591
    10/04/2006 15:25:56,449258781703684,371592366752
    10/04/2006 15:25:26,449196894951060,371394157970
    10/04/2006 15:24:56,449135006535822,371192089089
    10/04/2006 15:24:27,449075176369863,369243635687
    10/04/2006 15:23:56,449013298087726,369040980263
    10/04/2006 15:23:26,448951445376558,368850062933
    Pool utilization = (utilized_pool_cycle / total_pool_cycles) * 100
    Pool utilization = ((372389272879 - 368850062933) / 
                       (449504263518104 - 448951445376558)) * 100
    Pool utilization = 0.64%
  3. To calculate the shared processing pool size over a five-minute time period, type:
    lslparutil -r pool --startyear 2006 --startmonth 10 --startday 4 
    --starthour 15 --startminute 23 --endyear 2006 --endmonth 10 
    --endday 4 --endhour 15 --endminute 28 -F time,time_cycles,total_pool_cycles
    10/04/2006 15:27:56,112376065883848,449504263518104
    10/04/2006 15:27:26,112360595668767,449442382657200
    10/04/2006 15:26:56,112345640481652,449382561908822
    10/04/2006 15:26:26,112330166847247,449320667371346
    10/04/2006 15:25:56,112314695430447,449258781703684
    10/04/2006 15:25:26,112299223741951,449196894951060
    10/04/2006 15:24:56,112283751639775,449135006535822
    10/04/2006 15:24:27,112268794096846,449075176369863
    10/04/2006 15:23:56,112253324526335,449013298087726
    10/04/2006 15:23:26,112237861348574,448951445376558
    Pool size = total_pool_cycles / time_cycles
    Pool size = (449504263518104 - 448951445376558) / 
                (112376065883848 - 112237861348574)
    Pool size = 4
  4. To calculate the processing utilization in percent for partition 1 over the last 11 samples, type:
    lslparutil -r lpar -F time,lpar_id,entitled_cycles,capped_cycles,uncapped_cycles 
    --filter lpar_ids=1 -n 11
    06/26/2005 12:13:04,1,13487973395246,353524992184,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:12:33,1,13486720703117,353490258336,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:12:03,1,13485467110700,353456792591,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:11:33,1,13484213859686,353423048854,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:11:03,1,13482961098044,353386674795,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:10:32,1,13481706673802,353350985013,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:10:02,1,13480453156357,353317211748,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:09:32,1,13479199972343,353283141535,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:09:02,1,13477946765207,353248812551,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:08:31,1,13476693184663,353213970760,93964052971
    06/26/2005 12:08:01,1,13475439617080,353179654833,93964052971
    Processor utilization = ((capped_cycles + uncapped_cycles) 
                            / entitled_cycles) * 100
    Processor utilization = (((353524992184 - 353179654833) 
                            + (93964052971 - 93964052971)) 
                            / (13487973395246 - 13475439617080)) * 100
    Processor utilization = 2.76%
  5. To calculate the most recent number of utilized processor units for partition 1, type:
    lslparutil -r lpar -F time,time_cycles,capped_cycles,uncapped_cycles -n 2 \
    --filter lpar_ids=1
    10/06/2006 09:42:58,190122585897822,836322334068,1209599213218
    10/06/2006 09:42:28,190107628555119,836215824328,1209507899652
    Processor units used = (capped_cycles + uncapped_cycles) / time_cycles
    Processor units used = ((836322334068 - 836215824328) 
                           + (1209599213218 - 1209507899652)) /
                           (190122585897822 - 190107628555119)
    Processor units used = 0.01
  6. To display 5 entries spread over the last day, type:
    lslparutil -r lpar --startyear 2005 --startmonth 6 --startday 25 \
    --starthour 14 --startminute 20 --endyear 2005 --endmonth 6 \
    --endday 26 --endhour 14 --endminute 20 -F time,lpar_id,entitled_cycles,\
    capped_cycles,uncapped_cycles -n 5 --spread
    06/26/2005 14:20:03,1,64074629124428,2634420796918,3335839807455
    06/26/2005 08:20:03,1,63180190141506,2597103712238,3292339240560
    06/26/2005 02:20:02,1,62285686629911,2559847748332,3249081303922
    06/25/2005 20:20:01,1,61391161857754,2522594738730,3205850397796
    06/25/2005 14:20:01,1,60496719757782,2485459490629,3162821474641
    Note: This data is particularly useful for graphing utilization data.
  7. To view the number of donated cycles, type:
    lslparutil -r lpar -F donated_cycles
  8. To view the number of instructions performed by the partition since the managed system was started, type:
    lslparutil -r lpar -m sys1 --filters lpar_ids=8  
    sys_time=10/15/2012 07:58:28,time_cycles=1725250577341441,

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020