loadopt command


Load a virtual optical media disk from the Virtual Media Repository into a virtual optical device.


loadopt [ -f ] [ -release ] -disk FileName -vtd VirtualTargetDevice


The loadopt command loads the specified virtual optical disk (FileName) into the specified virtual optical device (VirtualTargetDevice).
Note: A particular virtual disk can only be loaded into more than one file-backed virtual optical device simultaneously if the virtual DVD is designated as read-only. If the virtual optical device already has a different virtual disk loaded, the command will fail unless the -f flag is specified, in which case an implicit unload will be performed first.


Flag name Description
-disk FileName Specifies the file name of the virtual media to load into the virtual optical device.
-f Force the media to be loaded even if the virtual optical device already has media loaded.
-release Forces the virtual optical device to be unlocked even if the client has a reserve on the device.
-vtd VirtualTargetDevice The name of the virtual target device.


To load the virtual optical disk clientData into the virtual optical device vopt1, type the following command:
loadopt -disk clientData -vtd vopt1

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020