cattracerpt command


Formats a report from the trace log.


cattracerpt [ -hookid List | -lshid ] [ -outfile FileName ]


The cattracerpt command reads the trace log, formats the trace entries, and writes a report to standard output.


Flag name Description
-hookid List Limits report to hook IDs specified with the List variable. The List parameter items must be separated by commas.
-lshid Displays the list of hook IDs. The cattracerpt -listid command can be used with the starttrace -event command that includes IDs of trace events.
-outfile File Writes the report to a file instead of to standard output.


  • To send a trace report to the newfile file, enter:
    cattracerpt -outfile newfile
  • To display a list of hook IDs, enter:
    cattracerpt -lshid

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020