Choosing existing call-home servers to connect to service and support for this HMC

Choose existing HMC call-home servers that have been recognized, or "discovered" by this HMC to report errors.

Discovered HMCs are HMCs that are enabled as call-home servers and are either on the same subnet or manage the same managed system as this HMC.

To choose a discovered HMC to call home when this HMC reports errors, do the following:
  1. In the navigation area, click Service Management.
  2. In the content area, click Manage Outbound Connectivity. The Call-Home Server Consoles window opens.
  3. Click the Use discovered call-home server consoles . The HMC displays the IP address or host name of the HMCs configured for call-home.
  4. Click OK.
You can also manually add existing HMC call-home servers that are on a different subnet. Select the IP address or host name of the HMC that is configured for call home and click Add. Then click OK.

Last updated: Mon, April 13, 2020