First-failure Data Capture for partition mobility failures

With the Hardware Management Console (HMC) Version 8.2.0, or later, you can automatically collect first-failure data capture (FFDC) data when a partition mobility operation fails. This information is useful in analyzing partition mobility failures.

Run the following command to enable or disable the automatic collection of FFDC data:
migrdbg -o  e | d 
  • e is used to enable the automatic FFDC function. By default, the function is disabled.
  • d is used to disable the automatic FFDC function.
You can run the following command to manually collect the FFDC data:
migrdbg -o c -m source_system -t target_system
Where c is used to start manual FFDC data collection. Manual FFDC data collection can be run even when the automatic FFDC is disabled.
Run the following command to list the available Live Partition Mobility FFDC packages:
lsmigrdbg -r file
Run the following command to display whether automatic collection of FFDC data is enabled or disabled:
lsmigrdbg -r config

Last updated: Tue, March 12, 2019