IBM Support

Updates to DB2 Automation Tool V4.2 User's Guide

Product Documentation


Updates that apply to DB2® Automation Tool for z/OS® Version 4.2 User's Guide (SC19-4386-00)


The most recent update is listed first.

Update 8
Date of change: July 2016
Topics: Multiple
Change description: APAR PI57560 allows DB2 Automation Tool to detect when non-partitioned objects that were explicitly included in an object profile have since been altered to partitioned objects. It allows the user to specify how such objects are processed (at the ALL or PART level).

The following PDF contains detailed descriptions of the changes:

Update 7
Date of change: July 2016
Topics: Multiple
Change description: APAR PI57775 adds support for an alternate or default user ID to run DB2 administrative task scheduler tasks, instead of the DB2 Automation Tool default of the current user ID.

The following PDF contains detailed descriptions of the changes:

Update 6
Date of change:
January 2016
Topics: Multiple
Change description:
APAR PI49417 adds support for DB2 High Performance Unload (DB2 HPU) Version 4.3.

The following topics were added or updated in support of this APAR:

  1. "Worksheets: Gathering parameter values for DB2 Automation Tool"
  2. "Entering information for using DB2 High Performance Unload with DB2 Automation Tool”
  3. "Generating DB2 High Performance Unload jobs"
  4. "Messages"

1. Topic: "Worksheets: Gathering parameter values for DB2 Automation Tool”

    In "Chapter 2. Preparing to customize DB2 Automation Tool," the “DB2 HPU ver/rel/mod” field indicates the new default value of “430”.

2. Topic: "Entering information for using DB2 High Performance Unload with DB2 Automation Tool”

    Update the following field description:
    HPU Version
    Enter the version of DB2 HPU that is installed on the system.
    Note: DB2 Automation Tool supports DB2 HPU V4.2 and V4.3.

3. Topic: “Generating DB2 High Performance Unload jobs":

    Update the software requirements to “IBM DB2 High Performance Unload for z/OS V4.2 or V4.3.”

4. Topic "Messages” in the Troubleshooting section.
    Add the following messages:
      HAA806E Single quote (apostrophe) not allowed for OPTIMIZATION_HINT.
      Explanation: A single quote was added to the OPTIMIZATION_HINT field. This might cause errors at run time if the entire string is not encased in quotes.
      User response: Remove the single quote from the OPTIMIZATION_HINT string.

      HAA807E Invalid Value - Value must be blank, numeric, or NUMRECS.
      Explanation: An invalid value was entered in the Numrecs field.
      User response: Enter a valid value as listed in the message text.

      HAA808E Invalid Value - Value must be T for Total or D for Delta.
      Explanation: An invalid value was entered in the PROCESS_MSG_FREQ type field.
      User response: Enter a valid value as listed in the message text.

      HAA809W This option is only available if the DB2 option on panel HAA$HPUO is set to Force.
      Explanation: If DB2 is not set to Force, this field will not be included in the generated JCL.
      User response: If you want to include this option, set the DB2 field on the HPU Options panel to F(orce).

      HAA810E Invalid value entered. Valid values are blank, N for none, E for enable, F for enable with failback, L for eligible, or A for all.
      Explanation: An invalid value was entered in the QUERY_ACCELERATION field.
      User response: Enter a valid value as listed in the message text.

    Update the following messages:
      HAA727E Invalid value - Enter a value for HPU Version from the list displayed.
      Explanation: Enter a valid value for your DB2® HPU version from the list displayed. DB2 Automation Tool currently supports DB2 HPU V4.2 and V4.3.
      User response: Enter a valid version in the HPU Version field.

      HAAB200W Optimization Hint | Query Acceleration will be ignored because DB2 Force was not selected.
      Explanation: The Optimization Hint or Query Acceleration options are only valid if DB2 is set to Force. The option will not be included in the generated JCL.
      User response: If you want to include one of these options, set the Force option on the HPU Options panel to F(orce).

Update 5
Date of change:
Topics: Multiple
Change description:
Multiple enhancements were added in APAR PI48030 to implement the use of user-generated TEMPLATE DDs, to add a REORG option to turn off tape stacking, and to add a job generation option to specify a static job build data set and member name. In addition, DB2 Automation Tool will now retry OPEN statements when a -911 SQLCODE is encountered due to deadlock or timeout, and if the deadlock or timeout does not resolve, issue a return code of 4 and a message indicating that the current unit of work has been rolled back.

The following topics were added or updated in support of PI48030:

· "Worksheets: Gathering parameter values for DB2 Automation Tool"

· New topic: "Specifying TEMPLATEDD data set, member, and name defaults"

· "Setting RECOVER options”

· "Specifying image copy options”

· "Setting REORG options”

· "Setting index REORG options"

· "Setting options for the UNLOAD"

· "Updating job generation options”

· "Generating DB2 High Performance Unload jobs”

· "Messages"

1. Updated topic: "Worksheets: Gathering parameter values for DB2 Automation Tool”

The following changes were made to "Chapter 2. Preparing to customize DB2 Automation Tool." These changes are contained in the accompanying PDF.

Tools Customizer changes for TEMPLATEDD_DB2AutomationToolV42.pdfTools Customizer changes for TEMPLATEDD_DB2AutomationToolV42.pdf

2. New topic: "Specifying TEMPLATEDD data set, member, and name defaults”

Add the following topic under the "DB2 Automation Tool setup options" topic:

Specifying TEMPLATEDD data set, member, and name defaults

Use this portion of the configuration to specify default TEMPLATEDD data sets, member names, and template names. This information is used to create TEMPLATEDD control statements that define data set naming conventions and allocation parameters for some DB2 utilities.

Before you begin

Before specifying these defaults, the template data sets and members must exist and must contain control statements that follow DB2 syntax rules for the TEMPLATE utility control statement.

About this task

If you specify values in these fields, template data set names that are created by DB2 Automation Tool in the utility profiles are ignored, and the template DDs that are provided using these panels are used. However, if a template DD data set, member, and name are included in a utility profile, the utility profile template DDs override the values that are set in the defaults.


1. Enter 6 in the Command line on the System Parameters panel and press Enter. The Template DSN Parameters panel is displayed.

2. For each listed utility, enter default template DDs as follows:

a. Specify the template data set name in the Data set name field.

b. Specify the template member name in the Member name field.

c. Use one of the following methods to provide the template name:

- Enter the template name for the listed data set type in the Template Name field.

- Or, select a template name using the following steps:

i. Enter Y in the corresponding Select field and press Enter.

ii. On the TEMPLATEDD Name Selection panel, enter S next to the template name and press Enter. The template name is transferred to the Template Name header field.

iii. Press PF3. The Template DSN Parameters panel is displayed. The template name is inserted in the Template Name field and a message confirms the template name selection.

3. Press PF3 to exit the panel.

2. Updated topic: "Setting RECOVER options”

Add the following field description to this topic:

Optional Template Dataset and member name fields

These fields can be used when generating an online REBUILD INDEX, which can use a TEMPLATEDD for FlashCopy. If you want to use an existing template for FlashCopy instead of allowing DB2 Automation Tool to create the template, enter the template data set and member name here. The template data set must already exist and the template members must follow DB2 syntax rules for the TEMPLATE control statement. When you select a FlashCopy copy type and update the options for that type, you will be prompted to select a template name on the TEMPLATEDD Name Selection panel. Using your own templates also requires that the job generation option Generate Templates is set to Y in the job profile.

3. Updated topic: "Specifying image copy options”

Add the following field description to this topic:

Optional Template Dataset and member name fields

If you want to use an existing template instead of allowing DB2 Automation Tool to create the template, enter the template data set and member name here. The template data set must already exist and the template members must follow DB2 syntax rules for the TEMPLATE control statement. When you select an image copy type and update the options for that type, you will be prompted to select a template name on the TEMPLATEDD Name Selection panel. Using your own templates also requires that the job generation option Generate Templates is set to Y in the job profile.

Note: If these values are included, they override existing templates created by DB2 Automation Tool in this profile as well as TEMPLATEDD default parameters in the setup options.

4. Updated topic: "Setting REORG options”

Add the following field descriptions to this topic:

Optional Template Dataset and member name fields

If you want to use an existing template instead of allowing DB2 Automation Tool to create the template, enter the template data set and member name here. Template data sets can be used for copies and for discard, SYSPUNCH, and SYSREC data sets. The template data set must already exist and the template members must follow DB2 syntax rules for the TEMPLATE control statement. If you enter a template data set and member name, you must enter Y in one or more of the following fields to select a template name:

- Copy options (Include and Update)

- Discard (Include and Update Discard DSN options)

- Update Sysrec DSN options

- Update Syspunch DSN options

When you select one or more of these, you are prompted to select a template name on the TEMPLATEDD Name Selection panel.

Using your own templates also requires that the job generation option Generate Templates is set to Y in the job profile.

Note: If these values are included, they override existing templates created by DB2 Automation Tool in this profile as well as TEMPLATEDD default parameters in the setup options.

Turn off Tape Stacking

If an image copy with templates is included with a REORG utility that uses a tape device, the default behavior is to generate STACK YES. Enter Y to exclude the STACK keyword, or N to let DB2 Automation Tool determine if STACK should be generated.

5. Updated topic: "Setting index REORG options”

Add the following field description to this topic:

Optional Template Dataset and member name

If you want to use an existing template for FlashCopy instead of allowing DB2 Automation Tool to create the template, enter the template data set and member name here. When you select a FlashCopy copy type and update the options for that type, you will be prompted to select a template name on the TEMPLATEDD Name Selection panel. Using your own templates also requires that the job generation option Generate Templates is set to Y in the job profile.

Note: If these values are included, they override existing templates created by DB2 Automation Tool in this profile, as well as TEMPLATEDD default parameters in the setup options

6. Updated topic: "Setting options for the UNLOAD”

Add the following field description to this topic:

Optional Template Dataset and member name

If you want to use an existing template for UNLOAD instead of allowing DB2 Automation Tool to create the template, enter the template data set and member name here. The template data set must already exist and the template members must follow DB2 syntax rules for the TEMPLATE control statement. Templates can be used for the SYSREC and SYSPUNCH DDs. If you specify to use templates, you will be prompted to select a template name on the TEMPLATEDD Name Selection panel when you update SYSREC or SYSPUNCH data set options.

7. Updated topic: "Updating job generation options”

Add the following to this topic:

Static Job Build Dataset and Member
If specified, these fields override the JCL generation data set and member name specified at build time. These fields are dependent on the Set JCL member equal to jobname field; if set to Yes, and the static job build data set name is provided, the member name must be left blank. If the Set JCL member equal to jobname field is set to No and the static job build data set name is provided, a valid member name must be provided. The data set entered in this field must exist. The member does not have to exist; if it does not exist, it will be created when the job is generated.

8. Updated topic: "Generating DB2 High Performance Unload jobs”

Updates were made to the task steps for two topics in "Chapter 18. Generating DB2 High Performance Unload jobs". The revised topics are in the accompanying PDF.

DB2 HPU chapter update_DB2AutomationToolV42.pdfDB2 HPU chapter update_DB2AutomationToolV42.pdf

9. Topic "Messages” in the Troubleshooting section.

Add the following messages:

HAA805E - Template data sets are not available for non-DB2 image copy utility modes.
Explanation: Image copy utility modes E (ESS) and S (Symmetrix) do not support template data sets.
User Response: Remove the template data set to continue.

HAAB167I REORG TS Turn off tape stacking was selected with an image copy template on a tape device. STACK has been set to No.
Explanation: The Turn off Tape Stacking field was set to Y in the utility profile, and an image copy utility using templates is being generated for REORG TABLESPACE. STACK YES will not be included in the job; the default of STACK NO is assumed.
User response: No action is required.

HAAB533I Templates are required for TEMPLATEDD. Templates have been turned on for utility_name.
Explanation: If templates are set to No in job options, the template value will be set to Yes for this utility because it is required for TEMPLATEDD support.
User response: No action is required.

HAAB535W Default setup | utility_name TEMPLATEDD data set does not exist.
Explanation: The template data set that is included in the utility profile, or in the setup panels, no longer exists.
User response: Update the utility profile and select a template name from a valid data set, or specify a template via DB2 Automation Tool.

HAAB571W function_type for utility_name utility has been turned off because a required TEMPLATEDD template name is missing.
Explanation: A template data set has been deleted or renamed, so the template name no longer exists.
User response: Update the utility profile or the setup template DD default value to specify a valid template data set, member, and name.

HAAB572E Required TEMPLATEDD template name missing. utility_name has been turned off.
Explanation: A template data set may have been deleted or renamed.
User response: Update the utility profile or the setup template DD default value to specify a valid template data set, member, and name.

HAAB573I: Template data sets are not available for non-DB2 utility modes. The data set name created via Image Copy Options will be generated.
Explanation: An image copy utility mode was selected other than DB2, and a template data set and member was also specified. Template data sets are not valid with non-DB2 image copy modes. The image copy data set name will be generated using image copy DSN generation options.
User response: No action is required.

HAAB605W The current unit of work has been rolled back due to deadlock or timeout in module_name
Explanation: A -911 SQL code was encountered during the current unit of work. The current unit of work was the victim in a deadlock, or experienced a timeout, and must be rolled back.
User response: No action is required. The application terminates.

HAAM643W The Static Job Build data set was specified in job options, but is either invalid or no longer exists in the MVS catalog. Pre-existing data set and member values will be used.
Explanation: A value was specified for the Static Job Build Dataset and Member fields, but the data set is either invalid or it no longer exists in the MVS catalog.
User response: Update the Generation Options panel to include a valid job build data set and member, or enter the desired values here.

HAAM669I The Static Job Build Dataset and Member name specified in job options will be used for this job build.
Explanation: A value was specified for the Static Job Build Dataset and Member fields and will override the existing data set and member values for this build.
User response: No action is required.

HAAM772E If the Static Job Build Dataset field is specified and Set JCL member equal to jobname is Yes, the static job build member must be blank.
Explanation: The Static Job Build data set field was specified, and Set JCL member equal to jobname is set to Yes. Because the job name will be used for the JCL, the static job build member name must be blank.
User response: Remove the member name from the Static Job Build Dataset member field.

HAAM787E Template data set must be a valid, existing, partitioned data set.
Explanation: The data set is invalid or does not exist.
User response: Enter a valid data set name.

HAAM788E When a template data_set_name | member_name is entered, a valid template data_set_name | member_name must also be included.
Explanation: A template data set name was entered but the member name is blank, or a template member name was entered but the data set name is blank.
User response: Enter both the template data set name and a member name.

HAAM789I Template name template_name was successfully selected | removed.
Explanation: A template name was selected or removed from the template selection panel.
User response: No action is required.

HAAM790E: When a template data set and member are specified and function_or_type is selected, a template name must also be included.
Explanation: When a template data set and member name are included, a template name must also be selected.
User response: Select a template name for the function or type displayed in the message text.

HAAM791E OUTDDN | LOADDDN data_set_name | template_name missing for Table Sel Name table_name.
Explanation: A template data set and member name was entered, and Include Select Table and Columns is set to Yes on HAA$HPUO. However, a template name is missing for one of the tables, or a data set name is missing when a template data set and member name are not specified. The table in question is described by the table_name in the message text. This table is defined on panel HAA$HPTB (HPU Table Selection).
User response: On HAA$HPUO, enter Update for Select Table and Columns, then select the table that matches the table_name value to include the missing template name.

HAAM792E Duplicate Template name found. The type matches the type for Select select_name. Provide a unique name for each.
Explanation: A template name matches another template name within DB2 HPU.
User response: Select a unique template name for each type.

HAAM793E A valid data set and member name must be included for utility_name before including or selecting a template name.
Explanation: A template data set and member name was not entered before attempting to select or include a template name.
User response: Enter a valid existing template data set and member name for the desired utility before including or selecting a template name.

HAAM794E No template names exist in the specified data set and member.
Explanation: A template data set and member were selected, but no template names exist in the member.
User response: Update the data set member to include the desired template, or specify a different data set or member.

HAAM795W A type template name must be included to continue.
Explanation: For UNLOAD and DB2 HPU utilities, some types are required before building JCL.
User response: Enter the required template name as described in the message text.

HAAM796W Since a template name was not included for type, the Include and Update fields have been set to “N” for type.
Explanation: A valid template name is required for the type listed in the message text. Because a valid template name was not included, the Include and Update fields have been set to N for type.
User response: No action is required. If you want to include the type that is described in the message text, include a template name.

HAAM797W The include type option was selected and no type template name exists. Select a type template name.
Explanation: The include type option that is specified in the message is set to Yes, but the template name is blank.
User response: Select a template name for the type that is described in the message text.

HAAM798W Since a template name was not included for OUTDDN, the select_name Select Statement has been set to “N”.
Explanation: A table was selected for DB2 HPU, but upon exit from the HPU Select Format panel, the required OUTDDN template name was blank.
User response: No action is required. If the table in question must be included, a template name must be selected for OUTDDN.

HAAM799E Duplicate template name found. The type name matches the type name. Provide a unique name for each.
Explanation: Duplicate template names were found. For UNLOAD or DB2 HPU utilities, these template names must be unique to avoid errors at run time.
User response: Enter a unique template name for each type described in the message text.

HAAM810E Template name required for utility. Enter at least one template name to continue.
Explanation: A data set and member name were specified, but no template name was included.
User response: Include at least one template name.

HAAM811E A local backup template name cannot be selected without a local primary template name.
Explanation: A local backup template name was selected without first specifying a local primary template name.
User response: Select a local primary template name.

HAAM812E A recovery backup template name cannot be selected without a recovery primary template name.
Explanation: A recovery backup template name was selected without first specifying a recovery primary template name.
User response: Select a recovery primary template name.

HAAM813E Invalid template name. The template name does not meet the template naming standards.
Explanation: A value was entered for template name that is not supported by DB2.
User response: Correct the template name as described in the help text or in the DB2 utility guide and reference under template-name.

HAAM814E Only one template can be selected.
Explanation: More than one template name was selected for the specified type.
User response: Select only one template name.

Update 4
Date of change:
Topic: "RUNSTATS options"

Change description: APAR PI41501 changes how the RUNSTATS FORCEROLLUP keyword is generated. The default value is now blank in the Force Rollup field. DB2 Automation Tool uses the value of the subsystem parameter STATROLL for FORCEROLLUP, if provided.

Change the Force Rollup field in the "RUNSTATS options" topic to the following:

Force Rollup

Leave a blank in this field (default) to indicate that DB2 is to use the value of the STATROLL subsystem parameter. When this field is blank and the STATROLL subsystem parameter does not exist, FORCEROLLUP NO is generated. A value of Y in this field forces aggregation or rollup of statistics when RUNSTATS is executed and some parts are empty. A value of N specifies aggregation only if data is available for all parts.

Update 3
Date of change: 05/06/2015
Topic: Installing the DB2 Automation Tool extension
Change description: APAR PI34835 added three batch jobs that can be used to install and uninstall the DB2 Automation extension using Unix System Services (USS) and HFS. The following topic has been added:

Installing the DB2 Automation Tool extension using UNIX System Services and HFS

Three batch jobs are provided in the SHAASAMP library to help you install (and uninstall) the DB2 Automation Tool extension by using UNIX System Services (USS) and HFS.

Before you begin

The DB2 Automation Tool extension requires that you purchase DB2 Automation Tool as part of the DB2 Utilities Solutions Pack.

Before installing the DB2 Automation Tool extension for the IBM® Management Console for IMS and DB2 for z/OS:

  • DB2 Automation Tool must be installed by using SMP/E.
  • Tools Customizer configuration must be complete for the DB2 Utilities Solutions Pack and DB2 Automation Tool.

About this task

To install or uninstall the DB2 Automation Tool extension using UNIX System Services and HFS, you can customize and run the following batch jobs provided in SHAASAMP:

  • HAAZCOPY allocates and mounts a new ZFS or HFS file system to be used for the Management Console product repositories, and then copies the DB2 Automation Tool extension repository file (located in SHAABIN(HAA$REP0)) into the file system.
  • HAAZINS installs the DB2 Automation Tool extension into the Management Console using IBM Installation Manager.
  • HAAZUNI uninstalls the DB2 Automation Tool extension using IBM Installation Manager.

Important: The user ID that is used to run these jobs must have UID(0) access or have READ access to the BPX.SUPERUSER facility class.


  1. After DB2 Automation Tool installation via SMP/E, modify the JCL in member HAAZCOPY in the SHAASAMP library to meet your requirements. This job allocates the required file system. Refer to the detailed comments provided in the member for instructions.
  2. Submit the HAAZCOPY job.
  3. Modify the JCL in member HAAZINS in the SHAASAMP library to meet your requirements. This job installs the DB2 Automation Tool extension into the Management Console using IBM Installation Manager. Refer to the detailed comments provided in the member for instructions.
  4. Submit the HAAZINZ job.

What to do next

If you want to uninstall the DB2 Automation Tool extension from the Management Console, modify the JCL in member HAAZUNI to meet your requirements and submit the job. Refer to the comments provided in the member for instructions.

Update 2
Date of change: 2/14/2015
Topic: Installing the DB2 Automation Tool extension
Change description: APAR PI29592 changed the library in which the DB2 Automation Tool Management Console extension file is distributed. The following topic has been updated with new library name:

Installing the DB2 Automation Tool extension

To install the DB2 Automation Tool extension, you must transfer the extension package from the SHAABIN library to an accessible location and install it using the IBM Installation Manager.

Before you begin

The DB2 Automation Tool extension requires that you purchase DB2 Automation Tool as part of the DB2 Utilities Solutions Pack.
Before installing the DB2 Automation Tool extension for the Management Console:
• DB2 Automation Tool must be installed by using SMP/E.
• Tools Customizer configuration must be complete for the DB2 Utilities Solutions Pack and DB2 Automation Tool.

1. After DB2 Automation Tool installation via SMP/E, the SHAABIN library contains a member (in binary format) called HAA$REP0. This member is the repository file package that the IBM Installation Manager uses to install the extension. Transfer the member using FTP to a location that can be accessed by IBM Installation Manager. The package is saved as a .zip file; you don't need to unzip the file.
2. Using the IBM Installation Manager, install the DB2 Automation Tool package. If you need help, refer to the documentation for IBM Installation Manager.

Update 1
Date of change: 12/14/2014
Topic: Chapter 2. Preparing to customize DB2 Automation Tool
Change description:
Add the last two bullet points to the following topic in "Chapter 2. Preparing to customize DB2 Automation Tool".
Verify that your environment meets software requirements.

Additional feature requirements are as follows:
  • If you plan to use DB2 Automation Tool with Autonomics Director:
    • DB2 V10 NFM or later is required.
    • The TSO user ID that schedules the maintenance window is the user ID that runs all utilities in the maintenance window. Therefore, the user ID that schedules the maintenance window must have the authority to run those utilities on the DB2 objects.
    • The TSO user ID that schedules the maintenance window is the user ID that is used to schedule the window via the DB2 administrative task scheduler. Therefore, the user ID that schedules the maintenance window also must have the authority to add scheduled tasks to the DB2 administrative task scheduler.

Publication Number


[{"Product":{"code":"SSCVQTD","label":"IBM Db2 Administration Tool for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"DB2 Automation Tool","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"4.2.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 February 2021

