IBM Support

Supplement to What's New in Rational Integration Tester v.8.5.1

Product Documentation


This document contains information about several small features that were added to Rational Integration Tester for version 8.5.1.


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A new tool has been added to the Rational Integration Tester installation to allow the bulk-linking of RIT tests to HP Quality Center Tests. This allows a user to import multiple tests from RIT into HP QC at one time, rather than having to link them one at a time and will be a significant time-saver for users of RIT with HP QC.

The tool can be found within the in the tools\HP directory of the Rational Integration Tester installation.
Integration/QM - Quality Center

Two new options have been added to the GHTesterCmd command line tool to delete results from project Results Databases. This functionality makes it easier for customers to script the deletion of results. The two new options are:
  • delete-all-results-keeping
  • delete-all-results
which, respectively, allow for selective deletion or complete deletion of results in the specified database.
It is now possible to use repeating elements within a Test Data Set where the parent ID stays the same on each row of data. Previously the parent ID column had to contain NULL on subsequent 'child' rows.

Where this new functionality is used, Rational Integration Tester will use the change in parent ID column value to indicate the end of the repeating data block. The child elements must still be grouped together as rows immediately following the parent in the Test Data Set.

This feature makes it easier to use repeating elements from data queried from a database as the NULL structure is difficult to create in that case.
UI/Test Factory/Action Editors/Msg Editor
If a project only contains a single environment then Rational Integration Tester will automatically pick this environment when the project is loaded. If there is more than one environment, Rational Integration Tester will not pick one, and the user must select an environment instead. This is to avoid users running tests against production environments by mistake. Environments

A Rational Integration Tester install now includes an addNumbersClient application which can be used against the provided addNumbersServer application to demonstrate basic test and virtualization. The addNumbersClient can be found in examples/AddNumbers/Client. The provided start-up scripts contain information showing how to configure the client to use the RIT HTTP proxy for recording, dynamic routing and sift-and-pass-through functionality.Examples

Rational Integration Tester's RQM Test Adapter now supports connecting to RQM servers where TLS 1.2 has been enabled. No additional user configuration is required.Integration/QM - Rational

In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel it was not possible to see the list of available stubs unless an Agent was connected because the Start Stubs dialog could not be accessed. It is now possible to open the Start Stubs dialog even when there are no Agents connected, although the stub cannot, obviously, be started.RTCP

The logic used to select agents when starting stubs via the Rational Test Control Panel REST API has been modified so that it uses separate agents for multiple versions of the same stub in order to support scaling out stubs and increased performance. The error reporting has also changed.RTCP
Previously, when an SQL Query action failed due to a mismatch between the expected value and the value returned from the query, the console output would display the mismatched values.

This has been enhanced so that the column and row which contain this value are also displayed. In addition, if the failure occurs due to a mismatch between the number of expected columns and the number of actual columns returned from the SQL query, the number and names of actual/expected columns are now shown.

Three example IBM WebSphere MQ security scripts (for the Windows platform) are now provided in the \tools\IBM\MQ directory of the Rational Integration Tester install.

These scripts provide examples of how to script the addition of the WebSphere MQ authorities required in order for the various Tester/MQ technologies (Sift And Pass Through Stubs, Alias Recording and Dynamic Mirror Queue Recording) to operate without having to grant full administration authority to the user that Rational Integration Tester uses.

These scripts are provided as-is for example purposes and will require modification by a suitably competent IBM MQ administrator to take into account specific platform and security configuration.

For a description of these scripts, see Security settings for Rational Integration Tester MQ exit resources.
Transport/IBM MQ

Rational Integration Tester has been enhanced to allow users working with IBM WebSphere MQ to override the Reply Queue that a stub will send a response to.

In previous versions, RIT always honoured the MQ Reply Queue header provided in the request message. This made it difficult for users to force the stub to send the response to a different queue without having to use a Publish action rather than Send Reply.

A new "Override Reply Queue" check-box has been added to operations using IBM WebSphere MQ as a transport. When this is checked the value from the Queue field will be used as the reply destination overriding any value from the incoming message. When the box is not checked then the value from the incoming message will be used in preference to the value in the Queue field (which is the default behaviour to be consistent with previous versions).
Transport/IBM MQ

A change has been made to Rational Integration Tester such that when editing TCP/UDP Server transports, the tabs containing settings that are only relevant to TCP are disabled when UDP is the selected protocol.Transport/IP Transports

In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester there were two "Record Selected Item" options available within the Logical View of Architecture School. The first was in the main toolbar and the second was on the context menu of a selected item. This term was considered confusing as although it did add an Event Monitor and switch to the Recording Studio perspective it did not actually start the recording. A user still had to select the "Start Recording" option in Recording Studio which had an identical icon.

In order to reduce confusion, the options in Logical View have been renamed to "Add Event Monitor" and the icons have been changed to differentiate them from the "Start Recording" option in Recording Studio.
UI/Architecture School

In Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0, the editor for the CICS Server physical resource displayed the CICS Transaction Gateway settings on the first tab.

This has been changed so that the CICS Transaction Server settings appears on the first tab and the CICS Transaction Gateway settings on the second. The order of radio buttons on the Recording & Stubs tab has also changed. The changes do not affect the requirements for using the CICS Server resource and do not require any changes to existing projects.
UI/Architecture School

The RIT preference "Show header information panels in editors" (in the General category) is now obeyed when editing physical and logical components in Architecture School.UI/Architecture School/Physical View

Rational Integration Tester 8.5.1 supports the 2014 version of the SWIFT messaging standards. As RIT can only support one version of the SWIFT schema that means that the 2013 SWIFT messaging standards are no longer supported. For more information, see this technote:
The impact on testing of the update to the SWIFT 2014 MT messaging standard
UI/Architecture School/Schemas Library

In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, WebSphere Application Server synchronization did not recognize Message-Driven Beans within enterprise applications. This has now been rectified and synchronization will recognize Activation Specifications and create the appropriate queue and transport bindings in RIT. UI/Architecture School/Synchronisation

To remove ambiguity, the database to which Rational Integration Tester writes test/stub results is now referred to as either the "results database" or the "project results database" throughout the application. Previously it was sometimes also referred to as the "project database".UI/Project Selection _ Creation

Recording Studio now allows for searching within the header of messages. Previous versions of Tester only allowed for searching within the body. A check box has been added to the Finder panel in Recording Studio If selected before starting a search then message headers will be searched as well as bodies.

Note that changing the value of the check box after running the search will not update the existing results unless the search is re-run. The default behaviour is not to search the headers. i.e. a user must opt-in by selecting the check box. This selection will be remembered within a single session of Tester.
UI/Recording Studio

It is now possible to filter used a Regular Expression (RegEx) in Recording Studio.

For example, the using the following RegEx would show only messages containing Fred, Orange or London: (?=.*Fred)(?=.*Orange)(?=.*London) It is then possible to use the Finder panel in Recording Studio to search within the filtered set to see where the occurrences of Fred, Orange or London are.

This technique can be used to quickly find messages in large sets of recorded events which is particularly useful in Java Virtualization.
UI/Recording Studio

When saving messages from recording studio and choosing to create a stub the default selection for storing data has been changed from "in a data model" to "as hard coded values".UI/Recording Studio
Rational Integration Tester's Test Suite editor has been enhanced to allow users to temporarily disable non-root scenarios, tests, performance tests, or nested test suites. If a non-root scenario is disabled then the complete sub-tree (from that scenario) will be ignored when the test suite runs. If a nested test suite is disabled then the contents of the whole nested test suite will be ignored when the test suite runs. UI/Test Factory

A new feature was added in GH Tester 5.4.0 (and is therefore present in Rational Integration Tester from versions 8.0.0 onwards) that causes Tester to automatically map new columns it finds in Test Data Sets if a tag exists with the same name as the column.

This feature was implemented to allow a user to add a new column to a spreadsheet and a tag to a linked-requirement before re-running all the tests linked to the requirement. At run-time the test engine automatically detects the new column and tag and maps them without the user having to edit every test in turn to add the mapping. This makes it significantly faster to add new mapped values into messages.

This feature works well but it has a potential side-effect for legacy users of GH Tester. Specifically, if a user of GH Tester 5.2.11 or earlier has a Test Data Set containing column names that are identical to tags then, when the tests are run in Rational Integration Tester, the tag will be automatically mapped to the column in the data set which may unexpectedly change the behavior of the test.

To avoid this a user would have to explicitly reconfigure the mapping in the test actions to specify Do Not Map for the column. If the user has a large number of tests this is a laborious process.

A change has therefore been made in version 8.5.1 of Rational Integration Tester to allow users to opt-out of the auto-mapping feature on a per-Test Data Set basis. A new check box has been added to the Test Data Set dialog to allow control of whether or not auto-mapping will be performed. This is checked by default to preserve previous behavior. If a user does not want Tester to automatically map columns to tags (where no mapping rules have been explicitly defined in the test) then they should un-check this option.
UI/Test Factory/Test Data

The "Run..." options dialog for tests now contains labels for the the selection of "Run now locally", "Run now remotely", or "Run later" as the "execution preference" field.UI/Test Lab

The Timings column in the Advanced View of Rational Integration Tester's stub editor has been removed. It is now possible to specify per operation response-time configuration in the Properties tab. Note that previous versions of RIT did not save the data set-up in the Timings column so there is no migration of data into the Properties tab.Virtualisation

Improvements have been to Rational Integration Tester's HTTP proxy to deal with malformed http requests where // separators are found within the URL rather than just as the host name separator. Previously such URLs would be modified by the proxy such that the destination system would not correctly recognise them.Virtualisation/HTTP Proxy

A problem has been resolved that meant if Rational Integration Tester's HTTP proxy received an HTTP request where there was no url_path element specified it would reduce it to a blank string resulting in invalid content being sent to the destination. Virtualisation/HTTP Proxy

Previously, when enabling an Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or MySQL database for SQL recording and database stubbing within IBM WebSphere Application Server a user had to manually create both data sources for connecting to the live and simulation databases.

The set-up of the data source for connecting to the simulation database has now been automated, and the user has to manually create only the data source for connecting to the live database on IBM WebSphere Application Server. The integrated Derby database can now also be used as a simulation database.

Rational Integration Tester and the RIT Agent version 8.5.1 ship with a version of the Derby database drive, so users no longer need to add the Derby driver using Library Manager. Library Manager has been updated to show that Derby is available and pre-installed. Virtualisation/JDBC

In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester it was only possible to use the database stub editor to add a new table into a database stub when the live database was available. This meant that the database stub editor could not be used effectively when the live database was stopped, or could not be accessed on the network.

This has been resolved and it is now possible to add tables (defined using a spreadsheet) without access to the live database.

In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel if a scenario was saved that contained multiple instances of the same stub then when it was loaded back again it may not have loaded as expected.

RTCP is now consistent in the way it saves and loads scenarios containing multiple instances of a stub running on different agents. RTCP will always attempt to start up multiple copies of the stub on different agents in order to scale-out and improve performance.

Stub scenarios that contain instances of a stub running on multiple agents (for scaling out of stubs) can now be imported into a Rational Integration Tester suite from Rational Test Control Panel.Virtualisation

When starting a stub from the VIE dashboard in Rational Test Control Panel users may now specify a number of agents for the stub to start on rather than having to select specific agents. If the stub is later saved into a scenario, the number of requested agents is recorded as part of that scenario so the exact same agents do not need to be available to start the scenario again; just sufficient quantity.Virtualisation

Rational Integration Tester, Test Control Panel, the RIT-Agent and the Platform Pack now require IBM's Installation Manager 1.70 or later to be installed.Library Manager

The MQ API Exits to support zero-environment recording are now supported on the zLinux platform.Transport/IBM MQ

A new -D option has been added that allows the Java "Object" as an Any type in Tester schemas. This can be useful in some circumstances when using Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) with Rational Integration Tester. Any existing Java Object schema will have to be rebuilt to take advantage of this change. This option is off by default but should a user require it then they should use:


Note that setting this property may result in a change of behavior when using other types of schema. The useabiltiy of the right-click schema menu has also been improved when there are a large number of Java Object definitions in a schema. Should a user require the old menu behavior to be used then the following -D flag can be used to revert to pre-8.5.1 functionality:
UI/Architecture School/Schemas Library

[{"Product":{"code":"SSBLQQ","label":"IBM Rational Test Workbench"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Rational Integration Tester","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

