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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1 Documentation Updates

Product Documentation


This document describes the documentation updates for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Version 7.1.


The release notes for Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases are available online at:

Beginning with Version 7.1.3, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server is now IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server. Some applications such as the software fulfillment systems and IBM License Metric Tool use the new product name. However, the software and its product documentation continue to use the Tivoli Storage Manager product name. To learn more about the rebranding transition, see

After installing Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, when you navigate to the software using the Windows desktop icon or Start menu, FlashCopy Manager Management Console is the name that is displayed.

While this name does not match the name displayed in the installation package, the software that you start from the Windows desktop is the software that you installed. The name mismatch is a known issue, but no problems occur because of the name mismatch.

Additionally, the "Help --> About" menu will list the name of the product as Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager. The version number represented in this menu also will not match the installed version of either component. Use the Add / Remove programs option within the Windows Control panel to confirm the installed release and level of the component.

(IT03801) For users of Microsoft SQL legacy backups, when changing Log and Set backups to a new management class, the new management class setting takes effect only for new backups. Existing backups are not rebound to the new management class. Therefore, schedule a new FULL backup after changing the management class for either Log or Set backups.

If you apply IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1.0.1, the following topic is added to the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases V7.1.0 -> Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server -> Configuring section. This information is available online at

(IC98441) Configuration and options files in non-default locations

The Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server software uses default configuration and options files. If you want to use non-default configuration and options files, use command line parameters when starting Microsoft Management Console (MMC) graphical user interface to specify alternate configuration and option files when you start Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server.

The MMC graphical user interface used for Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server software is started with the flashcopymanager.exe file. The flashcopymanager.exe file accepts the following parameters:

    /mscFilename=filename # Name of the MMC snap-in control file
    /author # Opens the MMC console in author mode

For example:
    flashcopymanager.exe parameter1=filename parameter2=filename ...

The flashcopymanager.exe file accepts the following parameters to set the configuration files:
    /SQLCONFigfile=filename # SQL configuration file
    /SQLOPTfile=filename # SQL OPT file
    /SQLINSTancenames=Instance1,Instance2,... # SQL instances to show in the MMC

The following example shows you how to start the MMC with the parameters using flashcopymanager.exe :
    flashcopymanager.exe /SQLCONFigfile=altsql.cfg

You can also start and run multiple instances of the MMC concurrently. With the aforementioned command line parameters, each instance operates using a different configuration based on the configuration and option files specified. The information is this section does not apply when managing remote Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server installations.

(IT03539) Clarification regarding setting the PASSWORDAccess option in the dsm.opt file for configuring systems running the server

The following IBM Knowledge Center topics are updated:

7.1.1>Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server>Configuring>Manually configuring Data Protection for SQL Server>Configuring the computer that runs the SQL Server

7.1.0>Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server>Configuring>Manually configuring Data Protection for SQL Server>Perform these tasks on the computer running the SQL Server

The following PDF documents are updated:

7.1.0 -> Chapter 4. Configuring -> Perform these tasks on the computer running the SQL Server

7.1.1 -> Chapter 4. Configuring -> Perform these tasks on the computer running the SQL Server
PDF files in English for Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.1 and Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager V4.1.1 products are available only in the V7.1.1_V4.1.1 compressed file..

To access IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Installation and User's Guide version 7.1.1, open the V7.1.1_V4.1.1 compressed file and choose guide b_dp_sql_iuguide.pdf.

Update step 6 with the following text->

(VSS only) Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client if it is not already configured. If the backup-archive client is already configured, you can use existing client services. The backup-archive client Setup Wizard can guide you through the configuration process. In the backup-archive client GUI menu, select Utilities > Setup Wizard > Help me configure the TSM Backup Archive Client. The node name for this system is referred to as the Local DSMAGENT Node and is specified with the localdsmagentnode parameter in
the Data Protection configuration file (tdpsql.cfg).

Make sure that the PASSWORDAccess option in dsm.opt file for Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client is set to generate. In addition, verify that the stored password for DSMAGENT Node is valid. You can manage the password that is stored in the registry by using a utility
program named dsmcutil.exe. This utility program is distributed with the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client package. For more information about using the dsmcutil program, see the dsmcutil.hlp file or the dsmcutil.txt file that are distributed with the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client package.

For more information, see Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide and “Proxy node definitions”.

Update to the Silently installing Data Protection for SQL Server with the setup program topic

Change "x:\fcm\x64\mmc\4100\enu\setupfcm.exe" to "x:\fcm\x64\mmc\4100\enu\setup.exe".

The following information is to be added to the 'Protecting data' section ->

Restoring databases with full-text catalogs and indexes

When protecting SQL Server 2005 and the full-text index is part of a full-text catalog note that the full-text catalog has a physical path. In this scenario, the full-text catalog is treated as a database file.

When protecting SQL Server 2008 and later data, a full-text catalog is either a logical or virtual object that contains a group of full-text indexes. This full-text catalog does not have a physical path. In this scenario, the full-text catalog is part of the filegroup.

To restore a database with the SQL Server 2005 physical full-text catalog file from the command-line interface, use the /RELocate and /TO parameters. For example:
Restore DATABASE full /relocate=database,sysft_docindex,database_log /TO={database_dir}\database.mdf,{database_dir}\docindex,{database_log_dir}\database_log.ldf

From the GUI, for SQL Server 2005 physical full-text catalog files, you can use the Relocate files individually option. From the command-line interface, use /relocate and /TO instead of /RELOCATEDir.

To restore a database with SQL Server 2008 and later full-text catalog files, no data is explicitly stored. The file is automatically backed up and restored as part of the filegroup.

To restore SQL databases from a virtual machine where Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments, Version 7.1 and later is used to back up the data, refer to the product documentation, not the product help, for information.

For detailed instructions about restoring from virtual machine snapshots, see

The following product help topics are not relevant for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1 release:
    • Data Center Node
    • Restoring Tivoli Storage Manager VM SQL databases

Add the following topic to the "Planning" section:

Planning for data protection

For Microsoft SQL Server data protection, one of the most important tasks that you need to complete is the routine full database backup of the master database. You can schedule routine full database backups so you frequently protect the data to meet your business needs.

If the master database is damaged while a server instance is running, fix the damaged database by restoring a recent full master database backup. If a server instance cannot start because the master database is damaged, the master database needs to be rebuilt. When you rebuild a master database, all system databases revert to their original state. For more information about rebuilding the master database, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.


Replace the "Restoring the master database" topic in the "Protecting data" section with the following topic:

Restoring the master database

To restore a master database, start an instance of SQL Server in single-user mode. You cannot restore a master database when the SQL Server instance is set to multi-user mode.

When the SQL Server instance is in single-user mode, the command line interface, tdpsqlc.exe, should be used. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) GUI, included with FlashCopy Manager for SQL / Data Protection for SQL, does not support interacting with a SQL server instance started in single-user mode.

To restore the master database, complete the following steps:
1. Click Start > All Programs > Tivoli Storage Manager > Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Client - Command Line.
2. Start the SQL Server in single-user mode. For more information about SQL Server startup options, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation. For example, the following link might provide useful information:
3. Use Data Protection for SQL to restore the master database. When the master database finishes the restoration process, the SQL Server shuts down and an error message is displayed. The message indicates that the connection to the SQL Server is lost. This loss of connection is expected.
4. Restart the Database Engine to restore SQL Server to the typical multi-user mode.
5. Manually reapply any changes that were made to the master database after the date of the database backup used to do the restore operation.

After the master database is restored, the MMC can be used to back up and restore individual databases that are operating in single-user mode.


Add the following parameter information to the Backup command topics

Reference information -> Backup command -> Add the -/TSMOPTFile optional parameter.
Reference information -> Backup optional parameters -> Add the following information:

The /tsmoptfile parameter specifies the Tivoli Storage Manager options file to use. This is similar to selecting a Tivoli Storage Manager server from the server list in the GUI. The Tivoli Storage Manager options file contains the configuration values for the Tivoli Storage Manager API. For details about the Tivoli Storage Manager options file, see the reference manual IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Backup-Archive Client Installation and User's Guide.


  • The tsmoptfilename variable can include a fully qualified path. If you do not include a path, the directory where Data Protection for SQL Server is installed is used.
  • If tsmoptfilename includes spaces, you must enclose it in double quotes.
  • If you do not specify /tsmoptfile, the default value is dsm.opt.
  • If you specify /tsmoptfile but not tsmoptfilename, the default is also dsm.opt.


Addition of the following information

Managing remotely

To manage remote installations, enable Windows PowerShell Remoting.

Enabling Windows PowerShell Remoting is a task outside the scope of this
documentation. For reference, the following PowerShell cmdlets are provided.
  • To enable remote management, you can use the following cmdlet:
    • Enable-PSRemoting -force
  • Enable Windows PowerShell Remoting with Credential Security Support
    Provider (CredSSP) authentication. For example, you can use the following
    1. On the primary system, enter the following command:
      enable-wsmancredssp -role client -delegatecomputer remote_computername
    2. On each remote system that runs Microsoft Exchange, enter the following
      enable-wsmancredssp -role server
  • Verify Windows PowerShell Remoting is configured correctly using the
    following cmdlets:
    • invoke-command -computername remoteservername -scriptblock {pwd}
      -Credential $creds

      invoke-command -computername remoteservername -scriptblock {pwd}
      -Credential $creds -Authentication Credssp
  • Add the servers to the trusted hosts list by entering the following command:
    • Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value remote_server_name -Force
  • After you make configuration changes, restart the winrm service by entering the
    following commands:
    • Restart-Service winrm

To remotely manage installations, complete the following steps to add remote
  1. Under the Protect and Recover Data node in the tree, select Exchange Server.
  2. From the Management Console, in the Actions pane, click Manage
  3. From the Manage Computers window, verify the local system is listed in both
    the Tree Nodes and Computers panes.
  4. From the Tree Nodes pane, click the add icon. The icon is green and resembles
    the symbol for addition.
  5. Type the name and description for the new tree node.
  6. From the Computers pane, click the add icon. The computers you add are
    associated with the tree node that you are creating. If you add only one
    computer, the tree node type can be either Dashboard or Group. If you add
    more than one computer, the tree node type is Group. If you add only one
    computer, from the Tree Nodes pane, you can toggle between the Dashboard
    and Group types.
  7. Type the system name and a description. For systems that are not in the
    domain, provide the fully-qualified address.
    Alternatively, to select a system based on another system in the domain or to
    read a list of computers from a file, on the Computers pane, click Import. Clicking Import displays a dialog called Add Computers. From the Add
    Computers dialog, there are two tabs: Active Directory and Import. To
    complete the Add Computers dialog window entries, complete the following
    • a. For the Active Directory tab, there are several fields to complete:

        The current domain is displayed. The domain cannot be changed.


        The organizational unit used to search for computers. The default
        value is displayed.

        By default, the wildcard character (*) is displayed. You can leave
        the default value or enter a specific name.


        The current account is displayed. If you want to use a different
        account, click Search to search the domain for other computers.
        The Search is enabled only when the Location and Name fields
        have values.
      b. For the Import tab, browse to find a comma-separated values (.CSV) file
      that contains computer entries. After you find a .CSV file and click Import,
      the contents of the .CSV file are read as entries are added to the list. The
      following .CSV file is an example of a valid .CSV file for the import
        NewNode1,Group1,CurrentUser,Test node 1


        NewNode3,,Description of NewNode3

        NewNode4,Group2,CurrentUser,Test node 4
      The first column (the node name) is required. The other columns of data
      are optional. The list is processed by position. For the group, if a group
      does not exist, the group is created.
8. From the Computers pane, click Test Connection. The test status is reported
in the Message column of the Computers table.
9. Click OK to close the Manage Computers window.

10. Verify the tree node is listed in the navigation tree. The remote node does not
have all of the functionality available for local systems. For example, entries
for learning, online support, and favorite links are not displayed.

For tree node type Dashboard, the main window displays the Protect,
Recover, and Automate tabs. For tree node type Group, the main window
displays the Group Dashboard, Group Reports, and Group Commands tabs.

After you add systems, you can remove (delete) the systems. You can also select
the system to edit the properties, including tree node type, that you entered when
you added the system. If you want to change the order of the systems displayed in
the navigation tree, from the Manage Computers window there are GUI controls
that you can use to change the order.

Configuring a remote system with a TSM Configuration

You can use a configuration wizard to configure a remote system to communicate
with a Tivoli Storage Manager server.

To configure a remote system with a TSM Configuration, complete the following

1. On the local system, from the Management Console, add the remote system
using Manage Computers.

2. In the navigation tree, verify that the remote system is displayed.

3. Click Manage > Configuration > Wizards.

4. Select TSM Configuration.

5. On the Data Protection Selection page, verify the following information is
entered correctly:
  • The remote computer name in the window title.
  • The correct system information.
6. Select the application to be configured and click Next.

7. For Exchange or SQL, the license check might fail. If the test fails, provide the
file path and name for the location on the remote server.

8. On the TSM Node Names page, verify the following information is entered
  • VSS Requestor
  • The Data Protection or file system name, depending on the application that
    is being configured
For system with the an AlwaysOn Availability Group, the corresponding AlwaysOn node should be detected.

9. On the TSM Server Settings page, type the server name and port number.

10. For the Would you like this wizard to configure your TSM server? question,
select Yes.

11. Click Review / Edit. If the domain is not entered correctly, update the
information. Click OK.

12. On the Custom Configuration page, select Default.

13. On the Configuration page, click Show Details. Verify the progress and status
of the configuration.

14. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

To verify the configuration is set up correctly, complete the following steps:
  1. In the navigation tree, for the remote system, expand Protect and Recover and
    click on the application that is configured.
  2. Open the Properties and click Server Information. Verify that the correct
    information is displayed.
  3. Query the components and verify that a successful backup can be completed.

The following information is an addition to the content published for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases Version 7.1, and v7.1.1, Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, Installation and User's Guide.

Update to the Performance > LAN-free data movement (Legacy and VSS) topic

To run Data Protection for SQL Server in a LAN-free environment, you must specify an additional option that was not previously documented. Use the lanfreetcpserveraddress option to specify the TCP/IP address for the Tivoli Storage Manager storage agent.

The following Knowledge Center topics, where this information belongs, restates this information in a comment :



This information will be included in the next revision of the Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, Installation and User's Guide.

(IT05115) Clarification regarding VSS restore of a master database

Microsoft SQL Server only supports offline VSS restores of the master database. Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server does not support offline restore operations. As such, the software cannot cannot be used to restore the master database.

To restore a VSS backup of a master database, complete the following steps:
  1. Ensure that the SQL Server is online.
  2. Restore the master database to a new database in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), or at the command line. For example: Enter the tdpsqlc command with the /recovery=no option.
  3. After the restore operation is complete, verify that all data files are restored successfully.
  4. Stop the SQL Server instance, and rename all data files of the master database.
  5. Copy all data files from the new master_restore database to the location of the master database. Verify that all data files are copied.
  6. Start the SQL Server instance. Verify that the master database is restored successfully.

The aforementioned clarification belongs in the following topics (PDF and Knowledge Center).
  • Restoring the master database
  • Setting single-user mode for restore operations
  • Restore command

(IT03710) Clarification regarding supported backup operations on replica AlwaysOn availability databases

For this documentation update, the following note belongs in the locations identified under "Knowledge Center", and "Installation and User's Guide".
    Microsoft does not support legacy full backups on secondary replicas. Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, however, does allow a full backup of a secondary replica to be completed based on Tivoli Storage Manager policy.

    When a user initiates a full legacy backup of a secondary replica, the underlying implementation of Data Protection for SQL Server is to back up the data as copyfull . However, Data Protection for SQL Server detects the intended full backup operation and applies the Tivoli Storage Manager policy associated with the full backup type. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and CLI views honor the TSM policy that applies to the backup type and in this instance, show the backup type as full. For more information, see this Microsoft article:

Knowledge Center:
(1) V6.4 - Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server > Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Overview > Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Protection > Always On Availability Groups > Backups of availability databases

(2) V7.1 - Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server > Planning > Always On Availability Groups > Backups of availability databases

(3) V3.2 - Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for Windows > Windows overview > Microsoft SQL Server2012 protection > Always On Availability Groups > Backups of availability databases

(4) V4.1 - Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for Windows > Planning > Planning protection for Microsoft SQL Server data > Always On Availability Groups > Backups of availability databases

Installation and User's Guide:
(1) V6.4 - Page 17 (Backups of availability databases)
(2) V7.1 - Page 28 (Backups of availability databases)
(3) V3.2 - Page 16 (Backups of availability databases)
4) V4.1 - Page 32 (Backups of availability databases)

Updates to the Data Protection for Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, and Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for Windows, Installation and User's Guides will be incorporated in the next revision of the publication.

(v7.1.2) Update to the Upgrading Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server  topic (Installing, upgrading and migrating section)

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) does not automatically detect the path to the root installation media (setupfcm.exe) in the registry. Therefore, If you are upgrading Data Protection components to v7.1.2, the upgrade fails.

To resolve the issue, complete the following steps after you install Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager v4.1.2, and before you start MMC:

1. Run the following command to determine the path to the setupfcm.exe installation media.

  reg add hklm\software\ibm\flashcopymanager\currentversion\mmc /v
  media /d "E:\Users\Public\Downloads\"  

To identify the media version that is currently installed, run the following command:
  reg query hklm\software\ibm\flashcopymanager\currentversion\mmc /v media

2. Start MMC. Tivoli Storage Manager configuration wizard starts automatically and detects the updated path to the installation media.

3. To finish upgrading Data Protection components to v7.1.2, follow the instructions in the configuration wizard.

This information is reflected in the topic on Knowledge Center, at this location:

The next revision of the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, Installation and User's Guide will be updated with this information.

(All versions) Update to the Configuring > Configuring Data Protection for SQL Server by using the Tivoli Storage Manager Configuration Wizard topic with the following missing prerequisite information.

Before you begin:
When you are remotely configuring Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server, you must first install Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for Windows on the Data Protection node server, as shown in the example used in the procedure. You must then run the Tivoli Storage Manager Configuration Wizard, on at least one occasion, on the Data Protection node server.

(IT11763) Metadata Considerations (Legacy Only) Information missing from the documentation

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 6.4.0 documentation included a Topic titled as: Management class, which included a section entitled: Metadata considerations (Legacy only).

However, as a result of the documentation being reorganised, this Metadata considerations (Legacy only) section has been missing from the documentation in the subsequent releases of this product, including 7.1.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, and 7.1.3.

The missing information will be published with the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 7.1.4 documentation. The additional information for "Metadata Considerations (Legacy only) will be located in the topic entitled: Recommended Tivoli Storage Manager policy settings.

Addition of -/BACKUPTAILLOG- optional parameter to Backup Command Syntax

In the Reference Information section of the Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server book, the -/BACKUPTAILLOG- optional parameter is added to the Backup command line syntax.

The following IBM Knowledge Center topic was updated:

(IT11764) Removal of incorrect references to Microsoft Exchange Server within the Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server book

For the following topics in the Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server book, incorrect references to the Microsoft Exchange Server product are replaced with Microsoft SQL Server.

(IT11348) Database names with commas are not supported

The comma (,) character has special meaning to IBM Spectrum Protect™ Snapshot for Microsoft SQL commands, therefore database names that contain commas are not supported.

The following statements have been updated in the documentation:
      If any < database, ...> name contains commas or blanks, enclose the < database, ...> name in double quotation marks.
      If any < database, ...> name contains blanks, enclose the < database, ...> name in double quotation marks.

The amended information is published with the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 7.1.4 documentation.

(IT11789) Port definition information missing from the documentation

In the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 6.3.0 - 7.1.4 documentation, the description of the /SQLSERVER parameter (to establish the communication with SQL Server instances) does not include information about defining a port.

The missing information will be published with the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 7.1.5 documentation and will be added to the following topics:
    • Reference information > Backup command > Backup optional parameters
    • Reference information > Query command > Query optional parameters
    • Reference information > Restore command > Restore optional parameters

The /SQLSERVER parameter specifies the SQL Server that Data Protection for SQL Server logs on to. The sqlprotocol variable specifies the communication protocol to use. With this variable, you can specify an sqlservername and, in the case of the tcp protocol, you can also define a port. You can choose from the following protocols:

Protocol Name
Example Usage
Table 1.

lpcShared Memory/sqlserver=lpc: <servername>\<instancename>
npNamed Pipes/sqlserver=np:<servername>\pipe
Note: You can optionally specify a specific named pipe. For example, /sqlserver=np: \\hostname\pipe\pipe name

By default, the pipe name is sql\query. If you connect to a named instance, the pipe name is typically in the following format: \\<servername>\pipe\MSSQL$<instancename>\SQL\query

tcpTransmission Control/sqlserver=tcp:<servername>[\<instancename>],<port>
Note: For tcp protocols only, you have the option of defining a port. If you do not define a port, the default port value is 1443.
Note: SQL Server only supports this protocol through SQL Server 2008 R2.
Virtual Interface Architecture/sqlserver=via:<virtualservername>[\instancename]

(IT12760) The /RELOCATEDir parameter in the Restorefiles command cannot use a mapped network drive as a destination directory

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 7.1.0 documentation includes topics entitled: Restorefiles command and Restorefiles optional parameters, which contain details on the /RELOCATEDir parameter. However, the details do not highlight that the /RELOCATEDir parameter cannot use a mapped network drive as a destination directory.

In addition to the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server 7.1.0 documentation, the documentation for 7.1.x also omit this parameter information.

The complete information will be published in the next release of the documentation in the topics entitled: Restorefiles command and Restorefiles optional parameters.


(IT16600) Clarification when running parallel FlashCopy backups of the same data source - backups must be staggered

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1.0 documentation includes the topic "VSS Backup Requirements", which lists requirements for planning your VSS backups and running parallel backups. However, the document does not highlight that if you run backups of the same data source while a previous backup is still running, a timeout error can occur and the second operation might fail.

The following statement is updated in the "VSS Backup Requirements" document and will be published in the next release.

"If you run parallel VSS backups, stagger the start time of the backups by at least 10 minutes. This interval ensures that the snapshot operations do not overlap."

"If you need to run parallel VSS backups, stagger the start time of the backups by at least 10 minutes. This interval ensures that the snapshot operations do not overlap.

If backup operations overlap, a VSS timeout error can occur and the second backup request might fail. Therefore, it is recommended to stagger the start time of each backup."

(IT18033) Clarification of /Replace parameter limitation when running restore operations

For restore operations, the /REPlace parameter specifies that you want existing SQL Server files to be overwritten when they otherwise would not be. However, this restore option is available only with legacy backups. VSS-style backups ignore the /REPlace parameter setting.

The description of the /REPlace parameter in the Restore Optional Parameters topic is updated to include details of this restriction and these updates will be published in release 8.1.0.

(IT18215) Clarification of local and remote DSMAGENT node requirements when running offloaded backups to Tivoli Storage Manager

When you run offloaded backups to Tivoli Storage Manager and use more than one local DSMAGENT node, each local DSMAGENT node must have a dedicated remote DSM agent node.

The following topics in the Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for MS SQL Server book are updated with this information and these updates will be published in release 8.1.0.
  • Required node names for basic VSS offloaded backup
  • VSS Options
  • Configuring the IBM Spectrum Protect Server

/SQLSERVer optional parameter - clarifications on port value and variable description

· Default port value for TCP protocols used with /SQLSERVer parameter

If you choose to use a TCP protocol when specifying the /SQLSERVer parameter (to establish the communication with SQL Server instances), you have the option of defining a port. If you choose not to specify a port value, a default value is used. In the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1.6 documentation, it incorrectly states that this port value is 1443. However, the correct default value is 1433.

· /SQLSERVer parameter variable

The variable description for the /SQLSERVer parameter has been updated to "sqlserver-connection" because the format of the SQL Server connection differs depending on the communication protocol that is configured for the SQL Server instance. For example, a port is not relevant for all communication protocols.


Communication ProtocolExample Usage
np /sqlserver=np:<servername>\pipe
tcp /sqlserver=[tcp:]<servername>[\<instancename>][,port]

Updated variable description:

/SQLSERVer=sqlprotocol:sqlservername, port/SQLSERVer=sqlserver-connection

These updates will be published with the next version of IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server documentation and will be added to the /SQLSERVer parameter information in the following topics.

· Reference information > Backup command > Backup optional parameters
· Reference information > Query command > Query optional parameters
· Reference information > Restore command > Restore optional parameters

(IT19728) Clarification on communication between applications and SQL Servers in an AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG) cluster

With Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Microsoft implemented the use of AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG) listeners to enable applications to connect to an AAG instance using the listener name (or listener name and port number).

However, Microsoft does not support this feature for 3rd party backup applications, such as IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for SQL Server. Instead, for backup and restore operations, 3rd party backup applications must use the SQL Server instance name (or instance name and port number) and not the AAG listener to communicate with the server instance.


· Local Instance name = MySQLServer\SQLInstance1

· Local Instance port = 1600
In this example, to communicate with the SQL server, you specify the following values for the /SQLSERVer option.


This clarification will be published with the next version of IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server documentation.


(IT20292) - Clarification on how Differential and Log backups expire and the policy settings that apply

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server V7.1.x documentation describes preferred settings for Tivoli Storage Manager policies, which you can define to help ensure that your storage environment meets your requirements for data protection and retention.

This information was updated to clarify the behavior of the VERExists, VERDeleted, RETExtra, and RETOnly parameters on differential and log backup objects after a full backup is done.


When you run a full SQL database backup, all preceding copy-only full, file, group, and differential backups stop adhering to VERExists and RETExtra parameters, even if the databases still exist on the Data Protection for SQL Server client system.

To allow for consistent version-expiration behavior, you can update the management class for these backup objects as follows:

  • Set the VERDeleted parameter to be equal to the VERExists parameter
  • Set the RETExtra parameter to be equal to the RETOnly parameter

For log and set type backups, the VERDeleted parameter must be greater than 0 to allow the RETOnly parameter to control the expiration. If VERDeleted is 0, these backups are deleted by the next expiration run on the server after they are inactivated.

This clarification will be published with the next version of IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server documentation in the following topics:

  • Preferred settings for IBM Spectrum Protect policies
  • Deactivating legacy backups of SQL Server databases
  • Backup positional parameters

For more information, see also:


(IT23706) - Update required to describe Microsoft edition restriction during availability database backup operations

In the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Installation and User's guide (versions 7.1.3 to 7.1.6), the Availability Database Backup Operations topic describes restrictions that apply when you run an availability database backup operation. However, the restriction that Microsoft does not support backups of secondary replicas in an AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG) using the SQL Server Standard edition is missing.

The following restriction information is added to the Availability Database Backup Operations topic and will be published in the next release of the IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for SQL Server Installation and User's guide.



(IT23927) - Update required to include missing parameters from 'tdpsqlc set' command reference section

In the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager t for Databases: Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Installation and User's guide (versions 7.1.0 to 7.1.6), the tdpsqlc set reference topic lists the parameters and options to use with this command for changing Data Protection for SQL Server configuration values on Windows Server Core. However, the LANGUAGE and NUMBERformat parameters are not included.

The following parameters are added to the Set command topics 'Set syntax' and 'Set positional parameters' and will be published in the next release of the IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases: Data Protection for SQL Server Installation and User's guide.

LANGUAGE=3-letter country code


[{"Product":{"code":"SSER7G","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Data Protection for MS SQL","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1.3;7.1.4;7.1.6","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

