IBM Support

Jazz for Service Management Version Readme



These notes describe Jazz™ for Service Management Version, including how to download and install, any prerequisites, known issues, and link to fix list.

Download Description

Product/Component release: 1.1
Update name: Modification Release 1
Published date: 10 September 2014
Document last modified date: 10 December 2014
Latest Product/Component refresh date: 18 November 2014

Table of Contents
Sections Description
This section provides information about the contents of the release.
This section provides instructions and links to download the modification release for your platform from IBM® Fix Central.
This section provides important information about any prerequisites to have installed in your target environment before you install the modification release.
This section provides information related to the impact of this modification to allow you to assess how your environment might be affected.
This section provides links to the installation instructions to install this modification in your environment, including any tasks to do before and after the installation.
Click to review a list of the defects (APARs) resolved in this modification and any earlier fix packs
This section provides a list of the known problems (open APARs or defects) identified at the time of this fix pack release.

Modificaton Release contents

Jazz for Service Management Version contains the following packages:

  • 64-bit, multiplatform IBM Installation Manager software package repository for the following Jazz for Service Management integration services and components: Administration Services Version, Administration Services UI Version, IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub, Jazz for Service Management extension for IBM WebSphere® Version, Registry Services, and Security Services
       (Important: IBM Tivoli Common Reporting no longer supported: )
  • 1.1.0-TIV-JazzSM-TCR-AIX64-FP002.tar.gz: IBM Tivoli® Common Reporting update package for AIX 64-bit platforms
  • 1.1.0-TIV-JazzSM-TCR-LINUX64-FP002.tar.gz: IBM Tivoli Common Reporting update package for Linux 64-bit platforms
  • 1.1.0-TIV-JazzSM-TCR-LINUXzSeries64-FP002.tar.gz: IBM Tivoli Common Reporting update package for Linux on System z® 64-bit platforms
  • IBM Tivoli® Common Reporting update package for Windows 64-bit platforms
  • Jazz for Service Management Readme in multiple languages

Jazz for Service Management Version contains Tivoli Common Reporting Version, which is the latest available fix pack for Tivoli Common Reporting.

Download modification release

You can download Jazz for Service Management Version from Fix Central.

Select the following package and click Download now if you want to update the following Jazz for Service Management integration services: Administration Services 1.1 or a later fix pack, IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub 3.1 or a later fix pack, Registry Services 1.1 or a later fix pack, and Security Services 1.1 or a later fix pack. The package also contains the platform-specific|tar.gz packages, which you can extract if you want to update Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 or

Attention: Jazz for Service Management Version contains Tivoli Common Reporting Version, which is the latest available fix pack for Tivoli Common Reporting.

To download and extract the fix pack, complete the following steps:

  1. On each machine on which Jazz for Service Management integration services are installed, create a temporary directory, referred to as the JazzSM_MOD_Home directory.

    Restriction: Ensure that the path to this directory does not contain any spaces, ASCII, or special characters.

  2. Download the modification release compressed files for your platform from IBM Fix Central as follows:
    1. Open your web browser. Ensure that you sign into or IBM Support Portal; enter one of the following URLs:
      • Fix Central landing page

        Follow the online instructions to use the filter drop-down lists and display the fix packs for the current version of Jazz for Service Management for your platform. See step b.

      • Fix Central page
        prefiltered to display the current version of the Jazz for Service Management fix packs for all platforms

        You can choose which fix pack to download on the Select fixes page. See step h.

    2. In the Product selector field, start typing Jazz for Service Management; then select Jazz for Service Management from the returned result list.
    3. Verify that the version that you want to download is displayed in the Installed Version list. If it is not, select the correct version from the list.
    4. From the Platform list, select the platform on which you want to install the modification.
    5. Click Continue. The Identify Fixes page opens.
    6. Use the default option, Browse for fixes; click Continue.
    7. On the Select fixes page, select the ID:
      • 1.1.1-TIV-JazzSM-multi

      Click Continue.

      Note: If you have not yet signed into, you are now prompted to sign in or register.

    8. On the Download option page, select one of the following download options; click Continue.
      • Download using Download Director
      • Download using your browser
    9. Review the terms and conditions, and click I agree.
    10. Follow the online instructions for your chosen download option, and download the fix pack packages.
  3. If required, extract the contents of the compressed files to the temporary fix pack directory.

    Note: On Windows systems, the extraction process can create the 1.1.1-TIV-JazzSM-multi directory or 1.1.1-TIV-JazzSM-TCR-platform-FP002/TCRInstaller/ for Tivoli Common Reporting. On UNIX systems, specify the directory during the extraction process.

Prerequisites and co-requisites
Ensure that your existing environment meets current Jazz for Service Management requirements. See Detailed system requirements.

You must have an existing Jazz for Service Management environment that has any the following integration services installed:

  • Reporting Services Environment Version
  • Administration Services Version 1.1 or a later fix pack
  • Dashboard Application Services Hub Version 3.1 or a later fix pack
  • Registry Services Version 1.1 or a later fix pack
  • Security Services Version 1.1 or a later fix pack
  • Tivoli Common Reporting Version 3.1 or a later fix pack
Impact Assessment

This modification release of Jazz for Service Management provides critical fixes to resolve APARs, and new features.

You should update all installed integration services in the same application server profile to the same release level.

The summary of changes in this modification release are as follows:

  • Dashboard Application Services Hub added fixes, new dashboard widgets (Map widget, Smart Text widget, and Gauge Group widget). Data Visualization charts are now fully supported.
    • New dashboard widgets: Map widget, Smart Text widget, and Gauge Group widget.
    • New console theme: A new IBM® Design theme was added to dashboard console. It features a top horizontal navigation bar.
    • Updated charting widgets: Data visualization based charting widgets that were previously offered in Jazz for Service Management as a technology preview are now fully supported.
    • Some console properties can now be managed through the console UI.
    • Internet Explorer Version 8 is not supported in Dashboard Application Services Version
  • Registry Services, Administration Services, Security Services, and Tivoli Common Reporting were not updated.
Installation instructions
Known problems
Defect Description
Installation known problems

Registry Services Version installation fails on Windows systems if the system administrator user name contains special characters.

Administration Services known problems
No known issues
Dashboard Application Services Hub known problems

Translated strings 'Type' and 'Editable' are displayed vertically in the 'Widget Information' table in console help.


Grey block area is not created with overlay message, when provider is down.


Time is displayed even when the pattern does not include time.


Tree table properties content are read incorrectly.


Pressing VO-A does not read the status icon for Gauges.


It takes 16 seconds to open the eDay Trader sample page in Internet Explorer 10.


Export/import of dashboard pages using a zip file fails with missing widgets.


When a table runs into an error during initialization, the portlet is blank.


Charting widgets (Area, Bar, Bar Clustered, Scatter, and Bubble) leak memory in Internet Explorer when the data source uses dynamic updates.


Dashboard widget changes global styling of the page.


An additional blank tab may be displayed in view mode, if in edit mode, the Topology widget is configured to display content in table format.


In a Topology widget using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 11, when you right-click on an unselected node, a communication error may be displayed.


Cloning a widget during page creation does not clone skin selection.


Console Integration view membership does not follow the "hide pages..." setting of Views, if used.


When you press the space bar and focus is on list items in a Smart Text widget while it is in edit mode, the widget loses focus from the list. Use your mouse, or the TAB key to restore focus on the required list item.


Adding and deleting a widget while editing a page, can prevent saving the page.

Registry Services known problems
No known issues
Security Services known problems
No known issues
Tivoli Common Reporting known problems
No known issues
Connect, learn, and share with the Jazz for Service Management Community

Jazz for Service Management and its integration services have an active community that can provide you with additional resources. Browse and contribute to the forums, contribute to the blog, and review the wiki. You can also learn more about upcoming releases and provide feedback.
See">Jazz for Service Management community on Service Management Connect.


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[{"Product":{"code":"SSRLR8","label":"Tivoli Components"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Jazz for Service Management","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"1.1.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 May 2020

