IBM Support

Rational Synergy Interim Fix 1 for



IBM Rational Synergy has been made generally available and contains the Synergy language packs and bug fixes.

Download Description

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  • To learn more about this release including any new enhancements, review the Change history section below.

  • To review a list of resolved APARs in this Fix Pack, open the Fix List in the Problem solved section below.
    • To review a list of APARs resolved in each Fix Pack version for this product, click the Fix by Version tab above.

  • To learn about the known problems in this release, review the information in the Known side effects section below.


This Interim Fix requires prior installation of the following.

Rational Synergy 7.2
Rational Synergy Fix Pack

Supporting Documentation
Document Description
Detailed System Requirements A detailed list of the supported hardware, operating systems and information related to IBM and third party software requirements.
Information Center Browse or search on-line information related to the deployment, configuration and usage of the product.

Installation Instructions

Where to Apply this iFix

Apply this iFix to all Synergy installations (CCM_HOME) and clients. First install to the machine where the Synergy router daemon is running, then install to other server machines, and finally deploy to client machines.

Deliverable Synergy Components Affected (UNIX)

CCM_HOME files affected by the iFix:
$CCM_HOME/bin/ccm_server $CCM_HOME/bin/ccm_helpsrv $CCM_HOME/lib/ccmjava.jar $CCM_HOME/lib/ccm_merge.jar $CCM_HOME/lib/ccm_files $CCM_HOME/lib/copytools.jar $CCM_HOME/etc/ $CCM_HOME/etc/ $CCM_HOME/etc/ $CCM_HOME/etc/ $CCM_HOME/etc/ $CCM_HOME/etc/ $CCM_HOME/etc/landing/devlanding_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/landing/devlanding_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/landing/bmlanding_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/landing/bmlanding_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/documentation_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/documentation_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/index_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/index_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/nav_general_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/nav_general_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/support_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/support_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/welcome_ja.htm $CCM_HOME/etc/welcome/welcome_zh.htm $CCM_HOME/jetty/webapps/SynergyServer/jsp/database_mapping.jsp $CCM_HOME/jetty/webapps/help/synergyhelp.war

Installation Instructions (UNIX)

Before you begin, make sure that you have performed a successful backup of your Synergy installation areas.

This iFix contains modifications to the software that must be installed in the installation directory (CCM_HOME changes).

Once you have installed iFix001, do not install any individual iFix that does not clearly state that it may be installed on top of iFix001, unless informed otherwise by Synergy Support.

  1. To install this iFix on UNIX, use the ccm_patch script. If you do not have the ccm_patch script, please download it from the
    Synergy Support web site.

    If you have previously downloaded a copy of ccm_patch, please check to see if it is still the most up to date version. If not, download the latest version and discard your previous version. At the time of writing, the latest version of ccm_patch is 46.

    If you have downloaded a newer version, then copy the ccm_patch script to $CCM_HOME/bin in each server installation; make sure it is owned by ccm_root and has execute permission (mode 0755).

  2. In preparation for the following steps, ask all users to exit their Synergy sessions.

  3. Login as user ccm_root and set CCM_HOME to point to your Synergy installation. Shut down all Synergy 7.2 databases. Verify that all users have exited by using the ccm monitor command.

      $ su - ccm_root
      ccm_root$ CCM_HOME=/usr/local/ccm72  # Adjust as appropriate
      ccm_root$ PATH=$CCM_HOME/bin:$PATH
      ccm_root$ export CCM_HOME PATH
      ccm_root$ ccmdb shutdown <dbpath>    # Repeat per database

      ccm_root$ ccm monitor

    Stop the Synergy daemons using the ccm_stop_daemons command.

       ccm_root$ ccm_stop_daemons

  4. Update the Synergy installation directory.

    Use the ccm_patch command. The argument to ccm_patch is the full path to the iFix file that you are installing.

    Note that ccm_patch must be run as root, since it needs to set ownership and permissions on the patched files.

      ccm_root$ su
      # CCM_HOME=/usr/local/ccm72     # Adjust as appropriate
      # PATH=$CCM_HOME/bin:$PATH
      # export CCM_HOME PATH

    If your database runs on Oracle then set ORACLE_HOME.

          # ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/oracle   # Adjust as appropriate
          # export ORACLE_HOME

      # ccm_patch <PATH>/
      # exit

    Repeat this command for each installation directory.

    Once the installation directory has been updated, restart the Synergy daemons as the ccm_root user.

       ccm_root$ ccm_start_daemons

  5. Unprotect the databases that were shut down in step 1:

       ccm_root$ ccmdb unprotect <dbpath>

    Repeat for every database that was shut down.

  6. Inform users that they can restart their Synergy sessions.

    This iFix contains a Windows client component. Users of Synergy Windows GUI will be prompted to download the iFix when they start a session. Users of the Windows CLI will be requested to patch their clients by browsing to


    Alternatively, the executable, Update_7.2-0.1.001.exe, can be distributed to Windows CLI users, so they can execute it directly, to update their client installations.

Reversing the iFix (UNIX)

If it is necessary to remove the iFix after it was installed, follow these steps. If you have a Windows client, see Reversing the iFix (Microsoft Windows).

  1. In preparation for the following steps, ask all users to exit their Synergy sessions. As 'ccm_root', shut down all Synergy databases that use this installation. Verify that all users have exited by using ccm monitor.

      $ su - ccm_root
      ccm_root$ CCM_HOME=/usr/local/ccm72  # Adjust as appropriate
      ccm_root$ PATH=$CCM_HOME/bin:$PATH
      ccm_root$ export CCM_HOME PATH
      ccm_root$ ccmdb shutdown <dbpath>    # Repeat per database
      ccm_root$ ccm monitor

    Stop the Synergy daemons using the ccm_stop_daemons command.

       ccm_root$ ccm_stop_daemons

  2. Restore the installation files from before iFix001

    $CCM_HOME contains a save directory structure that contains all files that were removed or replaced during the iFix installation process. The files are saved with a suffix of _p7. In addition, the first time a particular file is saved it will also be saved with an extension of _orig. Replace all files that were updated with this iFix. For a complete list of $CCM_HOME files that were changed see section Deliverable Synergy Components Affected (UNIX).

    For example $CCM_HOME/lib/cslib.a was replaced. To replace it with the file from before this iFix:

       ccm_root$ cp $CCM_HOME/save/lib/cslib.a_p7. \

    Repeat this step for each $CCM_HOME file listed in Deliverable Synergy Components Affected (UNIX).

    Create the following directory:

       ccm_root$ mkdir $CCM_HOME/jetty/work

  3. Remove entries in patches.txt and patches.dat

    In the $CCM_HOME/etc directory are files patches.txt and patches.dat. Using an editor, for instance vi, edit these files. Remove the lines referencing this iFix.

    Save this file and exit the editor. If the resulting files are empty then delete them.

  4. Login as user 'root'. You need to run $CCM_HOME/bin/ccm_install in order to reset the ownership and permissions of the original files you copied back:

      $ su -
      # CCM_HOME=/usr/local/ccm72    # Adjust as appropriate
      # PATH=$CCM_HOME/bin:$PATH
      # export CCM_HOME PATH

    If your database runs on Oracle then set ORACLE_HOME

           # ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/oracle   # Adjust as appropriate
           # export ORACLE_HOME

      # ccm_install -c
      # exit

  5. Unprotect the databases that were shut down in step 1, using:

       ccm_root$ ccmdb unprotect <dbpath>

    Repeat for every database that was patched.

  6. Start the Synergy daemons using the ccm_start_daemons

       ccm_root$ ccm_start_daemons

  7. Inform users that they can restart their Synergy sessions.

Deliverable Synergy Components Affected (Microsoft Windows)

CCM_HOME files affected by the iFix:


Installation Instructions (Microsoft Windows)

Before you begin, make sure that you have performed a successful backup of your Synergy Installation areas.

This iFix contains modifications to the software that must be installed in the installation directory (CCM_HOME changes).

Once you have installed iFix001, do not install any individual iFix that does not clearly state that it may be installed on top of iFix001, unless informed otherwise by Synergy Support.

  1. Request that all users exit their Synergy sessions before you begin the installation. Shutdown all Synergy databases using the ccmdb shutdown command. Verify that all users have exited by using the ccm monitor command.

      > ccmdb shutdown <dbpath>    # Repeat per database
      > ccm monitor

  2. To apply the iFix to a Windows Synergy server installation, you must log in as a user in the Local Administrator group on the Main or Additional server machine. Do not install the iFix on your computer if you use a shared network installation; just install the iFix once on the network installation.

  3. Once you have logged in as the appropriate user, run the iFix executable, from the command prompt or by double clicking it. This brings up the Patch Installation Utility which guides you through the steps of installing the iFix.

  4. Inform users that they can restart their Synergy sessions.

This iFix contains a Windows client component. Users of the Synergy Windows GUI will be prompted to download the iFix when they start a session. Users of the Windows CLI will be requested to patch their clients by browsing to:


Alternatively, the executable, Update_7.2-0.1.001.exe, can be distributed to Windows CLI users, so they can execute it directly, to update their client installations.

Reversing the iFix (Microsoft Windows)

If it is necessary to remove the iFix after it was installed follow these steps; they must be performed by a Synergy database administrator.

  1. Request that all users exit their Synergy sessions before you begin the uninstallation. Shutdown all Synergy databases using the ccmdb shutdown command. Verify that all users have exited with ccm monitor.

      > ccmdb shutdown <dbpath>     # repeat per database
      > ccm monitor

  2. Stop the 7.2 Synergy services. Perform this step as an admin user.

    Open the services dialog and stop the Synergy services. If you are unfamiliar with these services refer to the Synergy Administration Guide For Windows for additional details.

  3. Restore the original files replaced by iFix001

    Before replacing the original files, remove the hidden attribute from files stored under the %CCM_HOME%\patches\ directory and its subdirectories.

    Do this as user who has local admin rights.

    Use the attrib command to remove the Hidden attribute from
    the files. From a command prompt:

      > cd %CCM_HOME%\patches\
      > attrib -h * /s /d

    The %CCM_HOME%\patches\ directory contains two files and either three or four sub-directories.

    The two files are a README file and ccm_bp.ini. You do not need to be concerned with the ccm_bp.ini file.

    The three sub-directories that every installation will have are CCM_HOME, util, and WINSYS. If your installation contains the Synergy Database Administration Tools, there will be an additional sub-directory named database. This last directory is not hidden and the files it contains are not hidden.

    The util and WINSYS directories are empty, and can be ignored. The database directory may also be ignored at this time.

    The CCM_HOME directory contains a directory structure similar to that of your Synergy installation area. Any files that were removed or replaced from your installation area are under this directory.

    After removing the hidden attribute from all of the files stored under this CCM_HOME directory and its sub-directories, copy or move all of these files into the Synergy installation area directory structure, replacing the files that are currently there.

    For example, the file "ccmjava.jar" was replaced by this iFix.

    This file is located in the \lib directory. To replace the iFix version of the file with the original file, copy or move the previously saved "ccmjava.jar" file from the directory


    to the directory


    Restore all CCM_HOME files replaced by this iFix. For a complete list of CCM_HOME files replaced, please see the above section titled, Deliverable Synergy Components Affected (Microsoft Windows).

    Create the following directory and make sure it is writable by the CM admin user:


  4. Remove entries in patches.txt and patches.dat

    In the %CCM_HOME%\etc directory are files patches.txt and patches.dat. Using a text file editor (such as Notepad.exe), edit these files and remove the lines referencing this iFix.

    Save this file and exit the editor. If the resulting files are empty, then delete them.

  5. Remove Key from the Registry

    On 32 bit systems this key is located at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Telelogic\CM SYNERGY\7.2\Install\Patches\



    On 64 bit systems this key is located at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Telelogic\CM SYNERGY\7.2\Install\Patches\

    Start the registry editor program by selecting Run... from the Start menu and typing regedit.exe in the Open text field.

    When the Registry Editor starts, browse to the appropriate key listed above. You will see a key labeled Select this key by clicking on it with the mouse. Now delete the key by pressing Delete on your keyboard. Exit the registry editor.

  6. Restart the Synergy services

    Restart the services that were stopped in an step 2. Open the services dialog and start the Synergy services. If you are unfamiliar with these services refer to the Synergy Administration Guide For Windows for additional details.

  7. Unprotect the databases that were shut down in step 1

       > ccmdb unprotect <dbpath>

    Repeat for every database that was patched.

  8. Inform users that they can restart their Synergy sessions.

Download Package

Select the Download Option of your choice to obtain the download package.

How critical is this fix?

This iFix is required for customers who want the Japanese or Chinese language packs.

[{"DNLabel":"UNIX","DNDate":"15 Nov 2011","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"107697679","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"Windows","DNDate":"15 Nov 2011","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"120608113","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]

Technical Support

[{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 December 2020

