IBM Support

TPF Build Tools



The TPF build tools give you access to several TPF tools that were previously only available from batch JCL.

Download Description

The TPF Build Tools give you access to several TPF tools that were previously only available from batch JCL.  Several Unix-style utilities exist in this set: 

 17 December 2007 This update changes
  • Support for HSM-migrated data sets for as, tpfldr, and ld.
  • A new strict-prelinker option added for ld.

All executables provided in the package were linked with COMPAT=PM3 so that they can be executed on any z/OS (or OS/390) UNIX system.

as v1.3.4 A utility that provides an z/OS UNIX shell command interface to the HLASM assembler, and allows HFS-resident macro files to be used.
fixedrec v1.0 A utility that is useful for appending and removing linefeeds in RECFM=F, LRECL=80 files (such as DLL definition side decks resident on HFS)
ldv 1.7A utility that calls the Program Management Binder (a.k.a. linkedit) and, optionally, the prelinker. It knows about the unique TPF requirements for DLLs, LLMs, DLMs, and TPF Control Program code.
libi v 1.1A tool for generating linkable LLM transfer vectors and stub object files.
mkmaclib v 1.1A tool for creating MVS cataloged filesystem PDSes from HFS copies of macro files. 
lmcp v1.1p2A utility for copying HFS resident load modules (DLMs, DLLs, and LLMs) to PDS members.
pcml v1.1p2Copies a a PDS-resident load module (DLM, LLM, or DLL) to the z/OS UNIX Hierarchical File System (HFS).
tpfldr v 1.9 A Unix interface to the TPFLDR batch program, so that loadsets can be created from PDS and HFS files.

The TPF cross-development environment is a set of z/OS UNIX System Services (hereafter, z/OS UNIX) tools that support the development of TPF e-type segments and load modules (DLM, DLL, and LLM). This environment is implemented on a mixture of native z/OS UNIX and custom-written commands to support all necessary steps on the z/OS UNIX hierarchical file system (HFS), with support added in necessary places for traditional MVS cataloged data sets, such as partitioned data sets (PDS).


  • HLASM 1.3 and higher
  • TPFLDR40
  • Project Managment Binder (DFSMS)

[{"INLabel":"Readme (Text)","INLang":"English","INSize":"5100","INURL":""},{"INLabel":"Readme (PDF)","INLang":"English","INSize":"34725","INURL":""},{"INLabel":"Build Tool Documentation (PDF)","INLang":"English","INSize":"259942","INURL":""}]

Download Package

To download the package, first go to and sign in to the download server using your z/TPF maintenance userid and password. Once you have signed in, use Back on your browser until you return to this page. Then, select the link next to the download you want. You will be asked to click Agree on a standard set of terms and conditions.

You must be a z/TPF or TPF customer to download this tool.

[{"DNLabel":"TPF Build Tools","DNDate":"20 Dec 2007","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"344624","DNPlat":{"label":"TPF","code":"PF029"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSZL53","label":"TPF"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"z\/TPF","Platform":[{"code":"PF029","label":"TPF"}],"Version":"4.1;1.1","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 August 2018

