IBM Support

IBM Spectrum Protect server database backup fails with ANR4588E after client reinstall



Client uninstall and reinstall can cause the server database backup to fail with ANR4588E


You may see the following error in the server activity log:

ANR4588E A database backup configuration might be incorrect.

You may see the following errors in the db2diag.log when the database backup fails:

2017-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.123456 I5411F916            LEVEL: Error
PID     : 6648                 TID : 3340           PROC : db2syscs.exe
INSTANCE: SERVER1              NODE : 000           DB   : TSMDB1
APPHDL  : 0-9455               APPID: *LOCAL.SERVER1.171002224919
EDUID   : 3340                 EDUNAME: db2med.11612.0 (TSMDB1)
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluMapVend2MediaRCWithLog, probe:656
DATA #1 : String, 141 bytes
Vendor error: rc = 30 returned from function sqluvint.
Return_code structure from vendor library C:\PROGRA~1\Tivoli\TSM\db2\bin\db2tsm.dll:


Un install and re-install of the client ( on the server system ) can affect the API environment used to backup up the server database

Diagnosing The Problem

Server ICBACK SESSION trace may show the following errors

RdbDoBackup]: db2BackupSignature is not set and may caused by bad configuration
RdbDoBackup]:Backup database TSMDB1 failed with rc 0 sqlcode -2079  sqlerrmc token is:\PROGRA~1\Tivoli\TSM\db2\bin\db2tsm.dllÿ30                          SQLUBMWR.
RdbDoBackup]:The backup DB may have gone to storage pool!!

IcBackupThread]:RdbDoBackup returned with rc = 3336.
IcBackupThread]:Entry: procId=13, full=1, scratch=1, class=YOURCLASS
IcBackupThread]:Calling backup, retry=False, numActualStreams=1.
IcBackupThread]:RdbDoBackup returned with rc = 3336.

Server API, Api_detail trace of failing backup may show the following:

10/02/2017 17:37:39.723 [006648] [11612] : ..\..\common\winnt\psskit.cpp( 586): GSKKMlib::psLoadFunctions(): LoadGSKitLibrary() failed for file 'gsk8km_64.dll': rc = 127.
10/02/2017 17:37:39.723 [006648] [11612] : ..\..\common\ut\GSKitPasswordFile.cpp( 524): GSKitPasswordFile::GSKitPasswordFile:psLoadFunctions failed with error 5802

Resolving The Problem

The following steps resolved the ANR4588E.

1) Uninstall BA client
2) Rename C:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TSM\api64
3) Rename c:\windows\system32\tsmapi64.dll
4) Rename c:\windows\system32\tsmutil164.dll
5) Rename c:\windows\system32\dsmntapi64.dll
6) Reinstall BA client
7) Restart IBM Spectrum Protect server
8) Run the following command :

d:\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmsutil.exe UPDATEPW /NODE:$$_TSMDBMGR_$$
NOTE: Your paths may be different when you run the above dsmsutil
For more information on the command syntax for dsmsutil.exe, please refer to the link provided.

- start DB backup

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQVQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1;7.1.3;7.1.4;7.1.5;7.1.6;7.1.7;8.1;8.1.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

