IBM Support

Diagnosing a 403 Forbidden Response in WebSEAL



A user is getting a 403 Forbidden response but ACLs on the object are correct. Policy seems to be correct on: /WebSEAL/ and the ACL allows read. How can I diagnose this?


Unexpected 403 Forbidden response.


Incorrect authorization rules.

Diagnosing The Problem

Check settings and collect traces if necessary.

Resolving The Problem

Before collecting any traces check the following:

## Make sure the correct objectspace is being used.
Check in the Reverse Proxy config file:

#server-name =
server-name = Other

At restart WebSEAL registers with the Policy Server to pull policy from /WebSEAL/<server-name>. In this case it will use /WebSEAL/Other.

Update <server-name> if not correct and restart.

It might also be the cause that /WebSEAL/Other is the desired objectspace. In this case the policy needs to be moved.

If <server-name> has been verified but a 403 is still returned continue.

## Make sure the Policy Server is replicating policy updates automatically.
Check the Policy Server conf file:

auto-database-update-notify = no

If set to no then you will have to issue:

pdadmin sec_master> server replicate

Replicate the Policy and retest.

Regardless of setting check the Policy Server message log. The replication might fail due to changes in network or some other reason. You will see a message similar to:

2017-04-27-08:15:49.272-05:00I----- 0x13279384 pdmgrd NOTICE idb notifier IVNotifier.cpp 536 0x7f70ccdfa700
HPDDB0900I Could not send client notification (, 0x1354a426).

Can you ping from the Policy Server?

Check the WebSEAL message log to see if there is a problem downloading
the latest policy db.

Is this the latest copy as compared to the Policy Server's copy?
Check by date or just use the Linux sum command if in doubt.

Software locations are:
Policy Server: /var/PolicyDirector/db/master_authzn.db
WebSEAL: /var/pdweb/db/webseald-default.db

Appliance locations in the support file are:
Policy Server: /var/PolicyDirector/db/master_authzn.db
WebSEAL: /var/pdweb/default/db/webseald-default.db

If none of the above resolve the issue then continue on to traces.

## Collect traces
Enable pdweb.debug, pdweb.snoop, and pdweb.wan.azn traces. Steps are located here:



All three traces are required. Complete information from the above must be collected

Recreate the problem. In the pdweb.wan.azn trace you will see the access decision for the resource.

You can find by looking for search string "INPUTS". For example, debugging access for /jct/hello.html.

2017-04-27-10:00:22.624-06:00I----- thread(9) trace.pdweb.wan.azn:9 /pro

2017-04-27-10:00:22.624-06:00I----- thread(9) trace.pdweb.wan.azn:9 /pro
[] OUTPUT - permission=1

2017-04-27-10:00:22.654-05:00I----- thread(9) trace.pdweb.wan.azn:9 /project/amwebsec900/build/amwebsec900/src/pdwebrte/webcore/amw_azn.c:147: [] Attr Name:AZN_PERMINFO_FAIL_REASON , Value: 268809264

The "permissions=1" means denied.

Check the reason code using:

pdadmin sec_master> errtext 268809264
HPDAC1072E The step-up authorization policy on the protected object has denied access.

We see in this case step-up policy has denied access. So, the ACL might be okay but a POP is also in affect.

*** NOTE ***
If the following error is seen:

pdadmin sec_master> errtext 268809260
HPDAC1068E Access to the protected object was denied by EAS override.
pdadmin sec_master>

This means a custom External Authentication Service denied access. This is normally Advanced Access Control Policy. Debugging the Deny for AAC is outside the scope of this document.
If the above error is seen then normal AAC debugging should be used.

## Check the object policy all the way to the top. For example,
pdadmin sec_master> object show
pdadmin sec_master> object show /WebSEAL/
pdadmin sec_master> object show /WebSEAL/

It is very import to go all the way to "/".

At each object show check the attached or effective ACL, POP, or AuthzRule.

Does the user have the 'T' perm all the way down to hello.html? If not, then access will stop as soon as there is no 'T' down the path.

## Is the Junction case sensitive?
Another common problem is the junction is case-insensitive. This means even if the access was /jct/HELLO.html the policy needs to be on /jct/hello.html. This is easy to overlook when debugging.

## Does the user have access?
Is the user in a group the gets denied? Even if the user is a member of a group that grants access it will get denied. Policy is not a union in cases such as this.

## Is the user coming from an IP that is restricted by the POP? We see in this case:
pdadmin sec_master> pop show ip-test
Protected object policy: ip-test
Warning: No
Audit level: none
Quality of protection: none
Time of day access: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, :anytime:local
IP Endpoint Authentication Method Policy
Auth Level: Forbidden Network: Any Other Network

Auth Level: 1 Network:

Access is only allowed from the network, but the above access came from

There could also be a time-of-day restriction.

## AuthzRule check.
What is the AuthzRule checking? Retrieve the rule and examine:

pdadmin sec_master> authzrule show azn_engine_target_resource
Authorization Rule Name: azn_engine_target_resource
Rule Text: <xsl:choose>
<xsl:when test="azn_cred_groups = 'WebAccess' and azn_engine_target_resource = '/WebSEAL/ /jct/hello.html'">


We see in this case despite having access via the ACL there is also a check to make sure the user is only a member of the WebAccess group.

## Check DNYURL in pdweb.debug.
Fine the request in pdweb.debug:

2017-05-09-12:52:23.850-05:00I----- thread(15) trace.pdweb.debug:2 /project/amwebsec900/build/amwebsec900/src/pdweb/webseald/ras/trace/debug_log.cpp:134: ----------------- Browser ===> PD -----------------
GET /jct/hello.html HTTP/1.1^M

2017-05-09-12:52:23.851-05:00I----- thread(15) trace.pdweb.debug:2 /project/amwebsec900/build/amwebsec900/src/pdweb/webseald/ras/trace/debug_log.cpp:256: ----------------- DYNURL -----------------
DYNURL:/jct/hello.html REGEXP:/jct/hello.html OBJECT:/Deny
----------------- END DYNURL -----------------

In this case a DYNURL was created of:

/Deny /jct/hello.html

Check the permissions on /WebSEAL/

pdadmin sec_master> object show /WebSEAL/
Attached ACL: closed-acl

pdadmin sec_master> acl show closed-acl
ACL Name: closed-acl
User sec_master TcmdbsvaBRl

We see the ACL does not allow access.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSZU8Q","label":"IBM Security Access Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Reverse Proxy","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
14 April 2020

