IBM Support

PureData System for Analytics: columns in nz_gra_history

Question & Answer


What data is stored in nz_gra_history? How can I collect this data?


Puredata system for Analytics (PDA) appliances store a lot of useful data in 'in memory' tables. This data is lost when the database is restarted (or when the table fills it's memory allocation and is forced to drop the oldest rows). GRA data relates to resource usage by resource group. Enabling data collection is very similar to the process for collecting nz_query_history data as described in this technote:

1. Decide which database you want to collect data into. We recommend using your query history collection database (in this example I will assume it is called HISTDB).
2. Create the table you will collect data in with the following command:
nzsql -db histdb -f /nz/support/bin/nz_gra_history.ddl

3. Run nz_gra_history once to confirm it is working OK:
/nz/support/bin/nz_gra_history HISTDB

4. Schedule this via cron:
5   * * * * if [ -d /nz/lost+found ]; then ( . /export/home/nz/.bash_profile ; /nz/support/bin/nz_gra_history HISTDB) ; fi > /dev/null 2>&1

Once you have set this up, you will want to understand what data you are looking at. The column definitions are as follows:

ENTRY_TS                Time Stamp of entry
GROUPID                 OID for this Resource Sharing GroupGroup name is also provided further down the table
PLANS_STARTED           Number of plans started in this interval
PLANS_FINISHED          Number of plans ended in this interval
PLANS_WAITING_LONG      Average number of long plans waiting in this intervalAverage over SAMPLE_SECS
PLANS_WAITING_SHORT     Average number of short plans waiting in this intervalAverage over SAMPLE_SECS
PLANS_RUNNING_LONG      Average number of long plans runningAverage over SAMPLE_SECS
PLANS_RUNNING_SHORT     Average number of short plans runningAverage over SAMPLE_SECS
TARGET_JOB_MAX          Target job maximum
TARGET_RSG_PCT          Target resource sharing percent
TARGET_RSG_MAX          Target resource sharing maximum percent
ACTUAL_RSG_PCT          Rolling average resource usage over horizon period
ACTUAL_RSG_PCT_SAMPLE   Average resource usage in previous sample
ACTUAL_JOB_MAX          Maximum number of jobs running in this interval
ALLOWED_RSG_PCT         Rolling average allowed resource sharing percent over horizon period
ALLOWED_RSG_PCT_SAMPLE  Average allowed resource sharing percent in previous sample
EXPECTED_RSG_PCT        Rolling average expected resource sharing percent over horizon period
EXPECTED_RSG_PCT_SAMPLE Average expected resource sharing percent in previous sample
RSG_HORIZON_US          Time horizon over which resource sharing percent applies
COMPLIANCE              Compliance factor
SAMPLE_SECS             Seconds since last row; duration of interval
BUSY_SECS               Seconds that RSG had jobs to run in this interval
HOST_CPU_SECS           Host CPU seconds used in this interval
HOST_DISK_READ_SECS     Host Disk Read seconds used in this interval
HOST_DISK_WRITE_SECS    Host Disk Write seconds used in this interval
HOST_FABRIC_SECS        Host Fabric seconds used in this interval
SPU_CPU_SECS            SPU CPU seconds used in this interval
SPU_DISK_READ_SECS      SPU Disk Read seconds used in this interval
SPU_DISK_WRITE_SECS     SPU Disk Write seconds used in this interval
SPU_FABRIC_SECS         SPU Fabric seconds used in this interval
GROUPNAME               name of resource group
START_TIME              start time of interval adjusted by timezone
END_TIME                end time of interval adjusted by timezone
SPU_DATA_DISK_READ_SECS SPU Data Disk Read seconds used in this interval
SPU_DATA_DISK_WRITE_SECSSPU Data Disk Write seconds used in this interval
SPU_TEMP_DISK_READ_SECS SPU Temp Disk Read seconds used in this interval
SPU_TEMP_DISK_WRITE_SECSSPU Temp Disk Write seconds used in this interval 

[{"Product":{"code":"SSULQD","label":"IBM PureData System"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Database","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"1.0.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 October 2019

