IBM Support

Use of FastBack Utility FBDRHousekeeping.exe



There may be orphan chains in the FastBack DR Hub server repository. The orphan chains are outdated and do not exist on FastBack Server repositories anymore; However, jobs data belonging to those chains still reside on DR Hub server repositories, and cannot be removed automatically by the scheduled DR process. The orphan chains may accumulate and decrease the available DR Hub server repository space.

Resolving The Problem

The utility FBDRHousekeeping.exe, introduced in APAR IC99366, can be used to help users identify the orphan chains in DR hub server repository. The utility is installed in "utilities" directory under the FastBack installation path, such as "Tivoli\TSM\FastBack\utilities\".


Suppose the branch to check orphan chains is named "BRANCHA":

1. On DR hub server, get the "history.txt" from the "REP_BRANCHA\", and copy "history.txt" to the working directory, suppose "D:\HistoryFile\remote\".

For DR FTP, copy the history.txt file from any repositories sub-directory under the branch directory and go to step 2;

For DR TSM, download the hisotry.txt from DR TSM using FastBack DR utilities:

i) On DR Hub server, open command line window, cd to FastBack DR Hub server installation directory:

On windows server 2008: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tivoli\TSM\FastBack\utilities"

On windows server 2003: " C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\FastBack\utilities"

ii) Type command (example):

FBDRDir.exe -m; -d 3 "TSM;TCPS:;TCPP:1500;NODE:FBserver1;PASSWORD:FBserver1pass;FILEPATH:/REP_BRANCHA" >C:\branchA_dir_structure.txt

You may see the output similar to the following:


Going to show :"TSM|TCPS:|TCPP:1500|NODE:FBserver1|PASSWORD:FBserver1pass|FILEPATH:/REP_BRANCHA" (depth 3)





JOB3223 <DIR>

JOB3224 <DIR>





Then we know the path of history.txt. In this example, it is:


In case you see multiple repositories listed like:




You can chose any repository path containing the history.txt as they are all the same copy.

iii) Download the history.txt from DR TSM by FBDRCopy.exe command:


When the command completes processing, go to directory "D:\REP_BRANCHA" and copy the history.txt to the working directory "D:\HistoryFile\remote\".

2. On the FastBack server configured with the same branch name "BRANCHA", enter any repository folder, copy "history.txt" to the working directory on DR Hub Server, suppose "D:\HistoryFile\local\".

3.Open CMD windows, cd into the utility FBDRHousekeeping.exe installation directory:

On windows server 2008: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tivoli\TSM\FastBack\utilities"

On windows server 2003: " C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\FastBack\utilities"

4.Type command (example):

FBDRHousekeeping.exe -remote D:\History\remote\history.txt -local D:\History\local\history.txt -out D:\history\orphan_chain_list.txt


-remote: The history.txt from DR Hub server branch.

-local: The history.txt from FastBack Server configured with same branch.

-out: The output file.

5. Check "orphan_chain_list.txt", you may see the potential orphan chains like:

Chain ID: 0x0000001323d005b0

Action ID: 0x13

Volume ID: 0x23d005b0

Action Name: CLIENT001

Chain description: Signature 0x23d005b0 on CLIENT001 VolLetter C:\

6. *IMPORTANT* The user will need to double check that whether the chains are indeed outdated. If confirming that the chains are not needed anymore, delete the chain via FastBackDRPh2.exe command.

To delete a chain from DR Hub Server:

1) The FastBack Server must be fully operational and running. The FastBack DR must be stopped.

2) On the FastBack Server machine, run windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator and go to the following location within this Command Prompt window:

Windows 32 bit: %system drive%\program files\tivoli\tsm\fastback\dr

Windows 64 bit: %system drive%\program files (x86)\tivoli\tsm\fastback\dr

3) The command syntax is as the following:

FastBackDRPh2.exe -DeleteChain -ActionItemId <Policy ID> -VolumeId <Volume ID> -Title "zzz"

Note: Both parameters "ActionItemId" and "VolumeId" require HEX input. The "-Title" parameter must be included, but its value is not important.

For Example in this case, the Action ID is 0x13, volume ID is 0x23d005b0:

FastBackDRPh2.exe -DeleteChain -ActionItemId 13 -VolumeId 23d005b0 -Title "zzz"

Wait until the command finishes processing and the command prompt appears again.

4) To check if the deletion was performed successfully:

- open the FastBack Mount GUI again.

- Click on the "Refresh" button.

- Look for the volume name under the policy name and verify the chain of snapshots do not exist anymore.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9NU9","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"DR Hub Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

