IBM Support

Collect Log Utility for IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis



Tool required to automate the collection of diagnostic logs required by IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis Support

Resolving The Problem

The "collect_logs" utility knows how to find, collect, and compress the data files that IBM Support needs in order to diagnose problems with the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis product.

The collect_logs utility gathers detailed information about your IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis configuration. It will collect various logs, including the installation logs and system logs. The collect_logs utility will compress all output into a single zip and provide final filename details and location after it completes.

Important points to note:
1. Execute 'collect_logs' with the user ID used to install IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.

2. It is important to collect data, as soon as possible, after a problem is observed in order to collect all log and trace data before data is lost (First In, First Out, fixed size trace files).

3. It is equally important to run the utility before any manual (user) recovery efforts are attempted. This will ensure an accurate snapshot of the current states, which can then be correlated with the logs and traces collected.

How-to instructions for using collect_logs utility
Note: This utility must be run by the user ID that installed IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis. Running as any other user requires file access/permission changes to allow proper execution.

Command to run:
cd <LA_HOME>/utilities/
Then run:

After running the utility, the result will be a single compressed file, i.e. /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/

Execution time and compressed file size will depend on the amount of data stored on the various logs directories.

You should end up with a compressed file named similar to what is shown above. Collect the compressed file and upload it to the support case.

Example of Expected Output:
UNITY_HOME = /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis
Build file: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/utilities/collect_logs.ant

[echo] 20130614072147 - Initializing log collection ...
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/unity_logs_20130614072147


[copy] Copying 3 files to /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/unity_logs_20130614072147/unity/Liberty/logs

[copy] Copying 10 files to /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/unity_logs_20130614072147/unity/logs

[copy] Copying 26 files to /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/unity_logs_20130614072147/unity/LFA/log

[copy] Copying 1 file to /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/unity_logs_20130614072147/unity/Derby/log



[zip] Building zip: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/

[delete] Deleting directory /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/unity_logs_20130614072147

[echo] Unity log file is: /home/unity/IBM/LogAnalysis/

Total time: 6 seconds

[{"Product":{"code":"SSPFMY","label":"IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

IBM Distributed Operations Log Analytics;SCLA

Document Information

Modified date:
29 August 2022

