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Process Engine Java API Enhancements for Content Platform Engine 5.2



The following fix packs include Process Engine API enhancements for Content Platform Engine 5.2:
Content Platform Engine Fix Pack (
Content Platform Engine Fix Pack (
Content Platform Engine Fix Pack (


Fix Pack

Content Platform Engine Fix Pack includes changes to the VWSession, VWStepDefinition, VWValidationError, VWWorkBasket, VWWorkflowCollectionDefinition,

Class VWSession Changes

The VWSession class has been enhanced to provide two new methods (fetchRole and fetchRoles) and one updated method (fetchRoleNames).

The main reason for this modification is to extend the definition of the flag VWSession.ACCESS_READ_APPLICATIONSPACE.

Previously, this flag meant:
· If a user is a member of SysAdminG or SysConfigG, then the user can read all data members for ALL Application Spaces. This includes all roles.
· If a user is a member of an Application Space Write ACL, then the user can read all data members for this particular Application Space. This includes all roles limited to this Application Space.

With Content Platform Engine FP1, this flag is extended to cover:
· If a user is a member of any role in an Application Space, then the user can read this particular Application Space, including all roles' data members under this Application Space.

For the new methods, fetchRole and fetchRoles, the signatures of these methods allow users to specify the properties to retrieve at an applicable security level. Users can tune performance by limiting serialization of returned data and better controlling security expectations.

The following older VWSession methods have been deprecated and will be phased out:

VWRole[] fetchMyRoles(String appSpaceName) throws VWException
Replaced by fetchRoles(String, int, int)

VWRole fetchMyRole(String roleName, String appSpaceName) throws VWException
Replaced by fetchRole(String, String, int, int)

VWRole fetchRole(String appSpaceName, String roleName) throws VWException
Replaced by fetchRole(String, String, int, int)


VWRole fetchRole(String appSpaceName, String roleName, int nPropertyflags, int nSecurityFlag) throws VWException

Retrieves the role information for the specified Application Space name and role name with security check enforced.

The nSecurityFlag defines the access level for the returned role. For appropriate values, see VWSession.ACCESS_READ_APPLICATIONSPACE, VWSession.ACCESS_WRITE_APPLICATIONSPACE, VWSession.ACCESS_MY_ROLES_ONLY. These values CANNOT be combined. A user can retrieve an updatable role, a readable role, or a role that the user is a member of. An exception is thrown if the user does not have the correct security level to access the role.

The nPropertyFlags defines the amount of data returned for the role. For appropriate values, see VWSession.ROLE_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES, VWSession.ROLE_INCLUDE_WORKBASKETS, VWSession.ROLE_INCLUDE_MEMBERS. These values can be combined by bitwise ORing. Dependings on need, a user can request to return attributes, members, and workbaskets for a role.


appSpaceName A String containing the name of the application space. If a translation source exists, pass in the translated name.
roleName A String containing the name of the role. If a translation source exists, pass in the translated name.
nPropertyflags The flag that defines the data to be returned. The VWSession ROLE_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES, ROLE_INCLUDE_WORKBASKETS and ROLE_INCLUDE_MEMBERS values can be ORed together to return attributes, workbaskets, and members data.
nSecurityFlag The flag that defines security level for the returned role. See the VWSession ACCESS_READ_APPLICATIONSPACE, ACCESS_WRITE_APPLICATIONSPACE and ACCESS_MY_ROLES_ONLY.
Returns: A VWRole object for the application name and role name specified.
Throws: VWException - Various causes


VWRole[] fetchRoles(String appSpaceName, int nPropertyflags, int nSecurityFlag) throws VWException

Retrieves the roles information for the specified Application Space name with security check enforced.

The nSecurityFlag defines the access level for the returned roles. For appropriate values, see VWSession.ACCESS_READ_APPLICATIONSPACE, VWSession.ACCESS_WRITE_APPLICATIONSPACE, VWSession.ACCESS_MY_ROLES_ONLY. These values CANNOT be combined. Within the specified Application Space, user can retrieve all updatable roles, readable roles, or roles that he is a member of.

The nPropertyFlags defines the amount of data returned per role. For appropriate values, see VWSession.ROLE_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES, VWSession.ROLE_INCLUDE_WORKBASKETS, VWSession.ROLE_INCLUDE_MEMBERS. These values can be combined by bitwise ORing. Depending on need, a user can request to return attributes, members, and workbaskets per role.


appSpaceName A String containing the name of the Application Space. If a translation source exists, pass in the translated name.
nPropertyflags The flag that defines the data to be returned. The VWSession ROLE_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES, ROLE_INCLUDE_WORKBASKETS and ROLE_INCLUDE_MEMBERS values can be ORed together to return attributes, workbaskets, and members data.
nSecurityFlag The flag that defines security level for the returned role. See the VWSession ACCESS_READ_APPLICATIONSPACE, ACCESS_WRITE_APPLICATIONSPACE and ACCESS_MY_ROLES_ONLY.
An array of VWRole objects for the application name specified.
Throws: VWException - Various causes

fetchRoleNames method

String[]  fetchRoleNames(String appSpaceName, int accessFlag) throws VWException

Retrieves the role names associated with an Application Space for the session. The results returned are filtered according to the value of the accessFlag parameter. If a translation source exists, return the translated role names.

appSpaceName A String containing the name of the Application Space associated with the role names.
accessFlag An integer indicating one of the following field values:
· ACCESS_READ_APPLICATIONSPACE Fetch only role names where the current user has Write permission to the application space, or is a participant in any roles in the application space.
· ACCESS_WRITE_APPLICATIONSPACE Fetch only role names where the current user has Write permission to the application space.
· ACCESS_IGNORE_APPLICATIONSPACE_SECURITY Fetch all the role names in the application space.

A String array of role names for the specified application space.

Throws: VWException - Various causes

Class VWStepDefinition Changes

reorderStepParameters method

void reorderStepParameters(VWParameterDefinition[] theStepParameters) throws VWException

Changes the order in which the step parameters are stored in this step definition. At runtime, this defines the order of the VWParameters that are retrieved from a VWStepElement object.


theStepParameters The reordered array of VWParameterDefinition objects that were retrieved from this step definition.

VWException - Thrown if the input parameter (theStepParameters) that defines the order of the step parameters is invalid. This could result if the parameter has the wrong number of elements or inconsistent content.

See also:
createParameter(String, int, String, int, boolean)

Class VWValidationError Changes

getLocalizedValidationTypeString method

String getLocalizedValidationTypeString(int theValidationType) throws VWException

Retrieves the localized string corresponding to the specified validation type.


theValidationType An integer value associated with validation type. Validation types are provided in the VWValidationError class and are noted as VALIDATION_TYPE_*. VALIDATION_TYPE_STEP which specified the validation item is a step and VALIDATION_TYPE_ROUTE which specifies the validation item is a route are two such validation types.

A String representation of the specified validation type.

VWException - Thrown if the validation type is not valid.

getLocalizedValidationLevelString method

String getLocalizedValidationLevelString(int theValidationLevel) throws VWException

Retrieves the localized string corresponding to the specified validation level.


theValidationlevel An integer value associated with validation type. Validation types are provided in the VWValidationError class and are noted as VALIDATION_TYPE_*. VALIDATION_TYPE_STEP which specified the validation item is a step and VALIDATION_TYPE_ROUTE which specifies the validation item is a route are two such validation types.

A String representation of the specified validation level.

VWException - Thrown if the validation level is not valid.

Class VWWorkBasket Changes

The fetchNextBatch method has been deprecated and replaced by a new method fetchFilteredBatch. The fetchFilteredBatch method returns a batch of query results based on specified criteria for the workbasket. The method's parameters queryFilter and querySubstitutionVars allow the user to specify an adhoc filter query similar to the VWQueue class createQuery method.

The fetchBatchCount method has been deprecated and replaced by the fetchFilteredCount method. The fetchFilteredCount returns a count for a work basket batch of query results based on specified criteria.

fetchFilteredBatch method

public QueryResults fetchFilteredBatch(int queryFlags, int bufferSize, String sortColumn, String[] filterNames, Object[] filterNameValues, String queryFilter, Object[] querySubstitutionVars, String lastWorkRecStr, int fetchType) throws VWException

Gets the batch of query results based on the specified criteria. Resets the any previous VWWorkBasket query values with the new criteria specified by the input parameters .


queryFlags An integer value that specifies the query options. Use the | and + operators to combine the flags. See the QUERY_* properties on VWQueue for descriptions of the possible query flags.
bufferSize An integer value indicating the maximum number of elements to return.
sortColumn A String containing the name of the column to sort by.
filterNames A String array of the names of the workbasket filters to use for the query.
filterNameValues An array of objects containing valid VWFieldType values to apply to the workbasket filters.
queryFilter A SQL WHERE clause used as a filter, and having placeholder variables that are replaced by values in the querySubstitutionVars parameter. Fields used in the query filter should be based on exposed fields of the queue associated with the workbasket.

Use this parameter in conjunction with the sortColumn index, filterNames, and queryFlags to refine the search. The SQL WHERE clause should contain a search field name on the left side of an operator and a placeholder variable on the right side of the operator.

The field names are processed as SQL column names. For this reason, it is important that you do not use SQL function names as field names.

queryFilter parameter SQL WHERE clause example:

 integerA < :A AND stringB =:B

The example specifies returned objects must meet the following conditions:

1. The integer search field, integerA, must be less than the value of the placeholder variable A.
2. The string search field, stringB, must be equal to the value of the next placeholder variable B.

Use the following guidelines when creating the queryFilter:

· In a SQL WHERE clause, a colon (:) precedes each placeholder variable on the right side of the statement.
· The search field is an exposed field on the queue associated with the VWWorkBasket.
· When the SQL WHERE clause is processed, each placeholder variable is replaced (in corresponding order) with a value specified in the querySubstitutionVars parameter.
querySubstitutionVars An array of objects containing the values to substitute for the placeholder variables specified in the SQL WHERE clause for the queryFilter parameter.

A VWWorkObjectNumber object can be used here in place of F_WobNum and F_WorkFlowNumber. Queries to DB2 databases must use VWWorkObjectNumber instead of F_WobNum or F_WorkFlowNumber.

The array elements in this parameter are substituted, in corresponding order, for the placeholder variables in the filter parameter. If there are no placeholder variables in the queryFilter parameter, the values for the querySubstitutionVars parameter will be ignored (and can be null).

Note: When using special SQL characters (such as, %), these characters need to be contained within the substitution string, and the entire substitution string must be quoted.

For example, if the queryFilter parameter contains two placeholder variables specified as ":A", there must be two corresponding substitution values.

For example:

 {new Integer(1000),"Smith"}

This querySubstitutionVars parameter would have a corresponding queryFilter parameter of the following:

  integerA < 1000 AND stringB = "Smith"

lastWorkRecStr A base64-encoded String containing the last record of the query results. If this value is null, the query starts from the beginning.
fetchType An integer value associated with the element type to be retrieved. Valid element type values must be one of the following:
· 1: Work object (FETCH_TYPE_WORKOBJECT)
· 3: Queue element (FETCH_TYPE_QUEUE_ELEMENT)
· 5: Step element (FETCH_TYPE_STEP_ELEMENT)

A QueryResults object containing the results of the query. If the end of the query results was reached in the preceding call to this method, null will be returned.

VWException -Various causes

See also:

fetchFilteredCount method

public int fetchFilteredCount(int queryFlags, String sortColumn, String[] filterNames, Object[] filterNameValues, String queryFilter, Object[] querySubstitutionVars, int fetchType) throws VWException

Gets the count of the batch of query results based on the specified criteria.


queryFlags An integer value that specifies the query options. Use the | and + operators to combine the flags. See the QUERY_* properties on VWQueue for descriptions of the possible query flags.
sortColumn A String containing the name of the column to sort by.
filterNames A String array of the names of the workbasket filters to use for the query.
filterNameValues An array of objects containing valid VWFieldType values to apply to the workbasket filters.
queryFilter A SQL WHERE clause used as a filter, and having placeholder variables that are replaced by values in the substitutionVars parameter. Fields used in the query filter should be based on exposed fields of the queue associated with the workbasket.

Use this parameter in conjunction with the sortColumn index and filterNames, and queryFlags to refine the search. The SQL WHERE clause should contain a search field name on the left side of an operator and a placeholder variable on the right side of the operator.

The field names are processed as SQL column names. For this reason, it is important that you do not use SQL function names as field names.

queryFilter parameter SQL WHERE clause example:

  integerA < :A AND stringB =:B

The example specifies returned objects must meet the following conditions:

1. The integer search field, integerA, must be less than the value of the placeholder variable A.
2. The string search field, stringB, must be equal to the value of the next placeholder variable B.

Use the following guidelines when creating the queryFilter:

· In a SQL WHERE clause, a colon (:) precedes each placeholder variable on the right side of the statement.
· The search field is an exposed field on the queue associated with the VWWorkBasket.
· When the SQL WHERE clause is processed, each placeholder variable is replaced (in corresponding order) with a value specified in the querySubstitutionVars parameter.
querySubstitutionVars An array of objects containing the values to substitute for the placeholder variables specified in the SQL WHERE clause for the queryFilter parameter. For more information, see the querySubstitutionVars description for the fetchFilterBatch method.
fetchType An integer value associated with the element type to be retrieved. Valid element type values must be one of the following:
· 1: Work object (FETCH_TYPE_WORKOBJECT)
· 3: Queue element (FETCH_TYPE_QUEUE_ELEMENT)
· 5: Step element (FETCH_TYPE_STEP_ELEMENT)

An integer value indicating the number of records that could be retrieved in the queue associated with this workbasket query.

VWException - Thrown if it cannot get the integer value indicating the number of records that can be retrieved. One cause of this is an incorrect query-related parameter.

Class VWWorkflowCollectionDefinition Changes

replaceWorkflow method

VWWorkflowDefinition replaceWorkflow(VWWorkflowDefinition theWorkflow) throws VWException

Replaces a workflow in this collection. The given workflow definition will be added to the collection even if a workflow of the same name is not found.


theWorkflow The workflow that will replace the existing workflow of the same name in this collection.

A VWWorkflowDefinition object for the workflow removed.

VWException - Thrown for various reasons.

See also:

Fix Pack

Content Platform Engine Fix Pack includes changes to the VWSystemConfiguration class.

Class VWSystemConfiguration Changes

A new importQueueDefinition method adds a queue definition to the VWSystemConfiguration list of queue definitions. If the queue definition name is present in the list, the imported queue definition will replace the existing definition in the VWSystemConfiguration object. The method parameter is a VWQueueDefinition object.

importQueueDefinition method

void importQueueDefinition(VWQueueDefinition queueDef) throws VWException

Adds the specified queue definition to the list of queue definitions. If the queue already exists in the list, it is replaced.


queueDef The queue definition to import.

Throws: VWException - Various causes

Fix Pack

Content Platform Engine Fix Pack includes changes to the following classes: VWActionType, VWQuery, VWLogQuery, VWSimpleInstruction, VWStepDefinition. Additional classes have been created to support Workschedule, Service Level Agreements, and Region fields. These classes are: VWWorkScheduleList, VWWorkScheduleDefinition, VWWorkDayDefinition, VWSpecialDayDefinition, VWTimeIntervalDefinition, VWSLAList, VWSLADefinition, VWRegionFieldList, VWRegionFieldDefinition, and VWXMLRegionMetadata.


Value of 43. Returns the expiration time of the specified timer.

Value of 44. Resets the deadline and reminder expiration times of the first user step in the current execution stack.

Value of 45. Suspends the deadline and reminder expiration times of the first user step in the current execution stack.


Hashtable getAttributeInfoTable()
Returns the Hashtable that contains the attribute information field. The key to the hashtable is a string value, which is the field name; the key is stored in association with an object. This object is the field value.


public VWInstructionDefinition createExpirationTimeTimerInstruction(String theTimerType,                                                     String theTimerName, String theFieldName) throws VWException

Creates an expiration time timer instruction in this compound step definition, assigning it a new instruction Id, and appending it to the instruction list for this compound step.

theTimerType - The timer type, TIMER_TYPE_DEADLINE_STR = "DeadlineType" TIMER_TYPE_REMINDER_STR = "ReminderType" TIMER_TYPE_TIME_STR = "TimerType"
theTimerName - The name of the timer
theFieldName - A field of time type is populated with the time at which the named time timer will expire.

A new VWInstructionDefinition object with an action type of begin timer.


public VWInstructionDefinition createResumeDeadlineTimerInstruction(String theDeadlineExpirationTime, String theReminderExpirationTimer)                                   throws VWException

Creates a reset deadline timer instruction in this compound step definition, assigning it a new instruction Id and appending it to the instruction list for this compound step.

theDeadlineExpirationTime - A time expression that evaluates to the time that the timer will expire. This expression can be a literal time value or a time expression such as "addminutes(systemtime(),45)" (meaning "45 minutes from now").
theReminderExpirationTime - A time expression that evaluates to the time that the timer will expire. This expression can be a literal time value or a time expression such as "addminutes(systemtime(),45)" (meaning "45 minutes from now").

A new VWInstructionDefinition object with an action type of begin timer.


public VWInstructionDefinition createSuspendDeadlineTimerInstruction()throws VWException                    
Creates a Suspend Deadline Timer instruction in this compound step definition, assigning it a new instruction Id and appending it to the instruction list for this compound step.
A new VWInstructionDefinition object with an action type of end all timers.


VWLogQuery allows for the last record of the query fetched to be saved as a string. The last query can be set on a newly created VWLogQuery to resume the query from the point of the last log query. This is useful in stateless environments where the VWLogQuery object cannot be maintained.

String getLastRecord()

Gets the last record in the query results.


A base64-encoded String containing the last record of the query results. Null is returned if no last record exists.

void setLastRecord(String lastWorkRecStr)

Set the last record in the query result


lastWorkRecStr A base64-encoded String containing the last record of the query results. If this value is null, the query starts from the beginning.


VWQuery allows for the last record fetched by the query to be saved as a string. VWQueueQuery and VWRosterQuery inherit from VWQuery. The last query can be set on a newly created VWQueueQuery or VWRosterQuery to resume the query from the point of the last roster or queue query. This is useful in stateless environments were the VWQueueQuery or VWRosterQuery object cannot be maintained.

String getLastRecord()

Gets the last record in the query results.


A base64-encoded String containing the last record of the query results. Null is returned if no last record.

void setLastRecord(String lastWorkRecStr)

Set the last record in the query result


lastWorkRecStr A base64-encoded String containing the last record of the query results. If this value is null, the query starts from the beginning.


VWSimpleInstruction has new flags specified to identify Timer types that can be used in the new ExpiredTimeTimer instruction.

 String TIMER_TYPE_DEADLINE_STR = "DeadlineTimerType"
Used by the ExpirationTimeTimer instruction to retrieve the expiration time of the deadline that is defined on the activity step at the top of the execution stack.

String TIMER_TYPE_NAMED_STR = "NamedTimerType"
Used by the ExpirationTimeTimer instruction to retrieve the expiration time of the specified timer.

String TIMER_TYPE_REMINDER_STR = "ReminderTimerType"
Used by the ExpirationTimeTimer instruction to retrieve the expiration time of the reminder that is defined on the activity step at the top of the execution stack.


Enhancements have been added to the step definition that is used for participant or work queue steps (activity steps). These enhancements provide support for the new step definition properties:

  • reminder expression (string) – A time expression used to provide the reminder time. This is an absolute time rather than a negative offset of the deadline.
  • reminder map (string) – Map that is called if the reminder expires.
  • premap(string) – Map to be called before the step.
  • postmap(string) – Map to be called when the step is completed.
  • onSave map(string) – Map to be called when step is saved.

String getReminderExpr() throws VWException

Retrieves the value of the reminder expression property for this step definition. The reminder is an expression that represents the number of minutes prior to expiration of the deadline timer at run time.


A String containing a time expression. A returned reminder value of null means the step has no reminder.

Throws: VWException
See also: setReminderExpr

void setReminderExpr(String theReminderExpr) throws VWException

Sets the value of the reminder expression property for this step definition. The reminder is an expression that represents the number of minutes that should be used in the calculation prior to expiration of the deadline timer at run time.


theReminderExpr A String containing the time expression when the reminder will expire.

Throws: VWException
See also: getReminderExpr

String  getPreMap()

Gets the name of the map to be executed after the preassignments are executed before the step. If a translation source exists, the authored map name is translated.

Note: The translation is done only at run time, so does not appear in design-time applications (such as Process Designer or Process Configuration Console).


A String containing the translated map name, if a translation source exists; otherwise, the authored name is returned.

See also: setPreMap()

void setPreMap(String thePreMap)

Changes the name of the map to be executed after the preassignments are executed before the step.


thePreMap A String containing the name of the map to be called when the step reminder expires.

See also: getPreMap()

String getPostMap()

Gets the name of the map to be executed after the postassignments are executed, as the step is being dispatched to the next instruction for this step definition. If a translation source exists, the authored map name is translated.

Note: The translation is done only at run time, so does not appear in design-time applications (such as Process Designer or Process Configuration Console).


A String containing the translated map name, if a translation source exists; otherwise, the authored name is returned.

void setPostMap(String thePostMap)

Changes the name of the map that is executed after the postassignments are executed, as the step is being dispatched to the next instruction for this step definition.


thePostMap A String containing the name of the map to be called after the postassignments are processed for the activity step.

String getReminderMap()

Gets the name of the map to be called when the step reminder expires for this step definition. If a translation source exists, the authored map name is translated.

Note: The translation is done only at run time, so does not appear in design-time applications (such as Process Designer or Process Configuration Console).


A String containing the translated map name, if a translation source exists; otherwise, the authored name is returned.

void setReminderMap(String theReminderMap)

Changes the name of the map to be called when the step reminder expires for this step definition.


theReminderMap A String containing the name of the map to be called when the step reminder expires.

String  getOnSaveMap()

Gets the name of the map to be executed when the work item is saved. The execution of the map causes the step to be unlocked. If a translation source exists, the authored map name is translated.

Note: The translation is done only at run time, so does not appear in design-time applications (such as Process Designer or Process Configuration Console).


A String containing the translated map name, if a translation source exists; otherwise, the authored name is returned.

void setOnSaveMap(String theOnSaveMap)

Changes the name of the map to be executed when the work item is saved. The execution of the map causes the step to be unlocked.


theOnSaveMap A String containing the name of the map to be called when the work item is saved.


The Process Engine API VWSession has added methods to fetch the following lists: VWWorkScheduleList, VWSLAList, and VWRegionFieldList. These methods provide the ability to manage Work Schedules, Service Level Agreements, and Region fields. These objects are available to workflows within the isolated region.

VWWorkScheduleList fetchRegionWorkScheduleList(String startField, int count, boolean greaterThan) throws VWException

Fetches the work schedule collection for the isolated region that is associated with the connection point.


startField - Returns the isolated region fields starting from the name specified. If all fields are required, use empty string to return. This method must be issued again to return subsequent items from the list.
count - Maximum number of objects to return.
greaterThan - If true, queries for all fields greater than the startField values. If false, queries for items equal and greater than the startField.

returns VWWorkScheduleList object from the startField name. VWWorkScheduleList can be used to add, modify, create, and delete work schedules for the isolated region that is associated with the connection point.


VWSLAList fetchRegionSLAList(String startField, int count, boolean greaterThan) throws VWException

Fetches the Service Level Agreement collection for the isolated region that is associated with the connection point.


startField - Returns the isolated region fields starting from the name specified. If all fields are required, use empty string to return. This method must be issued again to return subsequent items from the list.
count - Maximum number of objects to return.
greaterThan - If true, queries for all fields greater than the startField values. If false, queries for items equal and greater than the startField.

Returns VWSLAList objects from the startField name. VWSLAList can be used to add, modify, create, and delete Service Level Agreements for the isolated region that is associated with the connection point.


VWRegionFieldList fetchRegionFieldList(String startField, int count, boolean greaterThan) throws VWException

Fetches Region Field definitions for the isolated region associated with the connection point.


startField - Returns the isolated region fields starting from the name specified. If all fields are required, use an empty string. This method must be issued again to return subsequent items from the list.
count - Maximum number of objects to return.
greaterThan - If true, queries for all fields greater than the startField values. If false, queries for items equal to and greater than the startField. Can be used to add, modify, create, and delete isolated region fields for the isolated region that is associated with the connection point. The object cannot contain any values.

Additional classes

The Process Engine API VWSession has added a method to fetch the VWWorkScheduleList. The VWWorkScheduleList can contain a collection of VWWorkScheduleDefinition. All the VWWorkScheduleDefinition for the isolated region are returned in the list. The list object allows the user to add, update, view, and delete VWWorkScheduleDefinition objects for the isolated region.
  • VWWorkScheduleList
  • VWWorkScheduleDefinition
  • VWWorkDayDefinition
  • VWSpecialDayDefinition
  • VWTimeInterval – Used in both the working day and special day

The Process Engine API VWSession has added a method to fetch the VWSLAList. The VWSLAList can contain a collection of VWSLADefinition. All the VWSLADefinition for the isolated region are returned in the list. The list object allows the user to add, update, view, and delete VWSLADefinition objects for the isolated region.

  • VWSLAList
  • VWSLADefinition
  • VWSLAEntryDefinition

The Process Engine API VWSession has added a method to fetch the VWRegionFieldList. The VWRegionFieldList can contain a collection of VWRegionFieldDefinition. The parameters of the fetch determine which Region Field objects are returned within the list. The list object allows the user to add, update, view, and delete VWRegionFieldDefinition objects for the isolated region.
  • VWRegionFieldList
  • VWRegionFieldDefinition

New class VWRegionFieldDefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Region Field definition properties. The Region Field definition has a name, description, field type, value, and flag if array.

New class VWRegionFieldList

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify isolated region field definition lists. The Region Field list contains a list of VWRegionFieldDefinitions. This object is created by the VWSession fetchRegionFieldList. It can be populated by the fetch and also from importFromXML

New class VWSLADefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Service Level Agreement definition properties. The Service Level Agreement definition has a name, description, and an array of VWSLAEntryDefinitions. The order of the array identifies the position of the VWSLAEntryDefinition.

New class VWSLAEntryDefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Service Level Agreement Entry definition properties. The Service Level Agreement Entry definition can have a description, a reminder, a deadline, a fixed time, a flag to indicate whether the work schedule should be used in the calculations. Also, the Service Level Agreement calendar specifies the type of day adjustment and a flag to determine whether the cutoff time specified in the work schedule should be used in the time calculation.

Value of 0. If this is a day-based Service Level Agreement entry, the deadline occurs at the same time of day that the work item was received. Used to set the "dayAdjustment" value.

Value of 1. If this is a day-based Service Level Agreement entry, the deadline occurs at the end of the business day. Used to set the "dayAdjustment" value.

Value of 2. If this is a day-based Service Level Agreement entry, the deadline occurs at the end of the day (11:59 PM). Used to set the "dayAdjustment" value.

Value of 3. If this is a day-based Service Level Agreement entry, the deadline occurs at the time specified in the "fixedTime" value. Used to set the "dayAdjustment" value.

Value of 4. If this is a day-based Service Level Agreement entry, the deadline is adjusted so that it occurs during work hours. Used to set the "dayAdjustment" value.

New Class VWSLAList

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Service Level Agreement definition lists. The Service Level Agreement list contains a list of VWSLADefinition objects. This object is created by the VWSession fetchSLAList. It can be populated by the fetch and also from importFromXML

New Class VWSpecialDayDefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Special Day definition properties. The Special Day definition has a name, a month, a day, a year, and an optional cutoff time.

New Class VWTimeIntervalDefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Time Interval definition properties. The Time Interval definition has a start time and an end time.

New Class VWWorkDayDefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Work Day definition properties. The Work Day definition has a day index that specifies the day of the week, an array of VWTimeIntervalDefinition, and an optional cutoff time.

New Class VWWorkScheduleDefinition

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Work Schedule definition properties. The Work Schedule definition has a name, description, time zone name, and array of seven VWWorkDayDefinition representing the days of the week and an optional array of VWSpecialDayDefinition

New Class VWWorkScheduleList

Use this class to create, read, delete, or modify Work Schedule definition lists. The Work Schedule list contains an array of VWWorkScheduleDefinition objects. This object is created by the VWSession fetchWorkScheduleList. It can be populated by the fetch and also from importFromXML.

New Class VWXMLRegionMetadata

This class is used to facilitate import and export of the isolated region metadata XML text. Creates a string containing the XML header information and XML text representing the specified isolated region metadata list object, VWWorkScheduleList, VWSLAList, or VWRegionFieldList.

Note: VWProcess methods getSuspendedDescription, getSuspendedTime, getSuspendedUser, isSuspended are not supported or implemented.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTHRT","label":"IBM Case Foundation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Process Engine","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"5.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

