IBM Support

Attached file not copied when creating related ticket



Related ticket of similar type does not inherit the originator ticket's file attachment


When creating a new ticket from the same ticket type, the file attachment in the originator ticket is not inherited by the related ticket.


This is working as designed.

Diagnosing The Problem

1. Create a new ticket (for example a Service Request ticket)
2. Attach a file to the ticket. Save.
3. Select Action -> Create -> Service Request (select a ticket of the same type as in step 1)
4. The related ticket created does not inherit the file attachment in the originator's ticket.

Resolving The Problem

The Where Clause condition for DOCLINKS relationship of the object needs to be changed to make the related ticket of the same types inherit the file attachment.

1. Go to -> Database Configuration
2. Open the relevant object (for example, the SR object)
3. Click on the Relationships tab
4. Filter for DOCLINKS relationship
5. Change the Where Clause condition:

Original Where Clause:

(ownertable = 'SR' and ownerid = :ticketuid) or ( ownertable='PROBLEM'
and ownerid in (select ticketuid from problem where
ticketid=:origrecordid and class=:origrecordclass )) or (
ownertable='INCIDENT' and ownerid in (select ticketuid from incident
where ticketid=:origrecordid and class=:origrecordclass) ) or (
ownertable='WOCHANGE' and ownerid in (select workorderid from wochange
where wonum=:origrecordid and woclass=:origrecordclass) ) or (
ownertable='WORELEASE' and ownerid in (select workorderid from worelease
where wonum=:origrecordid and woclass=:origrecordclass) ) or
(ownertable='SOLUTION' and ownerid in (select solutionid from solution
where solution=:solution)) or (ownertable='ASSET' and ownerid in (select
assetuid from asset where assetnum=:assetnum)) or
(ownertable='LOCATIONS' and ownerid in (select locationsid from
locations where location=:location)) or (ownertable='WOACTIVITY' and
ownerid in (select workorderid from woactivity where
origrecordid=:ticketid and origrecordclass=:class)) or
(ownertable='JOBPLAN' and ownerid in (select jobplanid from jobplan
where jpnum in (select jpnum from woactivity where
origrecordid=:ticketid and origrecordclass=:class))) or
(ownertable='COMMLOG' and ownerid in (select commloguid from commlog
where ownertable='SR' and ownerid=:ticketuid))

Change to :

(ownertable = 'SR' and ownerid = :ticketuid) or
(ownertable = 'SR' and ownerid in (select ticketuid from sr where
ticketid=:origrecordid and class=:origrecordclass )) or
( ownertable='PROBLEM' and ownerid in (select ticketuid from problem
where ticketid=:origrecordid and class=:origrecordclass )) or
( ownertable='INCIDENT' and ownerid in (select ticketuid from incident
where ticketid=:origrecordid and class=:origrecordclass) ) or
( ownertable='WOCHANGE' and ownerid in (select workorderid from
wochange where wonum=:origrecordid and woclass=:origrecordclass) ) or
( ownertable='WORELEASE' and ownerid in (select workorderid from
worelease where wonum=:origrecordid and woclass=:origrecordclass) ) or
(ownertable='SOLUTION' and ownerid in (select solutionid from solution
where solution=:solution)) or
(ownertable='ASSET' and ownerid in (select assetuid from asset where
assetnum=:assetnum)) or
(ownertable='LOCATIONS' and ownerid in (select locationsid from
locations where location=:location)) or
(ownertable='WOACTIVITY' and ownerid in (select workorderid from
woactivity where origrecordid=:ticketid and origrecordclass=:class)) or
(ownertable='JOBPLAN' and ownerid in
(select jobplanid from jobplan where jpnum in (select jpnum from
woactivity where origrecordid=:ticketid and origrecordclass=:class))) or
(ownertable='COMMLOG' and ownerid in (select commloguid from commlog
where ownertable='SR' and ownerid=:ticketuid))

The extra condition added to the Where Clause is the line below:
(ownertable = 'SR' and ownerid in (select ticketuid from sr where
ticketid=:origrecordid and class=:origrecordclass )) or

The changes should be made for all other objects having attachment options
replacing the ownertable accordingly.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSWT9A","label":"IBM Control Desk"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5;7.5.1;;;7.5.3","Edition":"Standard","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

