IBM Support

Defects Fixed in IBM Informix Genero Version 2.41

Question & Answer


What defects are fixed in IBM Informix Genero Version 2.41?


GAS: Genero Application Server and Client (includes HTML5)

Bug IDShort Description
16926Handle POST parameters
22799Wrong day name is displayed on calendar
17156Table current line is not updated when clicking on NOENTRY fields in INPUT
21385Cursor set at the end of empty field when defined with PICTURE
21669Calendar dates are duplicated with some Time Zone settings
21708Table.AggregateValue may not be visible when using Table.AggregateText
22008gwcproxy crashes when there is no window
22207Table: user defined column size
22309Click on image or checkbox in display array leads to type ahead rollback
22482Review window + windowType=modal
22500In HTML5 mode, HIDDEN attribute doesn't work for LABEL
22580Wrong column order in table when TABINDEX attribute is used
22689In a TextEdit with textFormat="html" (Rich Text), Control-C doesn't copy the data but centers it
22758In a TopMenu, sub-menu actions do not work in HTML5 mode
22805Incorrect field proportion
22806Incorrect GROUP height
22807Incorrect COMBOBOX width
22808COMBOBOX initial size is incorrect
22820Cannot reset COMBOBOX value to NULL
22891RADIOGROUP has an extra none value
22896PICTURE with parentheses is not working properly
22905File upload browse (choose file) button is not correctly aligned
22943TABLE: UPSHIFT/DOWNSHIFT may not be correctly reapplied when using nested dialogs
22966File transfer links disappear after an open window
23018gwcproxy's USER_AGENT timeout gets triggered immediately if it is greater than 2147 seconds
23043PICTURE with parentheses is not working properly
23070In HTML5, value of a ProgressBar defined in a table isn't visible for current row
23075In DateEdit calendar, cannot use arrow to select a date
23076In input array, current row color is not applied
23081In AJAX mode, fgl_winmessage() doesn't accept RETURN/ENTER key
23082In input mode, sometimes the value of the current field is not in selection (highlighted)
23086Disabled COMBOBOX text is too light
23098In HTML5, WIDTH attribute for table columns does not work
23153Dispatcher should clean temporary files when a session is no longer valid
23314Invalid AUITree element access error when scrolling in a table
19392Setting the width or the height of a table image in pixels is not supported
19723System.NullReferenceException after unhiding/re-hiding checkbox table column
22131In modal window, javascript error when doing fast clicks on a table row
22382gwsproxy hangs when DVM crashes due to wrong min and max value handling in pool of thread
22122In SL, a System.ArgumentNullException error is sent when executing an action having a wrong acceleratorName
22567Fastcgidispatcher crash when reaching a high number of users
22589In SCROLLGRID, application can stop if the current row is not set
22622After a scroll in table, current row displayed with ARR_CURR() function is not correct
22575In IE9 with document mode IE9, data is not erased when initialized to null
22632Error when frontcall function is executed several times in a short period of time
22670Toolbar is truncated when it is larger than the browser window
22704Front call fails when parameters are different from STRING or INTEGER
22749When going from display to input, sometimes the Combobox value is lost
22763In SL, error when exiting an application that loaded a wrong value for textColor 4st style attribute
22809Fields size do not fit the ones defined in the form
22895fgl_getfile cannot upload a file named with special characters
22903COLOR WHERE colors are not the same for all sets
22858On IE, value reset is not taken into account when typing fast
23288Wrong content-length sent in response to a retry

GDC: Genero Desktop Client (GDC)

Bug IDShort Description
23299TABLE: In INPUT ARRAY, data of last visible row may be reported to next row when scrolling
23280Crash when invoking context menu on a matrix
20517Dotted rectangle which indicates that the COMBOBOX has the focus is different from Windows OS.
22359With HTTP connection, sometimes feinfo ip front call does not retrieve the client ip address
22376GDC may not be able to load several WEBCOMPONENTs simultaneously
22383Proxy exceptions are not correctly handled when using system settings
22411Title of top and bottom MENUs shouldn't be displayed when MENU is empty
22427[MDI:] Closing a sub-modal window from a modal child application makes the container accessible
22510[MDI:] When closing a window opened from a first child window using RUN, focus is directly retrieved by the container
22511[MDI] If two successive modal child programs are executed using RUN, container is reachable again and can be put on top
22617OSX 10.7: GDC may go in an infinite loop and then takes 100% CPU
22562TABLE: Usual right-click options for copying are no longer available in INPUT ARRAY
22577HTTP: Important slowness when IE automatically detects LAN settings and GDC follows them for its proxy configuration
22732Https client certificate doesn't work anymore
20861Would like a way to disable the tooltip displaying network errors
22849Connection strings: Would like a "clear password" option for "ask password from user" action
22879[Traditional mode] GDC crashes if application is stopped when modal window is on top
22902Unicode private characters cannot be displayed by GDC versions that are using Qt4
22968GDC may crash after resizing TABLES using a splitter
22992Spell checker: "Add to Dictionary" option may be available whereas it shouldn't be
23007GDC does not free its port when application has launched an execute frontcall
23016Table rows not displayed when using AGGREGATE fields
23046GDC crashes in traditional mode due to Actionframe clashes
23049GDC crash when pressing down arrow key in a table
23092GDC crash when window is maximized due to stored settings

GWS: Genero Web Services (BDL extension)

Bug IDShort Description
22612GWS does not support content-type application/json
22615Crypto library loading can take long time
23240Since version 2.40, SOAP engine is to strict regarding SOAPAction header value
15988Global options flags to set http version

FGL: Business Development Language (BDL)

Bug IDShort Description
23213 ui: crash after receiving events from base.MessageServer.
23128 ui: built in seek and find with multiple row selection: must reset the selection and select the target row.
23126 ui: Calling built in find for an empty array changes the length of the array to 1.
22967 Since 2049: ui: In multiple dialogs current row not kept after NEXT FIELD.
22534 License incorrectly switched from GUI to WS type when WebService has consumed a GUI license before serving requests.
22702 ui: fixed a hang after io errors (reported on AIX).
22755 Functions like fgl_dialog_getCursor() and fgl_dialog_getSelectionEnd() cannot be used in UTF-8 locale.
22542 fgllink: Wrong main is called if any linked module IMPORTs a module defining MAIN.
22168 fgllink: missing linker error if two function names are considered the same, ignoring case.
22607 DIALOG: crash if all form-fields used by an INPUT ARRAY have TABINDEX=0.
22624 In INPUT ARRAY / AFTER FIELD, DIALOG.setFieldActive() of last column has no effect on the tabbing list.
22546 Java: Number localization broken after calling com.fourjs.fgl.lang.FglDecimal.toString().
22534 License incorrectly switched from GUI to WS type when WebService. (do not merge, needs different changes for trunk since housekeeping)
22495 The fglfind window should be displayed as a modal window on top of the MDI container.
21460 INPUT and CONSTRUCT from a Table row: the attribute currentRow might not be initialized.
22389 Crash when calling fgl_dialog_setbuffer() in a DIALOG/CONSTRUCT with UNBUFFERED option
22266 On Solaris only, fglrun hands when GDC is stopped with a SIGKILL
22234 tui: If ON IDLE is used then ON KEY(ACCEPT) waits the whole idle time
22255 Crash in substring of VARCHAR if the end-index is greater then LENGTH and LENGTH is less then the declaration length (using multibyte charactersets).
20742 Stored sort order lost when doing OPEN WINDOW and CONSTRUCT executed before DISPLAY ARRAY.

GST: Genero Studio

Bug IDShort Description
23157Steps on how to migrate a project from AG 2.32 to AG 2.40
23142Data type DECIMAL(p) without scale is not supported
23194Document error is shown for default value of 'Precision' property of 'Decimal' data type
22132Reload 'POINT/BLOCK' action option sets wrong 'POINT/BLOCK' with 'RELOAD' status when multiple 'POINT/BLOCK' are in 'MODIFIED' state
22173GST crashes on changing text encoding when dependency diagram is open
22304GST crashes while saving modified project when dependency diagram is open
23069GST stops responding and need to be forcefully closed on 'Export as Image...' action when there are no items in file
22177GST crashes on validating 'Genero host management' dialog after removing remote configuration when server is unavailable
22369GST crashes on quickly closing it when commit process is in progress
22564GST crashes while clicking more than once on 'Select Revision' button of 'Update Settings' dialog
22261GST hangs on resizing a minipage container of master report of a sub-report application
22722GST freezes in some cases when having a container with a width set to 'rest'
22964GST freezes when setting a padding/margin/border on a root page containing propagating boxes
22268Search: GST crashes while doing 'Find next' operation in empty 4ba file after modifying first searched string
22600Complex module variable record is not displayed correctly in data view
22959GST crash when invoking an index out of range for an array in the 'User variables' in the 'Data' view
23303GST crashes when the command executed in GD command view contains newline characters
22244GST crashes if debugger is stopped immediately after starting it in GWC configuration
23292GST crashes when macro is being recorded and GST is closed
22712GST crash on first start
23327GST crashes while loading old version 4RD file
23377Schema file is missing for 'file-types.xml'
23417GST crashes while opening a 'New' dialog when last launched creatable has been removed from creatable.conf
22218GST stops responding after pressing 'Backspace' key multiple times in per file
22700GST crashes on doing cut operation on whole .4gl file having a function with commented lines
22198GST crashes on loading all deleted toolbars on next launch
23448GST crashes while creating new file when one mime type is associated with two different content types
22587Genero Studio Debugger crash due to a variable parsing problem
23169Files added through 'Add files...' option in first project created using Projects view after launching GST can not be imported in BA diagram
23437GST crashes on compiling an AG file when a business application diagram extension is renamed from invalid to valid name
23150GST crash when performing a 'Compile file' while no file is opened in the framework
22570Cannot embed bitmap files in an Image Box of a report
23195Invalid database form file is created on using SERIAL data type
21756Browser doesn't start when running application in a GWC configuration
22819Cannot import files of base type 'File' to business application diagram
22327Error loading database schema when compiling an AG project
22279Rebuild is successful with an error and all user changes are lost when CODE file and end tag for any POINT/BLOCK in 4GL file are missing
23178.4pwdb rebuilt each time you open a project
22316Can not add an order item in Officestore demo application
22972XSD schema: Data imported from a separate XSD file doesn't appear in the data view
22179'Build' action builds only the source module and not destination module after making changes in the relation
22399SCH file is generated in current directory instead of target directory on opening a project containing 4DB file
22595User changes are deleted from 4GL file on rebuild if POINT/BLOCK is renamed
22574Slowness when opening RTL editor with big .xsd files
22798No trigger is generated in the report structure for a [0,1] variable
23295Watch points are not shown when multiple conditions separated by new line character are added
23296Watch points gets added twice if watch point condition is followed by a new line character

GRE: Genero Report Engine (includes Genero Report Designer)

Bug IDShort Description
23369Image set using <img> tag in HTML Box is not shown in report output
23197SVG output format: Memory leak when running certain reports referring to logical pages
18365Provide a default image when a specified image on a report is not found
22566Embedded SVG image fails to display
22569'+' character is not displayed in a HTMLBox of a report
22640Get a way to print the same text on each even page (back side) of a report
22776Using PXML function getTotalNumberOfPages() may produce unprintable SVG documents
23079Bitmap embedded in an svg image is not rendered accordingly in SVG output format
22067Chinese characters are not recognized in ASCII report output
22754PXML expression 'max' can yield wrong values for child nodes of MINIPAGE when the section property is set
23089Java error at runtime when specifying a dashed border with a width smaller than 1
23219Reports generated through GAS are not opened directly with the appropriate application
23283'LF' EOL is set for some files in GRE installation
23259GRV crashes while opening SVG file after closing opened file
22118Content in HTML Box is shrunk if the size of the box is not big enough

[{"Product":{"code":"SSVT2J","label":"Informix Tools"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Informix Genero","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"2.4.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
20 January 2022

