IBM Support

Instructions for manually updating the JRE in an IBM MQ 9.0 or later installation

Fix Readme


CSUs and Fix Packs are the normal delivery mechanism for applying JRE updates. However for IBM MQ 9.0 or later, if you cannot wait for the next CSU or Fix Pack, you can manually update the JRE component.


For more information about CSUs and Fix Packs, see
Updating the JRE that is supplied by the IBM MQ 9.0 and later installation package, outside of the CSU and Fix Pack maintenance mechanism, is a manual process.

The installation procedure command line syntax is different for each platform. The installation steps need to be performed by a user ID on the system that has sufficient authority to modify the IBM MQ installation, for example the root user.


The following instructions use the convention that ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH} and %MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH% are the root directory location of the IBM MQ installation. The default value for this installation path is /opt/mqm on Linux, HP-UX and Solaris. It is /usr/mqm on AIX, and C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ on Windows.

  1. Download the updated JRE package from the IBM Support website.
  2. Optional: Make a note of the version of the JRE that your installation is currently using. This is used to verify that this JRE update has been successful.

    To determine the version of the JRE that is embedded into the IBM MQ installation, use the java -fullversion command, invoking the Java binary that is present within the installation.

    This location varies by platform:
    • AIX, Linux, Solaris:
    • ${MQ_INSTALL_ROOT}/java/jre64/jre/bin/java
    • HP-UX:
    • Windows
  3. Expand the compressed download file into a temporary local directory.

    This can be achieved on the various platforms using the following commands, where
    - ${LOCAL_DIR} is an empty, temporary local directory with sufficient space to unpack the downloaded compressed tar file
    - the value ICXXXXXX is replaced with the name of the APAR that the updated JRE package is shipped under, for example IC87062.
    • AIX:
      cd ${LOCAL_DIR}
      zcat 7-WS-MQ-AixPPC640ICXXXXX.tar.Z | tar -xf -

    • Linux:
      cd ${LOCAL_DIR}
      tar -zxf 7-WS-MQ-Linux${arch}-ICXXXXX.tar.gz

      where ${arch} is the system architecture, such as "X64" (x86 64-bit), "PPC64" (Linux pSeries) or "S390X" (Linux zSeries).
    • HP-UX:
      cd ${LOCAL_DIR}
      zcat 7-WS-MQ-HpuxIA64-ICXXXXX.tar.Z | tar -xf -

    • Solaris:
      cd ${LOCAL_DIR}
      zcat 7-WS-MQ-Solaris${arch}-ICXXXXX.tar.Z | tar -xf -

      where ${arch} is the system architecture, such as "Sparc64" or "X86".
    • Windows:
      This step is not required on the Windows platform.

  4. Stop all IBM MQ activity associated with the installation that is to be updated, including the IBM MQ Explorer if open.
  5. Backup the existing JRE installation by renaming the existing jre or jre64 directory.

    Note that on the UNIX platforms, the backup directory name must not begin with the characters jre, as this interferes with the operation of the runmqckm and strmqikm commands.
    • AIX, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris:
      cd ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH}/java
      mv jre64 original.jre64
      mkdir jre64
      chmod 555 jre64
      cd jre64

    • Windows:
      Either use the Windows Explorer to create a backup directory, or use the command line:

      cd "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java"
      mkdir java.original

      Then move the following files and directories into this backup directory, again using either the Windows Explorer or the following command line operations:

      move docs java.original
      move jre java.original
      move copyright java.original
      move notices.txt java.original
      move readme.txt java.original

      If the properties directory exists in your installation, also move this to the backup directory:

      move properties java.original

  6. Copy the JRE compressed files to the IBM MQ installation from the unpacked download directory:
    • Linux:
      cp ${LOCAL_DIR}/mq_jre64.tar.gz

    • AIX, HP-UX, Solaris:
      cp ${LOCAL_DIR}/mq_jre64.tar.Z

    • Windows:
      This step is not necessary on the Windows platform.
  7. Extract all these JRE files into this directory.

    This can be achieved with the following commands:
    • Linux:
      cd ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH}/java/jre64
      tar -zxf mq_jre64.tar.gz

    • AIX, HP-UX, Solaris:
      cd ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH}/java/jre64
      zcat mq_jre64.tar.Z | tar -xf -

    • Windows:
      Use the Windows Explorer to copy the contents of the downloaded zip file,, into the java sub directory of the IBM MQ installation directory. In the default installation location, this is the directory:

      C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ\java
  8. Update the file permissions to match the original installation:
    • AIX, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris:

      chown -h -R mqm:mqm ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH}/java/jre64
      chmod -R u-w,g-w,o-w ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH}/java/jre64

    • Windows:
      This step is not required on Windows.

    The directory structure of this JRE directory should now resemble the original directory that was moved in step 5 above.
  9. Optional: Verify that the update has been successful by re-running the java -fullversion command, in a similar way to that used in step 2.


To ensure that the eventual uninstallation of IBM MQ from the system does not leave files behind, before applying a fix pack to this installation these updated JRE files should be removed.

This is achieved by deleting the JRE directory, and moving the backed up directory back into its original location:

  1. Stop all IBM MQ activity associated with the installation that is to be updated.
    • AIX, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris:

      rm -rf ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH}/java/jre64
      mv ${MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/java/original.jre64

    • Windows:

      Either delete the set of folders which were extracted from the zip file using the Windows Explorer, and then rename the backed up original version, or use the command line operations:

      rmdir /s "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java\jre"
      rmdir /s "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java\docs"
      rmdir /s "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java\properties"
      del "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java\copyright"
      del "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java\notices.txt"
      del "%MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH%\java\readme.txt"
      move "%MQ_INSTALL_PATH%\java\java.original\*.*"
      move "%MQ_INSTALL_PATH%\java\java.original\jre"
      move "%MQ_INSTALL_PATH%\java\java.original\docs"

      If a properties directory was also backed up, then also restore this:

      move "%MQ_INSTALL_PATH%\java\java.original\properties"

      Delete the empty backup directory:
      rmdir "%MQ_INSTALL_PATH%\java\java.original"

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008MGAAY","label":"Install"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0.0;9.1.0;9.2.0;9.3.0"}]

Product Synonym

WebSphere MQ WMQ

Document Information

Modified date:
14 November 2023

