IBM Support

Examples of making or changing Equivalencies by CLI

Question & Answer


"mkequ" and "chequ" can be convoluted. Here are some examples of typical commands you can use to fix or change equivalencies as needed.


Here's some examples of making Equivalencies :
I am only showing examples of IBM.NetworkInterface as they are the most likely to need to be changed or become damaged.
The reference to "static_equ" and "dynamic_equ" is for the name of the equivalency, when creating your equivalencies you should be sure to provide unique, descriptive names for each.

mkequ - Static:
Create a static equivalency for only one interface on one node:
mkequ -S 'Name ="eth0" & NodeNameList="node03"' static_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

Create a static equivalency for all eth0 interfaces:
mkequ -S 'Name ="eth0"' static_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

Create a static equivalency for some but not all eth0 interfaces:
mkequ static_equ IBM.NetworkInterface:eth0:node03,eth0:node04

mkequ - Dynamic:
Create a dynamic equivalency for only one interface on one node:
mkequ -D 'Name ="eth0" & NodeNameList="node03"' dynamic_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

Create a dynamic equivalency for all eth0 interfaces:
mkequ -D 'Name ="eth0"' dynamic_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

Create a dynamic equivalency for all eth interfaces:
mkequ -D 'Name like "eth%"' dynamic_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

Create a dynamic equivalency for en0 on one node01 and en1 on node02:
mkequ -D '(Name ="en0" & NodeNameList="node01") | (Name ="en1" & NodeNameList="node02")' dynamic_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

For all the above, check the results with "lsequ -Ab -e <equiv_name>".

For using the "chequ" command to change an existing equivalency rather then delete it and recreate it, if you change it then you do not need to recreate the relationships that point to it as a target nor update any attribute that uses the equivalency for a value.

chequ - Static - Add
To add a node:interface to an existing static equivalency:
chequ -u a static_equ IBM.NetworkInterface:eth0:node03

chequ - Both - Replace with Dynamic
chequ -u r -D 'Name like "eth0"' static_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

With different interface names:
chequ -u r -D '(Name ="en0" & NodeNameList="node01") | (Name ="en1" & NodeNameList="node02")' dynamic_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

chequ - Both - Replace with Static
chequ -u r -S 'Name like "eth0"' static_equ IBM.NetworkInterface

[{"Product":{"code":"SSRM2X","label":"Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"3.1;3.2;3.2.1;3.2.2;4.1","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 June 2019

