IBM Support

Saving a modified dimension worksheet (.xdi) from TM1 Perspectives makes no effect on the TM1 Server.



Saving a modified dimension worksheet (.xdi) from TM1 Perspectives has no effect on the edited dimension on the TM1 Server. Newly created dimensions using dimension worksheet are correctly saved. While trying to edit existing dimensions, no changes are made to the dimensions on TM1 Server.


While opening an existing dimension worksheet (.xdi) and modifying the dimension no changes are made to dimension on TM1 Server. After pressing the save button nothing is happening. In normal case TM1 Perspective is asking if the existing dimension should be overwritten, as shown on the below screen.


The behavior is caused by lack of necessary permissions on the location configured in "Default file location" in Microsoft Excel. The "Default file location" can be configured in Tools-> Option -> General Tab.

TM1 Perspectives is using this location to create a temporary dimension worksheet named <dimensionName>.dix. If the file can not be created (for example because of missing permissions or another cause), the dimension modification will not be saved to TM1 Server.

Diagnosing The Problem

The problem can be investigated using Microsoft Process Monitor (Procmon.exe).

To simplify troubleshooting a filter should be set in Process Monitor to display only events of the "Excel.exe" process.

All operations of Microsoft Excel process will be logged and event log similar the below screen should be visible in the Process Monitor.

The below log proves that the temporary file, <dimensionName>.dix, was not created (because of missing permissions) and it was not found in the expected location.

Resolving The Problem

The problem can be resolved by assigning appropriate write permissions to the location set in "Default file location" in Microsoft Excel to the user, who is trying to modify the dimension.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9RXT","label":"Cognos TM1"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"TM1 Perspectives","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.5.2;9.5.1;9.5;10.1.0","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

