IBM Support

ODBC: MFC database exception in Program/RETCODE: Translator/-1State:S1T00,Native:1013,Origin:ODBC - Sterling Gentran:Server for Microsoft Windows



ODBC: MFC database exception in Program/RETCODE:Translator/-1State:S1T00,Native:1013, Origin:ODBC ORA-01013 SQL Server does not exist or access denied Timeout expired


ODBC: MFC database exception in Program/RETCODE:
Translator/-1State:S1T00,Native:1013,Origin:ODBC ORA-01013
Error: ORA-01013 (User cancelled statement)

3-1-203 ODBC: MFC database exception in Program/RETCODE: Server/-1State:S1T00,Native:0,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired
ODBC: MFC database exception encountered in Server User: <userid> Computer: <computername> AuditEventID: <eventid> EventName: GENTRAN Executive Service

ODBC: MFC database exception in Program/RETCODE: Server/-1State:S1T00,Native:0,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired User: <userid> Computer: <computername> AuditEventID: <eventid> EventName: GENTRAN Executive Service .

"ODBC: MFC database exception encountered in Server Error: SQL Statement: SELECT ""Time"",""SessionFile"",""Calendar"",""Parm1"",""Parm2"",""Parm3"",""Owner"",""EventType"",""ProcessID"",""ServerName"",""CurrentSessionCmdNbr"",""OwnerDomain"",""TimeStarted"",""TimeEnded"",""Event"",""Status"",""EventID"" FROM ""Schedule_tb"" WHERE ""Status"" in (1,2) and ""EventType"" = 1 and ""ServerName"" = <servername> User: <userid> Computer: <computername> AuditEventID: <eventid> EventName: GENTRAN Executive Service . "

Testing a new ODBC System DSN and receiving SQL Server error: 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied, and SQL Server Error: 53 Connection failed


ODBC Timeout is set too low
DNS manager failure to resolve the database IP address

Resolving The Problem

Ensure Gentran registry for ODBC is set appropriate to possible volume frequency:
1. Open Regedt32
2. Browse to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\GENTRAN\Server\<version>\Systems\<systemname> "
3. Double click on ODBCQueryTimeoutInSeconds
4. Choose Decimal
5. Change value to 900
* The Gentran Executive service must be stopped and restarted for this change to take effect.

ODBC Configuration:
- On the ODBC configuration verify the server name entered for "Which SQL Server do you want to connect to?" is correct.
- As a test, enter in the exact IP address to bypass the symbolic.
- On the second screen verify the USER ACCOUNT login is allowed to logon to the SQL Server.

Please contact your Database Administrator (DBA) for further assistance with Driver selection, patches, etc.
This error can be cause by poor performance or other processes running on the SQL Server and is the result of the SQL Server taking to long to return results from a query.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6V3G","label":"Sterling Gentran:Server for Microsoft Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.3.1;5.3;5.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

