IBM Support

Assert Warning message 'ISAM error: An error has occurred during
logical log back up' when trying to backup the logical logs



When trying to use ontape utility to backup the logical logs the operation aborts with the following Assert Warnig message written in the online.log file: 16:55:01 Assert Warning: ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical log back up. 16:55:01 Who: Session(103919,, 682, 0x68e24f14) Thread(104536, ontape, 68e0824c, 1) File: rsarcutl.c Line: 121 16:55:01 Action: isopen_logbu()/alloc_tQ() 16:55:01 Stack for thread: 104536 ontape


The logical log backup is cancelled.


Out of virtual shared memory.

Diagnosing The Problem

The stack for thread ontape should look similar to this:


1) Use 'onstat -g seg' to check whether the total number of dynamically allocated shared memory segments reached the SHMTOTAL onconfig parameter value or if SHMTOTAL is set to 0 (zero), whether it reached the available physical memory.

2) Use 'onstat -g ses' to check for user sessions with large amounts of total and used memory values:

session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
103932 informix - 0 - 0 12288 7984 off
103931 informix - 0 - 0 12288 7984 off
103921 informix - 0 - 0 12288 7984 off
299862 informix - -1 localhos 1 192655360 41654376 off
383081 informix - -1 localhos 1 399044608 80636664 off
560221 informix 5 1572956 u169 1 49152 46376 off

Resolving The Problem

Find the sessions consuming large amounts of memory and therefore causing dynamic shared memory allocation and take actions.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB2ML","label":"Informix Dynamic Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"10.0;11.5","Edition":"Enterprise;Workgroup","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 June 2022

