IBM Support

How to avoid "Out of Memory" error in Headless WebSphere Integration Developer environment



We always get an "Out of Memory" error when using the headless WebSphere Integration Developer environment to build a large application. How we can avoid the problem?


Out of Memory errors is present in the build log file.


Users need to adjust their Java™ Virtual Machine (VM) settings based on the application they are working on for better performance. WebSphere Integration Developer sets the suggest VM setting in the eclipse.ini file. Those settings can be picked up by the eclipse workbench when the user starts up the WID UI tools. However, in the headless WID environment, users have to define the VM setting themselves.

Diagnosing The Problem

A majority of OutOfMemoryExceptions when using WID are caused by too little heap space for your VM. In this case, you can adjust your maximum heap space with something like -vmargs -Xmx256m, giving your Java applications more space to run in always helps performance. However, there are situations where even with an enormous heap size you can still end up with OutOfMemoryExceptions in your workbench. The reason for this is that your VM is not running out of heap space, but is instead running out of what is known as permSpace . The VM's permSpace is the area of the VM that is used to store data structures and class information (not instances, but the class definitions themselves). In the case of a large enough Java application that may contain tens of thousands of class files that must be loaded, you begin to see how the VM can physically run out of space storing all of that information into the default permSpace . If you have run into a situation where you have run out of permSpace, you will want to adjust your Eclipse shortcut, eclipse.ini , or startup script to include the argument -XX:MaxPermSize=512m ; generally speaking the more memory you give the VM, the better the performance will be. Tuning this value can help you find what works best for your WID install.

Resolving The Problem

The following options are the default settings in the eclipse.ini file. For the headless WID environment, add the following settings to the build scripts, to help avoid the OutOfMemoryExceptions:











[{"Product":{"code":"SSQQFK","label":"WebSphere Integration Developer"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Test and deployment tools","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;7.0;;;;6.2;6.1.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

