IBM Support

dsmrecall fails with errors ANS9592E and ANS9590E.



The dsmrecall command fails with "A SOAP TCP connection error " while the dsmscoutd is actively running.


Incorrect Hostname in DSMNodeSet


Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management on JFS2 and VxFS

Diagnosing The Problem

  • The following errors are logged in the dsmerror.log file for a failed dsmrecall operation :

    10/15/10 17:33:44 ANS9592E A SOAP TCP connection error has happened!
    10/15/10 17:33:44 ANS9590E The SOAP error information: cCommunicationPartner::Check failed, reason: A remote host did not respond within the timeout period
  • "dsmscoutd" is actively running.
  • /etc/adsm/SpaceMan/config/DSMNodeSet has a wrong hostname entry:

    <Hostname maxlength="1025" type="string">NODE1</Hostname>

In this example, NODE1 is an incorrect hostname. The correct hostname is node2. Because of this, the HSM client fails to communicate with dsmscoutd at: "http://node1:23152/ [

Resolving The Problem

Follow these steps to resolve the problem.

  1. Stop the master dsmrecalld daemon process, the master is the one with the ppid == 1. For example :
    kill -15 dsmrecalld-master-pid
  2. Make sure dsmrecalld has stopped. For example :
    ps -ef|grep dsmrecalld
  3. Remove the following files (if any):

    rm /etc/adsm/SpaceMan/config/DSMNodeSet
    rm /etc/adsm/SpaceMan/config/instance
    rm /etc/adsm/SpaceMan/config/DSMSDRVersion

  4. Start the dsmrecalld daemon. For example :
    Note:The restart of dsmrecalld will recreate the DSMNodeSet
  5. Verify the "/etc/adsm/SpaceMan/config/DSMNodeSet" file to make sure it contains the correct hostname and re-run the failed dsmrecall command.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSR2R","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"6.3;6.4;7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

