IBM Support

The Pct Free Space\Including Auto Extend column in Tivoli Enterprise Portal(TEP) displays with Not Available



This technote provides troubleshooting methods when you find that the Pct Free Space\Including Auto Extend column and the Free Space \Including\Auto Extend(MB) column display Not Available(NA) in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal(TEP).


The Pct Free Space\Including Auto Extend
and Free Space\Including\Auto Extend(MB) columns display Not Available in TEP.

There is an error message in log file <candle_home>/logs/<host>_or_<sid>_col.log like following:
KDS0284E (145923) get_sys_dba_data_files: fopen failed: FQtempfile = /tmp/korsql_temp1_orcl.txt, errno = No such file or directory (tempdir = /tmp, tempfile = korsql_temp1_orcl.txt


One cause might be that the temporary data directory does not exist,
Another cause might be that the Oracle Agent OS account or Oracle Server OS
account does not have sufficient read/write permission on the temporary data directory.
A third cause might be that the cursor TS8A does not enable in the Tivoli Agent 6.2.1 by default.

Resolving The Problem

Perform the following procedures to setup the required temporary data
directory before you run SQL scripts such as the korgrant.sql file.
1. Create a temporary directory before you run the korgrant.sql file or
other SQL files for Oracle authority granting.
2. Change permission of the temporary data directory to ensure that both
the Agent OS account and the Oracle OS account have read and write authorities
on the temporary data directory.
3. Run the korgrant.sql file or other SQL files for Oracle authority granting
with previous temporary data directory as a parameter.
4. In Unix or Linux workstation, add following additional setting in the file <itm_home>/config/<host>_or_<sid>.cfg
to enable the cursor TS8A that is disabled in Tivoli Oracle Agent 6.2.1 by default.
5. In Windows workstation, add a new registry string 'COLL_DISABLE_CURSOR_TS8A'
in the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Candle\KOR\610\<ORACLE_SID>\Environment"
and modify the string with a digital value data of '0'.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS3JRN","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ITCAM Agent for Oracle - 5724B96OO","Platform":[{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.2.1;6.2","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

