IBM Support

Accumulation of db2fmp (Java) processes

Question & Answer


db2fmp (Java) processes are not being reused and accumulating on the system consuming memory.


Configuration issue


1. Issue ps -elf | grep db2fmp few times and notice that you have multiple db2fmps that are not being reused. For those db2fmp the TIME value does not change between runs on the ps -elf commands

Process Listing, '/usr/bin/ps -elf'

db2dfenc 790782 508074 43876 11:56:32 0:05db2fmp (Java)
db2dfenc 901186 508074 43856 11:33:28 0:05db2fmp (Java)
db2dfenc 962598 508074 41736 11:31:14 0:05db2fmp (Java)
db2dfenc 995492 508074 47268 11:36:07 0:05db2fmp (Java)
db2dfenc 1028182 508074 44200 11:37:19 0:05db2fmp (Java)
db2dfenc 1101958 508074 41888 11:34:10 0:05db2fmp (Java)

2. Issue db2pd -fmp and check the status flag for those 'stale' db2fmp processes:

FMP Process:...................Threads:
FmpPid Bit Flags............Active Pooled Forced...Active
790782 64 0x80000003 0.............0.............0......Yes
Active Threads:
Address FmpPid EduPid ThreadId
No active threads.

Pooled Threads:
Address FmpPid ThreadId
No pooled threads.

Forced Threads:
Address FmpPid ThreadId
No forced threads.

The flag value for each db2fmp is the result of an bitwise OR operation for the following potential values:

FlagMeaning of the flag value
0x00000000 32 bit not threadsafe db2fmp running in 64 bit platform
0x00000001db2fmp has a JVM
0x00000002db2fmp is threaded
0x00000004db2fmp in use as a federated wrapper
0x00000008 db2fmp for health monitor
0x00000010 db2fmp is marked for shutdown when numActiveThreads is 0. It will not accept new calls
0x00000020db2fmp marked for cleanup by the db2sysc
0x00000040 db2sysc has marked entry for agent cleanup (received SIGCHLD, but > 1 active agent on db2fmp)
0x00000080 db2fmp marked for cleanup
0x00000100all ipcs for the process have been removed
0x00000200 db2fmp has a CLR
0x00000400 debugger JVM
0x00000800 termination has been to the fmp, but we haven't removed it from the table.
0x00001000 this is an admin cmd fmp
0x00002000 this is new fmp which is not ready to be used
0x80000000 db2fmp will no longer be allowed to create new threads, either due to an explicit thread limit or reaching an internal resource limit

The flag value 0x80000003 for our problematic db2fmp process 790782 means:

0x00000001 the db2fmp has a JVM -> used by Java routine

+ 0x00000002 the db2fmp is threaded -> for execution of threadsafe routines

+ 0x80000000 FMP will no longer be allowed to create new threads, either due to an explicit thread limit or reaching an internal resource limit


4. Because your db2fmp flagged as 0x8000... you might see in the db2diag.log file:

2010-04-30- I2069191A370       LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 790782               TID  : 1           PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2d                 NODE : 000
EDUID   : 1                    EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadListener, probe:300
MESSAGE : Java heap is nearly full; no thread created

5. Issue db2 get dbm cfg and check the value of KEEPFENCED.

In order to resolve the issue with accumulation of db2fmp processes there are few things you have to address:

1) review your java routines and ensure that the code is not heavily depends on Garbage Collection. (e.g. close off the objects manually after they are no longer used rather then rely on JVM to clean them up)

From the setting perspective

2) If you use threadsafe java routines (default), then set keepfenced to yes (even for development environment).  In that case we will reuse the same thread and reduce the chance of creating new threads and check the java heap usage.

3) If you declare your routines as not threadsafe then you can set keepfenced to either yes or no.  When a routine is in a not threadsafe mode, each routine will run in it's own db2fmp/JVM.
If keepfenced is set to no a new fenced mode process is created and destroyed for each fenced mode invocation. If keepfenced is set to yes the existing db2fmp will be returned to the pool for reuse.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Routines (SP & UDF) - db2fmp","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.7;9.5","Edition":"Enterprise Server;Express;Personal;Personal Developer's;Workgroup Server","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

