IBM Support

Alphablox 9.5 Fix Pack 1 does not recognize the DB2 client for DB2 AIX 64 bit 9.5 Fix Pack 3B

Flashes (Alerts)


The Alphablox 9.5 Fix Pack 1 installer reports no driver found when asked to install a JDBC client driver from a DB AIX 9.5 Fix Pack 3B installation


The DB2 AIX 9.5 Fix Pack (FP) 3B Client supports the Java runtime environments (JREs) 1.6 and 1.5. During an AIX 64 bit / WebSphere 6.1 / Alphablox 9.5 FP 1 installation the Alphablox 9.5 FP1 installer, by default, attempts to install the DB2 FP 3B's JRE 1.6 client. If during the install, Alphablox is told to use the WebSphere 6.1 Java SDK, a conflict occurs, because the WebSphere 6.1 SDK provides JRE 1.5. The incompatibility between the JRE 1.5 and the JRE 1.6 is why the Alphablox installer is not showing the DB2 JRE 1.6 client during an install.

Alphablox engineering recommends resolving this problem by removing the jar file containing the JRE 1.6 DB2 AIX 9.5 FP 3B client from the directory containing the client jars. The jar file containing the JRE 1.6 client is db2jcc4.jar.

There are two options for installing DB2 AIX 9.5 FP 3B client for Alphablox. The first option is to use DB2 AIX 9.5 FP 3B client installer for installing the client to a specified directory and the other is to copy an installed client to another directory. If the later option is used, then you will have to download another license file. The following URL provides information for obtaining the other license file:

When using the DB2 AIX 9.5 FP 3B installer, support recommends the "IBM Data Server Runtime Client Version 9.5 Pack 3" installer option be used. This option allows you to install just the runtime FP 3B clients to a directory of your choice. The following instructions allows you to install DB2 FP 3B with Alphablox 9.5 FP 1:

    1. Run the DB2 AIX 9.5 FP 3B installer and choose the "IBM Data Server Runtime Client Version 9.5 Pack 3" option.
    2. Choose the directory to install the FP 3B clients and its jars,
    3. Under the client's Java directory, create a tmp directory,
    4. Move the file db2jcc4.jar to tmp,
    5. Run the Alphablox 9.5 FP 1 installer. When asked for additional JDBC drivers, point the Alphablox installer to the FP 3B client's Java directory. The Alphablox Installer should see the DB2 JRE 1.5 client file.

If you decide to copy the client files from an existing DB2 AIX 9.5 FP 3B installation to a directory for installation with Alphablox, then do not copy the file db2jcc4.jar.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSCPX3","label":"DB2 Alphablox"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"WS and WAS Integration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"9.5","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 September 2022

