IBM Support

Failed Rational ClearQuest installation due to previous installation failure that does not remove all installation files on RedHat Enterprise Linux Operating System x86



When the IBM Rational ClearQuest installation fails, IBM Installation Manager automatically rolls back the installation to leave the file system in an unaltered state. However, on RedHat Enterprise Linux Operating System x86, not all files and folders are removed. As a result, a subsequent installation on the same system fails.

Resolving The Problem

This issue has been resolved in Rational ClearQuest 8.0 and later.


Note: <installation_directory> is the directory selected during the installation.

  1. Delete cqsearchprofile as follows:

    #<installation_directory>/common/eWAS/bin/ -delete -profileName cqsearchpfrofile

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/CM/profiles/cqsearchprofile

  2. Delete the other Rational ClearQuest directories as follows:

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/clearquest

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/lib/site_perl/5.8.6/cqcli

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/cqweb_dist

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/CM/profiles/cmprofile/config/cells/dfltCell/applications/cqweb-ua.ear

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/CM/profiles/cmprofile/config/cells/dfltCell/applications/RationalClearQuestWeb.ear

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/CM/profiles/cmprofile/config/cells/dfltCell/applications/RationalClearQuestWebReport.ear

  3. Delete the ClearQuest script files as follows:

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common/CM/scripts/installCQWeb.jacl

  4. Remove the following directories and their contents as follows:

    Note: Skip this step if no ClearQuest Web or CCRC WAN Server (CM Server) components are installed or if IBM Rational ClearCase is installed on the system with web components.

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/clearcase

    #rm -fr <installation_directory>/common

    #rm -fr /opt/rational

    #rm -fr /var/ibm/rational

  5. Remove the preserve directory as follows:

    Note: Skip this step if you need to preserve the configuration of a previous release of IBM Rational products installed on your system, if ClearQuest Web or CM Server components are not installed, or if Rational ClearCase is installed on the system with web components.

    #rm -fr /tmp/Rational.preserve

  6. Use the following commands to remove the files specified on each command line:

    Note: Skip this step if no ClearQuest Web or CCRC WAN Server (CM Server) components are installed or if Rational ClearCase is installed on the system with web components.

    rm -fr /etc/init.d/ewas_boot

    rm -fr /etc/init.d/ihs_boot

    rm -fr /etc/rc5.d/s78ewas_boot

    rm -fr /etc/rc5.d/s78ihs_boot

  7. Remove IBM Global Security Toolkit as follows:

    Note: Skip this step if any other IBM products installed on the system use the IBM Global Security Toolkit.
    1. Find the currently installed version with the following command:

      #rpm -q gsk7bas

    2. Uninstall the version (if any) reported by the command listed above with the following command:

      #rpm -e gsk7bas-7.0-4.11

    3. Remove IBM Global Security Toolkit installation directory:

      #rm -fr /opt/ibm/gsk7

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"7.1;;;7.1.1;;;;;;;;;;7.1.2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

