IBM Support

Why is CV64 not being passed after Session Manager REQSESS to TSO?

Question & Answer


I am using TN3270 to CA TPX (Terminal Productivity Executive) Session Management (TM) on one LPAR (logical partition). D NET,E,ID=LUname on this LPAR shows this session to be TN3270 (ipaddr, port#). I then use TPX to REQSESS to TSO (Time Sharing Option) on another LPAR. D NET,E,ID=LUname on this second LPAR does not show TN3270 information for this "virtual" session. Control vector x'64' apparently is not being propagated from the main session to the REQSESS session.


The CV64 is the TCP/IP Information Control Vector. It is used in the SNA network to associate TCP/IP information with SNA resources.

Prior to z/OS Communications Server 1.12, the CV64 was not passed on session manager sessions.

Assume the LU, Session Manager, and TSO are on three hosts.

  HostA             HostB             HostC                                     
  telnet(LU)         SM                TSO (or CICS or IMS)

  1. The IP information (CV64) is passed into HostA from telnet. HostA saves the IP Information using the LU name.

  2. A session is started between the LU and session manager (SM). HostA puts the CV64 on the CDINIT because the LU is the SLU of the session. HostB creates a CDRSC with the LU name and saves the IP Information with the LU name. The customer issues a D NET,ID=LUname and sees the IP Information. Also, for this session the CV64 is placed on the CINIT going to the application (the session manager).

  3. The SM issues a REQSESS to start a session with TSO. The CV64 is not sent for REQSESS (it will be passed on a CLSDST PASS session). The CDINIT only carries information about the two session partners (SM and TSO). TSO (or CICS or IMS) would not receive any IP Information on the CINIT in this case. A display of the LU would not show any IP Information unless there was a session between the LU and an application on HostC.
Starting with z/OS Communications Server 1.12, the CV64 is passed on session manager sessions. See 4.6.6 Enhancements to the TN3270E server - session manager sends CV64 in V1R12.0 Communications Server New Function Summary.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"1.8;1.9;1.10;1.11;1.12;1.13;2.1;2.2","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

