IBM Support

Package permissions errors - QE-DEF-0157



When running a report, or trying to open a package in one of the studios, you receive one of the errors listed below. In some cases the user will report they can't see the package in Cognos connection, but it shows up as a choice when opening one of the studio's.


Error Messages:

The model or package /content/package[@name=package_name]/model[last()] does not exist or you are not allowed to use it because of security settings.

QE-DEF-0157 The model or package /content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/model[@name='model'] does not exist or you are not allowed to use it because of security settings.

MQP-ERR-0013 You do not have access to this model. Please contact your security administrator.

QE-DEF-0356 Framework Manager has denied access to this model for this user. Please contact your security administrator. RSV-SRV-0025 Unable to execute this request.


Lack of permissions to the package for the action being performed.

Resolving The Problem

Relational Packages

In order to run any reports against it, the user requires Execute and Traverse permissions on the package.

In order to be able to use a package in any studio, the user requires Read, and Traverse permissions to the package. The package will not show up in the Studio list if Traverse is missing either on the package itself or any ancestor object of it in the content store.

Note that every relational or DMR package has a model as child of it in the content store that will not appear in Cognos Connection. This hidden model may have different permissions than its parent package if groups/roles were added to the User Access tab of the Publish Wizard when the package was published from Framework Manager, therefore even though permissions were granted correctly on the package, permissions might be missing on the the model.

To ensure that the hidden model has the same permissions as its package, on the Permissions tab of the package check the box that says "Delete access permissions of all child entries".

OLAP and DMR Packages

In order to run any reports against it, the user requires Execute and Traverse permissions on the package.

In order to be able to use a package in any studio, the user requires Read, Execute and Traverse permissions to the package.

Users may receive this error when launching analysis studio reports even though they have Execute and Traverse privileges to the package. By default, analysis studio reports are launched within the studio and not the Cognos viewer. The workaround is to either change the default action for this report in the report properties, or allow this user Read, Execute, Traverse access to the package.

Why users may not be able to see the package in Cognos connection

By default, a user can view packages within the Cognos connection Portal if they have any permission granted to it.

There is a modification that could be made to cognos\templates\ps\portal\system.xml This modification will make packages viewable, only if the user has a specific permission to the package.

This allows customers to remove the Read permission so the package is not viewable in the portal, but still leave the Execute and Traverse so users can run reports stored in another location, against the package.

This change does NOT affect the studio's, so the user will still see the package as an option in the studio. The user will still receive an error as they do not have the necessary 'Read' permission.

A snippet from the cognos\templates\ps\portal\system.xml showing this modification using the 'read' permission.

<!-- CM filter added to content requests to only return objects "visible" to the current user -->
<param name="visible">[permission("read")]</param>

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEP7J","label":"Cognos Business Intelligence"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.2.2;10.2.1;10.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

