IBM Support

Collecting data: ITCAM for Transactions - Robotic Response Time



Collecting Data documents for Robotic Response Time (T6)

Diagnosing The Problem

Collecting Data documents for Robotic Response Time used to aid problem determination and reduce time resolving Problem Management Records (PMRs)

Resolving The Problem

Identifying the problem

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  • You may have to launch the Support Portal Search a second time if 0 results occur on the first attempt

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ITCAM for Transactions - Interim Fixes and Fixpacks

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Manually Gathering General Information​​
  • Screen shot of the TEPS or Error
  • Operating System version number and patch level

Manually Gathering ​​ ​​ITCAM Robotic Response Time Agent​​ Information​​

Section 1: RRT (KT6/T6) Agent Environment Info

ITM Version and Maintenance Level and ITCAM Version and Maintenance Level

On Unix: From the command prompt on Unix/Linux execute the following command and collect the resulting itm6_install.out
# ITM_HOME/bin/cinfo -i > /tmp/itm6_install.out

On Windows: From the command prompt on Windows execute the following command and collect the resulting itm6_install.out
ITM_HOME\InstallITM\kincinfo.exe -t > itm6_install.txt

Section 2: RRT (KT6/T6) Agent Log/Trace File Info

  1. Tivoli Common Logs

    On Windows:
    Trace Log files (trace-robotic*.log) available under %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs
    Message Log files (msg-robotic*.log) available under %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs

    On Unix:
    Trace Log files (trace-robotic*.log) available under /var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs
    Message Log files (msg-robotic*.log) available under /var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs

  2. ARM files

    ARM Raw data files named as ARM_{PID}_{TIMESTAMP}.dat are located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6\arm\log\kt6
    Example: ARM_4864_1224874887.dat

  3. ITM Logs

    RRT Agent install logs located under ITM_HOME\InstallITM
    Log is named as IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Robotic Response Time {TIMESTAMP}.log
    Example: IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Robotic Response Time 20081001 1233.log)

    LG Files located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6\logs

    Log is named as {HOSTNAME}_T6.LG*
    Example: rtbvtwin_T6.LG0

    RRT Agent execution logs located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6\logs
    Log is named as {HOSTNAME}_t6_*.log
    Example: RTBVTWIN_t6_48e5085a-01.log

Section 3: RPT Script Recording Environment Info

  1. Operating System version number and patch level

  2. RPT Workbench version number and patch level (screen shot)

    Use menu bar options:
    RPT Workbench Help > About Rational Performance Tester

  3. RPT Workbench configuration (screen shot)

    Use menu bar options:
    RPT Workbench Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration

  4. RPT plugin information (screen shot)

    Use menu bar options:
    RPT Rational Performance Test Help > About Rational Performance Tester > Installation Details > Features > display the details of IBM Tivoli | ITCAM for Transactions | 7.x.x |

  5. Citrix ICA Client (Optional if Citrix is not used for recording purposes)

    Version and patch level of the Citrix ICA Client

    Screen shots of published applications and configured Citrix farms

    ICA File, if one is used

  6. SAP GUI Client (Optional if SAP GUI is not getting used)

    Version and patch level of the SAP GUI Client

  7. Siebel Client (Optional if Siebel is not getting used)

    Version and patch level of the Siebel ActiveX Control installed into IE

  8. IE Proxy Settings (Optional only if a proxy server is getting used in the environment)

    Screen shot of the Proxy settings. Use menu bar options:

    Tools > Internet Options > Connections Tab > LAN Settings

Section 4: Rational Robot/RFT Script Recording Environment Info

  1. Operating System version number and patch level

  2. Rational Robot/RFT version number and patch level (screen shot)

    Use menu bar options:
    Rational Robot Help > About Rational Robot
    RFT Functional Test Help > About Rational Functional Tester

  3. RFT plugin information (screen shot)

    Use menu bar options:
    RFT Functional Test Help > About Rational Functional Tester > Installation Details > Features > display the details of IBM Tivoli | ITCAM for Transactions | 7.x.x |

  4. Type of Application (IE, Native Windows, Java etc), Application version used to record the script

  5. Java Enabler executed (Optional if Java based application is used for recording purposes)

Section 5: Mercury LoadRunner/CLI Script Recording Environment Info

  1. Operating System version number and patch level

  2. Mercury LoadRunner version number and patch level (screen shot)

    This can be obtained by performing the following operation on the Mercury BAC Tool.
    Help -> About Mercury BAC

  3. Type of script used (if this is not a CLI script)

Section 6: RRT (KT6/T6) Agent Playing back RFT and Rational Robot Scripts

  1. Rational Robot/RFT version number and patch level (screen shot)

    This can be obtained by performing the following operation on the Rational Robot Help About Rational Robot

  2. Type of Application (IE, Native Windows, Java etc), Application version used to record the script

  3. Java Enabler executed (Optional if Java based application is used for recording purposes)

  4. Playback Monitor Settings

    ROBOT Screen shot of Registry settings available under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\Rational Test\8\Robot\PlayBackMonitor
    RFT Screen shot of Registry settings available under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\Rational Test\8

    Playback Monitor Log files available
    for ITCAM 7.3 and prior releases:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\*
    for ITCAM and future releases: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\*

    C:\Program Files\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\Rational with ITCAM for Transactions 7.3 and previous versions

  5. Configure the following in located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6

    Change the following entries

  6. Restart the agent and reproduce the issue

  7. Collect Log/Trace files as described in Section 2.

Section 7: RRT (KT6/T6) Agent Playing back RPT Scripts

  1. RPT Runtime versions being used (screen shot)

    RPT Runtime versions are located at ITM_HOME\TMAITM6\app\RPT\runtimes on the agent

    Copy of the script. Scripts are located under ITM_HOME\kt1depot\T6\RPT

  2. Configure the following

    In located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6, change the following entries:

    In located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6\app\RPT\config, change the following entries:
    BWM.trc.rpt.pc.level=DEBUG_MAX #trace to create CommonBaseEvent logs

  3. Restart the agent and reproduce the issue

  4. Collect Log/Trace files as described in Section 2

  5. Collect Log/Trace files from RPT Playback Engine. These files are named as CommonBaseEvent*.log and are located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6\app\RPT\runtimes\{RPT RUNTIME VERSION} on Windows or
    ITM_HOME/tmaitm6/app/RPT/runtimes/{RPT RUNTIME VERSION} on Unix.

    {RPT RUNTIME VERSION} is the version number of the RPT Runtime

  6. Collect Log/Trace files from the RPT Managed JVM Process. These files are named as trace-rpt*.log and are located under %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\IBM\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\RPT\{RPT RUNTIME VERSION} on Windows
    or /var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs/RPT/runtimes/{RPT RUNTIME VERSION} on Unix.

    {RPT RUNTIME VERSION} is the version number of the RPT Runtime

Section 8: RRT (KT6/T6) Agent Playing back LoadRunner/CLI Scripts

  1. Mercury LoadRunner version number and patch level (screen shot). This can be obtained by performing the following operation on the Mercury BAC Tool. Help About Mercury BAC

  2. Configure the following

    In located under ITM_HOME\TMAITM6, change the following entries

  3. Restart the agent and reproduce the issue
  4. Collect Log/Trace files as described in Section 2

Delivering collected data​​
Upload files using the website along with the PMR number.
Or upload files for review to the following FTP site: Log in as anonymous and place your files in the directory that corresponds to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component that you use..

[{"Product":{"code":"SS5MD2","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ITCAM TRANSACT RRT 5724S79RR v710","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.4","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SS5MD2","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ITCAM for RT 5724-S23 v620","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1;7.2;7.3","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

