IBM Support

How to customize Rational Synergy Classic client preferences

Question & Answer


How do you set up your IBM Rational Synergy Classic preferences using ccm.ini presets?


In the IBM Rational Synergy Classic client you can customize many of the GUI operations by setting preferences in the ccm.ini file.



Each user can set up his or her own preferences for the Rational Synergy Classic session and dialog behavior by adjusting the settings in a personal .ccm.ini file in the $HOME directory when working on UNIX or in a ccm.ini file in the %USERPROFILE%" directory, when working on Microsoft Windows. Global (all users) initialization ccm.ini files exist also in the Synergy installation area etc directory. For WebMode clients (IBM Rational Synergy 7.0 and later) only the ccm.ini in the server's CCM_HOME/etc will be read.

Note: This document contains an overview of some of the possible entries in these files for Rational Synergy Classic client. For a detailed list of all parameters please see the Classic CLI Help under the "Default Options" heading.

For Rational Synergy (Java) clients please use the files to adjust the client settings.


UNIX and Linux

By default, there are two ccm.ini initialization files which are read when the user starts a Synergy session.

  • The ccm.ini file in $CCM_HOME/etc

  • The .ccm.ini files in your $HOME directory.

The .ccm.ini file in the $HOME directory is read last and thus takes precedence. It is also updated, when session changes or when you end the session. For this reason, any new entries made should be added when no session is running.


By default, there are two ccm.ini initialization files which are read, in order, when the user starts a Synergy session.

  • The ccm.ini in the %USERPROFILE% directory
  • The ccm.ini file in the %CCM_HOME%\etc of the Synergy installation

Entries in the %USERPROFILE% have precedence because they are read last. Default versions of both of these files are created by CM Synergy and you may modify or add optional entries. The ccm.ini file in the %USERPROFILE% directory is updated when the session ends. You should only modify this file when no CM Synergy session is running.



A different ini file can be specified on starting CM Synergy by using the -f <filename> option with the ccm start command or by setting a CCM_INI_FILE environment variable before starting the session.


All entries in the initialization files take the form:


Variable = value


User entries should be made in the [Options] section of the file.
Comment lines can be entered in these files

  • Using ; (semi-colon) at the start of the line on Windows
  • Using # (number sign) on UNIX and Linux


Different versions of Synergy have added new variables and options.
Consult the online help under 'Defaults' for a comprehensive list of the valid options available for your version of Synergy.

Some examples of parameters frequently used now follow: 



Variable Description Default
wa_path_template By default, CM Synergy will create work areas in the user's home directory. If this is not desirable, the user can specify an alternative path using this variable. The keywords %database, %user, %owner and %home are valid for use in the specified path. For example:


wa_path_cache_size Controls the size of the work area path cache. Increasing this parameter in large projects may lead to an improvement in performance. 500
save_to_wastebasket Causes uncontrolled files to be saved if they are removed from the work area by Synergy TRUE
wastebasket Specifies directory to which these files are saved. The keywords %database and %user are valid for use in this path. $HOME/ccm_wa/.moved


Variable Description Default
Make_rehearse_toggle Causes ObjectMake to show the results of a build using the current settings, without actually performing the build. FALSE
Make_verbose_toggle Specifies that "Verbose should always be toggled on in the ObjectMake dialog. FALSE
Make_force_toggle Specifies that "Force Rebuild" should always be toggled on in the ObjectMake dialog. FALSE
Make_bom_toggle Specifies that "Generate Bill-of-Materials should always be toggled on in the ObjectMake dialog. FALSE
Make_sequential_toggle Changes the Objectmake build from parallel to sequential. FALSE
Make_format Specifies which make format is to be used. omake(UNIX)
Make_third_party_make_cmd Specifies that the third-party make tool is the default tool. The default is make_third_party_make_cmd=nmake /f %filename. nmake /f %filename


Variable Description Default
Reconfigure_parallel_check Indicates whether parallel version notification is given on reconfigure. - possible values TRUE , FALSE , or FULL FALSE


Variable Description Default
Initial_role Specifies role with which CM Synergy will be started. (unset)
Initials Specifies the default next version for a project or product object when the user is in the developer role. (unset)
Range_for_keyword_expand Specifies how many characters will be scanned for keywords in a source file if keyword expansion is being used. 2048
Default_task_query Specifies the user-defined query to be used by the Task Selection dialog. (unset)
update_on_checkin_if_equal forces Synergy check in to copy files from the work area to the database, regardless of their timestamps values FALSE


Default Editor, Viewer and Print Commands

You may specify editors and viewers using entries in the ccm.ini file.

For example, the GUI editor and viewer for objects of type "html" can be specified as follows:

html_gui_edit_cmd = netscape %filename
html_gui_view_cmd = netscape %filename

Similarly a print command may be specified for a particular type.

An example for the "makefile" type is as follows:

makefile_print_cmd = lpr %makefile


Merge Tool

A merge tool may be specified as follows:

Merge_cmd= /path_to_merge_command %file1 %file2 %outfile


  • %file1, %file2, and %outfile are entered as specified.


Compare Tool

A compare command may be specified as follows:

Compare_cmd= /path_to_compare_command %file1 %file2 %outfile


  • %file1, %file2, and %outfile are entered as specified

[{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.3;6.4;6.5;6.5a;6.6a;7.0;7.1;;7.1a","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 December 2020

