IBM Support

How do I modify the date format of the timestamp in an attachment place holder?

Question & Answer


CSLD replaces archived attachments with a place holder text that tells the user who archived which attachment at which time, for example: <<< Attachment 'test.doc' has been archived by user 'CN=John Doe/O=ACME' on '11/20/2005 02:06:35 PM'. >>> The MDY format of the timestamp might seem peculiar to users if they are used to a different date/time format. Hence, you might want to change the format of the timestamp.


CSLD uses the default Lotus Notes format for displaying timestamps, which is MDY.


Even though the attachment place holder as such is generated by the CSLD Task and cannot be modified at will, you can influence how the timestamp is displayed.

You can change the display format through a number of notes.ini variables. Following are the variables that you can set or modify in the notes.ini or csld.ini files. The list is an extract from the IBM developerWorks article "Ask Professor INI: Timely information in NOTES.INI":

DateOrder lets administrators change the date format for any server platform. You can specify the order in which you want the month (M), date (D), and year (Y) to appear. The syntax is DateOrder=value, where the value is any permutation of DMY. The default order is MDY.

For example, to change the date format to that used in the United Kingdom, where the day comes first, enter the following in your NOTES.INI file:
This will display dates in the format 29.11.2000. Conversely, a value of MDY would display the date as 11.29.2000.

DateSeparator and TimeSeparator
You can also choose the time and date separators that you want to use, by using the variables DateSeparator and TimeSeparator. You can use any characters that you want as separators. For example, if you enter the following settings in your NOTES.INI file:
the date will be displayed as 29/11/2000.
Similarly, you can set the time as follows:
ClockType=24_hour (works only for AIX)
2 pm, for example, would be displayed as 14:00:00.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6QFT","label":"CommonStore for Lotus Domino"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Task","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.3;8.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

