IBM Support

Configure UNIX or Linux clients to access Windows VOBs

Question & Answer


What steps are necessary for setting up UNIX or Linux clients to access IBM Rational ClearCase VOBs that reside on Microsoft Windows servers using the ClearCase File Server (CCFS)?



  1. Both the UNIX or Linux and Windows systems must be running version 2002.05.00 or higher.

  2. CCFS must be enabled on the Windows VOB server(s)

    Note: CCFS only supports the use of snapshot views

    Click Start > Settings > Control Panel and double-click the ClearCase icon. Next click Options and then select Use CCFS to access UNIX VOBs

  3. A Windows domain must also be selected from the drop down list on which the VOB server resides. Select the corresponding Windows domain in the Use this domain to map UNIX user and group names box.

  4. There must be identical accounts (users and groups) on both Windows and UNIX that match in both spelling and case.


    Windows User = DOM1\user1
    Windows group = DOM1\group1

    UNIX User = user1
    UNIX group = group1

  5. The same ClearCase primary group must be set for all users on both UNIX and Windows

  6. Both UNIX and Windows hosts running ClearCase must use the same ClearCase Registry server.

  7. There must be two separate regions established on the registry server: a Windows region and a corresponding peer UNIX region.

    Note: Views cannot be "shared" between UNIX and Windows in this configuration.


    1. Check user and group mapping

      Check the user and group mapping with the credmap command.

      A. Run credmap from the Windows VOB server. The credmap utility is located in the C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\etc\utils directory.

      credmap UNIX_host

      where "UNIX_host" is the Net Bios name of the UNIX client trying to access the Windows VOB.

      The first part of the output listed from this command lists the user's credentials on the Windows VOB server. The second part corresponds to the user's credentials against the UNIX client host.

      C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\etc\utils>credmap UNIX-client

      Identity on local system:

      User: DOMAIN\user1 (NT:S-1-5-21-141845252-1443263951-584457872-1439)

      Primary group: DOMAIN\group1


      Groups: (10)

      Everyone (NT:S-1-1-0)

      BUILTIN\Users (NT:S-1-5-32-545)

      BUILTIN\Administrators (NT:S-1-5-32-544)

      DOMAIN\Domain Users (NT:S-1-5-21-141845252-1443263951-584457872-513)

      DOMAIN\test (NT:S-1-5-21-141845252-1443263951-584457872-1509)

      DOMAIN\clearuser (NT:S-1-5-21-141845252-1443263951-584457872-1022)

      DOMAIN\Domain Admins (NT:S-1-5-21-141845252-1443263951-584457872-512)

      LOCAL (NT:S-1-2-0)


      NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users (NT:S-1-5-11)

      Identity on host "UNIX-client":

      User SID: UNIX:UID-22319

      Primary group SID: UNIX:GID-20

      Group SID list: (10)











      B. Run credmap from the UNIX client.

      Note: The credmap utility is located in the /usr/atria/etc/utils or /opt/rational/clearcase/etc/utils directory.

      credmap VOB_Server

      where VOB_Server is the Net Bios name of the Windows VOB server host.

      The first part of the output listed from this command lists the user's credentials on the on the UNIX host and the second part corresponds to the user's credentials on the Windows VOB server. If the user's "Primary Group" on Windows does not match the user's "Primary Group" on UNIX or comes back with a (-2) or a NOBODY, this configuration will not work.

      UNIX-client.user1# credmap VOB-Server

      Identity on local system:

      User: (UNIX:UID-22319)

      Primary group: (UNIX:GID-20)

      Groups: (0)

      Identity on host "VOB-Server":

      User SID: SID:3.01050000000000050000001508746304560675cf22d61e900000059f

      Primary group SID: SID:3.01050000000000050000001508746304560675cf22d61e90000003ff

      Group SID list: (0)

    2. Create the UNIX snapshot view

      Create a snapshot view on the UNIX client. The view must be created with the -tmode option using STRIP_CR mode in this configuration.

      For example:

      UNIX-client.user1# cleartool mkview -snapshot -tag interop_strip_cr -tmode strip_cr -colocated_server /net/UNIX-client/viewstore/interop_strip_cr.vws

      Created view.

      Host-local path: UNIX-client:/viewstore/interop_strip_cr.vws/.view.stg

      Global path: /net/UNIX-client/viewstore/interop_strip_cr.vws/.view.stg

      It has the following rights:

      User : user1 : rwx

      Group: group1 : rwx

      Other: : r-x

      Created snapshot view directory "/net/UNIX-client/viewstore


      Review the ClearCase Administrators Guide on the topic of Creating a view on a NAS device for details regarding creating a view with storage located on a network attached storage device.

    3. Create the VOB tag for the UNIX region

      Tag the VOB in the UNIX region from the Windows host. The VOB tag must be made from the Windows region and stored in the UNIX region using the "-region" switch. Also, the VOB tag is created using a forward slash rather than the standard back slash on Windows.

      Example describe output:

      M:\interop\interop>cleartool describe vob:\interop

      versioned object base "\interop"

      created 11-Apr-02.20:23:28 by user1.group1@Windows-VOB Server

      VOB family feature level: 3

      VOB storage host:pathname "VOB-Server:C:\vobs\interop.vbs"

      VOB storage global pathname "\\VOB-Server\vobs\interop.vbs"

      database schema version: 54

      VOB ownership:

      owner DOMAIN\user1

      group DOMAIN\group1


      FeatureLevel = 3

      Note that the share name may be different than the directory name. The local path must be used. For example, C:\Clearcase_Storage\VOBs is the local path and \\HOST\ccstg_c\VOBs is the UNC path using the share name.

      Tag the VOB using the command:

      M:\interop\interop>cleartool mktag -vob -tag /interop -region

      UNIX-client_region -ngpath C:\vobs\interop.vbs

      Again, remember to use a forward slash (/) and not a back slash (\). Also, it is important that the -ngpath switch must be used in this configuration.

    4. Load the VOB

      Load the VOB into the snapshot view on UNIX via the load rules in the config_spec. Remember to navigate into the view root of the snapshot view before editing the config_spec. For example:

      UNIX-client.user1# cd /net/UNIX-client/viewstore/interop_strip_cr.vws

      UNIX-client.user1# cleartool edcs

      element * CHECKEDOUT

      element * /main/LATEST

      load /interop





      "/var/tmp/tmp19973" 3 lines, 58 characters

      Set config_spec and load snapshot view "interop_strip_cr"? [yes] y




      Loading "interop/lt_vobs/pvob.vbs/vob_oid" (41 bytes).

      Loading "interop/lt_vobs/pvob.vbs/vob_server.conf" (625 bytes).

      Done loading "/interop" (118 objects, copied 486 KB).

      Log has been written to "/net/UNIX-client/viewstore


      Note: If the entire VOB or multiple VOBs are loaded in the snapshot view at once, loading will take some time.

    5. Change to the view and work on the VOB

      cd into the UNIX view root and work in the VOB as normal.

      Note: Make sure the snapshot views are in the correct Text mode (strip_CR) before creating new elements or checking out files; otherwise problems similar to the below example will occur.

      Example: A file called vob_server.conf was checked out for editing in the above VOB.

      A. With a STRIP_CR view (good configuration):

        # vob_server configuration file


        # The values in this configuration file are read when the

        # vob_server starts up


        # Deferred Deletion

        # =================

        # When activated deferred deletion causes the vob_server

        # to delay removing containers in the source pool which

        # have been replaced by newer containers. This ensures

        # consistency when backup programs may be traversing

        # the directory structure (either the old or the new

        # container will be found, if not both).


        # DeferredSourceContainerDeletion:

        # set to "yes" to activate deferred deletion

        # and "no" to disable it.









        "vob_server.conf" 18 lines, 625 characters

      B. Without a STRIP_CR view (bad configuration due to ^M in the file):

        # vob_server configuration file^M


        # The values in this configuration file are read when the ^M

        # vob_server starts up^M


        # Deferred Deletion^M

        # =================^M

        # When activated deferred deletion causes the vob_server^M

        # to delay removing containers in the source pool which^M

        # have been replaced by newer containers. This ensures^M

        # consistency when backup programs may be traversing^M

        # the directory structure (either the old or the new^M

        # container will be found, if not both).^M


        # DeferredSourceContainerDeletion:^M

        # set to "yes" to activate deferred deletion^M

        # and "no" to disable it.^M







        "vob_server.conf" 18 lines, 643 characters

        To check that the view is in the correct text mode, run:

        cleartool lsview -properties -full

        For example:

        UNIX-client.user1# cleartool lsview -prop -full interop_strip_cr

        interop_strip_cr /net/UNIX-client/viewstore/interop_strip_cr.vws/.view.stg

        Created 11-Apr-02.20:19:50 by user1.group1@UNIX-client

        Last modified 12-Apr-02.07:24:57 by user1.group1@UNIX-client

        Last accessed 12-Apr-02.07:24:57 by user1.group1@UNIX-client

        Last read of private data 12-Apr-02.07:24:57 by user1.group1@UNIX-client

        Last config spec update 11-Apr-02.20:21:30 by user1.group1@UNIX-client

        Last view private object update 12-Apr-02.07:24:57 by user1.group1@UNIX-client

        Text mode: strip_cr

        Properties: snapshot readwrite

        Owner: : rwx (all)

        Group: : rwx (all)

        Other: : r-x (read)

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Interop: CCFS","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF015","label":"IRIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;7.0.1;7.1;7.1.1;7.1.2;8.0;8.0.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Interop","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

