IBM Support

About rgy_getuuid_by_uuid failed errors



This technote discusses the symptoms of and solutions for the error, rgy_getuuid_by_uuid, as it relates to IBM® Rational® ClearCase® VOBs and views.


At times these entries may be seen in the ClearCase logs:

10/18/99 11:55:37 view_server(13967): Error: Operation "rgy_getuuid_by_uuid" failed
("23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92"): ClearCase object not found.
10/18/99 15:22:48 view_server(13967): Error: Operation "rgy_getuuid_by_uuid" failed
("23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92"): ClearCase object not found.

The rgy_getuuid_by_uuid error indicates that ClearCase is trying to look something up in the ClearCase registry by its UUID and is failing, finding no entry with that UUID.

This type of error could originate from either a view or a VOB since both use a UUID identification object. The errors above correspond from a view_server process and therefore relate to a view. If the errors correspond to a VOB, it is likely that the output would look similar to the following:

cleartool: Error: Unable to find replica in registry for VOB with object ID:"9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85"
cleartool: Error: Unable to locate versioned object base with object id: "9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85".


Some possible causes of this include:

  • Client is referring to (mounting) a VOB that no longer exists.
  • View referenced by VOB database no longer exists. This would impact operations like Derived Object winkin and some UCM operations.
  • VOB hyperlinks point to VOBs not tagged in the registry region the client process operates in. This includes AdminVOB hyperlinks, and hyperlinks created as a result of UCM operations.
  • Client and server in different registry regions, where one or the other has an incomplete list of the VOBs being used.
  • Client and view server using different registry servers, causing the view server to fail to look up its own uuid.

Review the IBM Rational ClearCase Information Center under the topic of Administrative VOB hierarchies and global types for more information about AdminVOBs.

Diagnosing The Problem

Errors in server logs:

There is no means within the error message of denoting what clients are causing the errors. Hence, you have to strategically back track from the error message to the problem system. One particular strategy that can be helpful is this:

  1. Within the view_log, of the view server host machine, note the view_server pid(s) where the rgy error occurred (for example:

    0/18/99 11:55:37 view_server(13967): Error: Operation "rgy_getuuid_by_uuid" failed
    ("23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92"): ClearCase object not found.
    the pid would be 13967)

  2. On the view server machine still, find the view's uuid by issuing 'ps -ef | grep <view svr pid>'.
    If the view server is still alive, it should return the pertinent data containing the view's uuid.

    (for example: ccadmin   1362  2071  0 Jun04 ?        00:00:00 view_server /viewstore/ccadmin_view.vws -u 10a9b6cb.884111da.8767.00:b0:d0:94:71:23 -S12:16,udp:17,tcp )

  3. From the view's uuid, one can obtain the last user and machine that accessed the view by issuing
    'cleartool lsview -properties -uuid <view uuid>'


    * ccadmin_view         /net/my-host/viewstore/ccadmin_view.vws
    Created 18-Jan-06.11:32:50 by ccadmin.cc_users@my-host
    Last modified 04-Aug-06.10:41:11 by
    Last accessed 04-Aug-06.10:41:33 by
    Owner: domainx-com/ccadmin : rwx (all)
    Group: domainx-com/cc_users : rwx (all)
    Other:                  : r-x (read)
    Additional groups: domainx-com/users)

  4. Continue investigation based on the machine information one has acquired from #3.
    1. If the issue is related to a missing VOB or a reference to a VOB that the view server may not see, key information can be seen by running cleartool hostinfo -long on the suspect host. The mounted VOBs list can also be checked using cleartool lsvob. If you suspect that a mounted VOB was removed, and the host is a Unix host, you can read the contents of the /etc/mnttab file and grep for the removed VOB, 'cat /etc/mnttab | grep <VOBtag>'. If the VOB tag or VOB storage is found in the /etc/mnttab file, then an issue of 'ct umount <VOB tag>' may resolve the problem. On Linux you will need to search in the /etc/mtab file.
    2. If you get no output from the ct lsview command, and the view database does not exist, there is likely no way to determine the cause of the issue other than waiting for a recurrence.

Errors from clients:

In most cases, the error will either tell you that a view or a replica cannot be found.

View not found or not responding:

For example, clearmake may provide the following warning when attempting to access a view that no longer exists, but had sharable Derived Objects:

clearmake: Warning: View "ccsvr:c:\ccstg\views\tempview2.vws" unavailable -
This process will not contact the view again for 60 minutes.

In this case, it would be necessary to describe the build VOB with -long to locate the view storage path, and from there locate the view UUID. For example:

>cleartool desc -long vob:\mkvobtest

versioned object base "\mkvobtest"
  VOB holds objects from the following views:
    ccsvr:\\ccsvr\ccstg\views\mkview-test.vws [uuid 394dcea6.1bd246e1.9601.df:5d:70:12:89:86]
    ccsvr:c:\ccstg\views\tempview2.vws [uuid 4bc86c07.23784e49.9e7c.d3:9c:b4:6f:d5:a7]
  VOB holds derived objects referenced by the following views:
    ccsvr:\\ccsvr\ccstg\views\mkview-test.vws [uuid 394dcea6.1bd246e1.9601.df:5d:70:12:89:86]
    ccsvr:c:\ccstg\views\tempview2.vws [uuid 4bc86c07.23784e49.9e7c.d3:9c:b4:6f:d5:a7]

This gives you both the view server host and the view UUID. The next step would be to verify that the view is still present by running cleartool lsview -uuid:

>cleartool lsview -uuid 4bc86c07.23784e49.9e7c.d3:9c:b4:6f:d5:a7 -region *
cleartool: Error: No matching entries found for uuid 4bc86c07.23784e49.9e7c.d3:9c:b4:6f:d5:a7.

If the above error occurs, and the command was not done on the view server, run cleartool hostinfo -long on the client and also run cleartool hostinfo -long -host {view server hostname} and compare registry region and registry server information. If the lsview output shows a different server name than the VOB describe, the view was moved improperly.

Replica not found:

A UCM or base ClearCase operation may error out with the following when cross-VOB hyperlinks do not resolve:

cleartool: Error: Unable to find replica in registry for VOB with object ID:"9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85"
cleartool: Error: Unable to locate versioned object base with object id: "9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85".

Diagnosis in this case is fairly straightforward, with a possible issue. In most cases, the above error is referring to the "replica family uuid" and not to the individual replica uuid. As a result, there are 2 commands to run:

>cleartool lsvob -family 9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85 -region *

cleartool: Error: No matching entries found for uuid 9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85.


>cleartool lsvob -uuid 9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85 -region *
cleartool: Error: No matching entries found for uuid 9250ab61.6f04465d.b3f4.d7:a4:a1:74:0c:85.

In a multi-region configuration, there should be one line of output for each region the VOB is tagged in. For example:
C:\Users\Brian>cleartool lsvob -family 4296d0d2.f5ef420c.899e.57:89:7e:00:4b:b0 -region *
  \mkvobtest           ccsvr:c:\ccstg\vobs\mkvobtest.vbs private (replicated)
  \mkvobtest           \\ccsvr\ccstg\vobs\mkvobtest.vbs private (replicated)

If both those commands return no output, the client's registry server does not have any record of the VOB. This means that either the VOB has been removed, a needed VOB has not been replicated to this site, or the VOB servers use different registry servers.

If the VOB is listed once in "-region *" run the command again without that option. If the error output returns, the VOB is not tagged in the client's region.

Resolving The Problem

Possible solutions to this error message include:

  1. Server error messages:
    • Client Mounted VOB no longer present: Attempt to unmount the VOB. Failing that, it may be necessary to restart ClearCase on, or reboot, the client host. The steps in the diagnosis section above should help provide information regarding the identity of the client host.
    • Client-Mounted VOB not visible to view server: Generally, this occurs because the view server is in a different registry region than the client. To resolve this, create a VOB tag for the "invisible" VOB. If the view server uses a different registry server, it will also be necessary to register the VOB. The steps are:
      1. Collect the VOB information on the client using "cleartool lsvob -long ..."
      2. Verify that the view server can see a VOB object entry for the vob by running cleartool lsvob -uuid {replica uuid from #1} -region *"
      3. create a tag for the VOB using the cleartool mktag command. For example:
        cleartool mktag -vob -tag \mkvobtest -host ccsvr -hpath c:\ccstg\vobs\mkvobtest.vbs -gpath \\ccsvr\ccstg\vobs\mkvobtest.vbs \\ccsvr\ccstg\vobs\mkvobtest.vbs
    • Client-mounted VOB not accessible to the view server. This would require separately diagnosing the cause of this inaccessibility and resolving that issue.

  2. Client issues:
    • Replica not found or similar errors:
      • VOB not registered in client region: This is the mirror image of the above "not visible to view server" condition, and the issue is resolved by tagging the missing VOB on in the client's region.
      • VOB not replicated to the client's site. This issue would be resolved by creating a new replica at the client site.
      • VOB deleted. Generally speaking, this would occur if cleartool rmvob was not used to remove the VOB as that command will delete all cross-VOB hyperlinks that refer to the removed VOB. The simplest way to resolve this would be to restore the VOB from backup. There may be complications if the VOB in question was replicated or was a UCM VOB. In those cases, contact IBM Rational Client Support for further assistance.

    • View not present or not responding. Generally speaking, a view does not have to be tagged in a client's region to be accessed for Derived Object promotion or winkin as long as it is tagged in the view server's region. So in many cases the cause of this issue is that the view in question is no longer present.
      • View removed. If the view was removed or is inaccessible, references to the view have to be removed with the cleartool rmview -uuid command. This command will remove all references to a given view in all mounted VOBs (review to technote 1122515 for more details):

        %> cleartool rmview -avobs -uuid 23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92
        Removed references to view "23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92" from VOB "/vobs/admin".
        Removed references to view "23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92" from VOB "/vobs/local".
        Removed references to view "23dd562d.8ebf11d6.a7d9.00:01:80:f0:f4:92" from VOB "/vobs/pvob".

      • View corrupt or otherwise inaccessible. In this case, the view would have to be removed manually removing the tag; removing the view object entry; removing or renaming the view storage directory if necessary; and finally running the rmview -uuid -all command.

        For example:
        >cleartool endview -server mkview-test
        >cleartool rmtag -view mkview-test
        >cleartool unregister -view c:\ccstg\views\mkview-test.vws
        >rmdir /s /q c:\ccstg\views\mkview-test.vws
        >cleartool rmview -uuid 394dcea6.1bd246e1.9601.df:5d:70:12:89:86 -all
        Removed references to view "ccsvr:\\ccsvr\ccstg\views\mkview-test.vws" from VOB "ccsvr:C:\ccstg\vobs\vob1.vbs".
        Removed references to view "ccsvr:\\ccsvr\ccstg\views\mkview-test.vws" from VOB "ccsvr:c:\ccstg\vobs\mkvobtest.vbs".                                                                                                                                        Removed references to view "394dcea6.1bd246e1.9601.df:5d:70:12:89:86" from VOB "ccsvr:c:\ccstg\vobs\ucmpvob.vbs".

      • View moved to another server or storage location. This issue can be resolved by updating the view location in the vob. To perform the update:
        1. Start the view
        2. CD through the view into any directory in the VOB
        3. Check out any object, and then undo the checkout. The view location will be updated in the VOB.
          Note that a describe on the VOB may not immediately show this on hosts that have that information cached.


  • If the errors in the logs report multiple UUIDs, then check all of the VOBs to see if there are multiple deleted views. Look for the views listed in the "VOB holds objects from the following views" section in the output of the describe -long vob:<vob> command:

    Instead, run the rgy_check -views or rgy_check -vobs command depending on which registry table it turned up in and then repair the problems it reports.

    Review the IBM Rational ClearCase Information Center on the topic of rgy_check (cleartool man rgy_check) for more information.

  • If it is not possible to identify where the original view was located (perhaps it was created on one of many client machines not identified in any error message even running lsvob -long), then the only option is to wait until someone states that one of their views is not working. This issue can then be investigated properly. Meanwhile the error message in the vob_server logs will not cause any harm and can be ignored.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ClearCase Registry","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF015","label":"IRIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;7.1;8.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ClearCase Registry","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

