IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All Fault Analyzer Version 10 users.         *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01. Listing prompt not issued when      *
    *                          compiler listing not found for      *
    *                          COBOL program compiled with         *
    *                          TEST(NOSEP).                        *
    *                          APAR PM41016                        *
    *                      02. Abend S0C4 in PliSepRec4 when PL/I  *
    *                          SYSDEBUG side file source has       *
    *                          include files.                      *
    *                          APAR PM34271                        *
    *                      03. Abend S0C9 from entry point         *
    *                          displayISPF when analyzing CICS     *
    *                          SDUMP.                              *
    *                          APAR PM40245                        *
    *                      04. Abend S0C4 in PliSepRec4 when PL/I  *
    *                          SYSDEBUG side file source has       *
    *                          include files.                      *
    *                          APAR PM34271                        *
    *                      05. Unable to apply action to user note *
    *                          on User Note List display if one or *
    *                          more notes are against 64-bit       *
    *                          addresses.                          *
    *                          APAR PM41017                        *
    *                      06. Getting IDI0005S message indicating *
    *                          "lack of storage".                  *
    *                          APAR PM35360                        *
    *                      07. Message "IDI0089I Subsystem         *
    *                          IDISFPEX RC=4 (or RC=92),           *
    *                          Rsn=7FFFFFFF .   . .*"              *
    *                          (non-printable characters           *
    *                          appended) issued incorrectly.       *
    *                          APAR PM35904                        *
    *                      08. Abend S0C4 when Fault Analyzer      *
    *                          attempts to process an invalid      *
    *                          compiler listing from the 'Compiler *
    *                          Listing Not Found' pop-up.          *
    *                          APAR PM35887                        *
    *                      09. DWARF/MDBG data set name not passed *
    *                          to EQAUEDAT for C/C++ programs.     *
    *                          APAR PM41018                        *
    *                      10. Loop issuing message IDI0005S and   *
    *                          finally running out of space with   *
    *                          abend S878.                         *
    *                          APAR PM36413                        *
    *                      11. Previous MATCH not reset when       *
    *                          selecting View from View List       *
    *                          display.                            *
    *                          APAR PM41245                        *
    *                      12. Hex-dumped storage not shown in     *
    *                          batch report for inactive COBOL     *
    *                          programs when PrintInactiveCOBOL    *
    *                          option in effect.                   *
    *                          APAR PM38414                        *
    *                      13. Incorrect ENV data area layout.     *
    *                          APAR PM41246                        *
    *                      14. Abend S0C4 in function              *
    *                          pp_sm_task_sca during interactive   *
    *                          analysis of CICS SDUMP.             *
    *                          APAR PM41247                        *
    *                      15. Some REXX user exit character       *
    *                          format data area fields contain     *
    *                          binary zeroes.                      *
    *                          APAR PM41248                        *
    *                      16. Loop in Fault Analyzer IDIS         *
    *                          subsystem.                          *
    *                          APAR PM41249                        *
    *                      17. Abend S0C4 in IDILANGX when         *
    *                          processing HLASM SYSADATA.          *
    *                          APAR PM39420                        *
    * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the provided PTF.                      *
    01. Listing prompt not issued for TEST(NOSEP).
    02. %INCLUDE statement has unexpected record length.
    03. Incorrect detection of CICS SDUMP was causing inappropriate
        code to be called.
    04. %INCLUDE statement has unexpected record length.
    05. The address field is picked up from the display incorrectly.
    06. The problem is caused by a recursive loop in the CICS Name
        Token Entry Chain.
    07. The message was incorrectly being passed back from a call to
        the IDIS subsystem.
    08. Code assumed compiler listing had been successfully
        processed into IDILANGX.
    09. Data set name not passed to EQAUEDAT.
    10. The attempt to log message IDI0005S required additional
        storage, which in turn re-invoked the same code to issue
        message IDI0005S.
    11. An implicit reset of all MATCH values was missing.
    12. Incorrect condition for registering hex-dumped storage.
    13. Supplied sample mappings for Assembler, COBOL, C and PL/I of
        the ENV data area were incorrect from the POF_LOADED_FROM
        field at offset X'204' and onwards.
    14. A 'null' value for a storage management control block was
        not being allowed for.
    15. Trailing binary zeroes in REXX user exit character format
        data area fields had not been removed.
    16. The Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem might loop in CSECT
        IDISXCFA after XCF error recovery.
    17. The HLASM SYSADATA from a PLX compilation might cause a S0C4
        in IDILANGX entry name RESOLVE_USING_INFO.

Problem conclusion

  • 01. Listing prompt now issued when compiler listing not found
        for COBOL programs compiled with TEST(NOSEP).
    02. Variable length source records now supported.
    03. CICS SDUMP is now detected correctly.
    04. Variable length source records now supported.
    05. The address field is now picked up from the display
    06. 1. Limit the number of entries in the CICS "Name Token Entry
        Chain" that are displayed (1000 entries).
        2. Report how many entries have been shown.
        3. Raise a "Severity 2 Observation" to indicate the
        possibility of a loop.
    07. The message has been suppressed.
    08. Code checks IDILANGX format is valid.
    09. DWARF/MDBG data set or path name now passed to EQAUEDAT.
    10. Additional storage has been made available for the logging
        of the initial IDI0005S message.
    11. An implicit reset of all MATCH values has been added.
    12. Condition corrected.
    13. The ENV data area has been changed to match the documented
        layout and sample mapping members.
    14. Check added for 'null' pointer.
    15. Trailing binary zeroes in REXX user exit character format
        data area fields have been removed.
    16. Code added to detect and prevent the condition.
    17. Code has been added to detect a zero CSECT ID error.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



    ***This field was truncated.  To obtain the full apar record, please contact your local support center.***

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RA10 PSY UK68854

       UP11/06/21 P F106

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"A10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSXJAJ","label":"Fault Analyzer for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"A10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 August 2011