IBM Support

PM27734: Service for Debug Tool 11.1.

A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • --- Features ---
    -LangX COBOL
     The term "non-Language Environment COBOL" has been changed to
     "LangX COBOL" and the support has been extended.  LangX COBOL
     now includes any of the following supported through the use of
     an EQALANGX file:
     - Programs compiled using the IBM OS/VS COBOL compiler
       (previously included in non-Language Environment COBOL).
     - Programs compiled using the VS COBOL II compiler with the
       NOTEST compiler option (previously included in non-Langauge
       Environment COBOL only when link-edited with a non-Language
       Environment library).
     - Programs compiled using the Enterprise COBOL compiler with
       the NOTEST compiler option.
     The SET PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE command has been extended to
     support LANGXCOBOL in addition to NONLECOBOL.  The response
     of whether LANGXCOBOL or NONLECOBOL might have been used in
     the corresponding SET command.  In addition, the language
     designator in the top left of the screen in full-screen mode
     is now "LX COBOL" (rather than "NL COBOL") when the current
     programming language is LangX COBOL.
    -Use a single Debug Tool Language Environment user exit data
     set for multiple IMS regions.
     The new function adds the IMS subsystem identifier information
     in the Debug Tool Language Environment user exit data set to
     allow a user to control whether to debug or not an application
     based on the IMS subsystem identifier. The IMS subsystem
     identifier information enhances the existing matching logic so
     that a user can use a single user exit data set for multiple
     IMS regions.
     The new function is limited to the IMS Debug Tool Language
     Environment user exit.
     Note: The 'Debug Tool Language Environment user exit data set'
     is also called the 'TEST run-time options data set' (typically
    -Add IMS transaction ID as a pattern matching argument in the
     Debug Tool LE user exit processing. It provides a filter for a
     user wanting to start a debug session only for a specific IMS
    -DTU options 6 and 8.1.1, TIM and DTSP - add IBM Subsystem ID
     and IMS Transaction ID.
    -DTSP: Display error message when EQAUOPTS dataset is in use.
    -If a duplicate MONITOR LIST command is now entered, Debug Tool
     issues a message and a prompt indicating that a duplicate
     command has been entered. You can either respond N to ignore
     the command, or Y to create a duplicate entry in the Monitor
     Two MONITOR LIST commands are considered to be duplicates if
     the log output or the LIST MONITOR output is the same for the
     two commands.
    -Debug Tool has been enhanced to not establish a Monitor
     command for 'Monitor Local List expression' if one or more
     variables in the expression are not defined in the specific
     compile unit. An error message will be displayed in this case.
     This enhancement will reduce unnecessary information in the
     Monitor window.
    -Add a new DTU utility function ( "A  JCL to Setup File
     Conversion" ) that converts JCL to Debug Tool setup file
     format. It provides a list of steps in the JCL and the user
     can choose one for conversion.
    -MR0614105116: &&temp file support in DTSU foreground.
    -MR1007103007: '+' as continuation character for SYSTSIN cmd in
    -A new Debug Tool Built-In Function, %CHAR, is now available
     for Assembler and Disassembly.  It causes the operand to be
     displayed as character data in the same way that %HEX causes
     it to be displayed in hexadecimal.
    -Message EQA1872E ( An error occurred while opening file:
     INSPPREF. The file may not exist, or is not accessible.) will
     now only be displayed
      (1) when INSPPREF is specified or defaulted in the
          preferences file suboption of the TEST runtime option and
      (2) there is a file allocated to the INSPPREF DD name and
      (3) this file can not be opened.
     Previously, if the INSPPREF DD name was not allocated (2), the
     message would be issued.
     Message EQA1872E ( An error occurred while opening file:
     INSPLOG. The file may not exist, or is not accessible.) will
     now only be displayed
      (1) when there is a file allocated to the INSPLOG DD name and
      (2) this file can not be opened.
     Previously, if the INSPLOG DD name was not allocated (1), the
     message would be issued.
     Note that in both cases, this change in only relevant to batch
     and full-screen modes.
    -PL/I conditions associated with file handling can now use a
     wild card (*) instead of having to specify a file reference.
     Specifically, the
      o AT OCCURENCE file_condition(file_reference)
      o ON file_condition(file_reference)
     commands have been enhanced for Enterprise PL/I programs to
     support a wildcard, *, for the file_reference.  For example,
     if using the ON command, you can now enter the following
       ON ENDFILE(*) command;
     The wild card indicates that the breakpoint is honored for all
     files that raise the ENDFILE condition.
    -Support for the CICS/TS 4.2 Open Beta.
     for more information about the CICS/TS 4.2 Open Beta.
    -DTCN and DTSP plug-ins: Improve handling of invalid (or
     expired) TSO userid or password.
    --- End Features ---
    --- Service ---
    -Remote debugger:
     EQA9999E Program Check at EQA0SXU1+00007674
     EQA9999E - Interrupt Code - 00000004
     is received when certain code is single-stepped through and
     the Variables pane has focus.
     (PM19840 at 9.1)
    -MONITOR LIST PL/I numeric PICture cannot be overwritten.
     (PM23760 at 10.1)
    -MON LIST or simply LIST on a PL/I subscripted structure, gives
     the wrong output.
     (PM23761 at 10.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 abend in EQADIXXT when the containing SEQAMOD is
     (PM24428 at 10.1)
    -C/C++: After stepping through the IF block of an IF-ELSE,
     Debug Tool appears to step into the last line of the ELSE
     (PM24275 at 8.1)
    -Remote debugger:  JUMPTO results is "EQA2381E The target of a
     jump to Location is invalid".
     (PM24291 at 9.1)
    -Debug Tool has code to handle certain abends which occur when
     CICS is in an undebuggable state. However, AED3 was not one of
     (PM24586 at 8.1)
    -Show as String from RDz Monitor window has no effct on COBOL
     VSAM record.
     (PM24654 at 10.1)
    -Hex prefix command has no effect on COBOL VSAM record.
     (PM24810 at 10.1)
    -DTCN profiles which were created in the VSAM repository by the
     remote plug-in are deleted when the owning userid is not
     logged-on to the CICS region.  DTCN has been changed to
     inactivate the profiles and not delete them.
     (PM25215 at 10.1)
    -During a debugging session, once the BOTTOM command has been
     executed on the MONITOR window, the PF8 key (DOWN) does not
     work anymore, except when it is executed having the cursor on
     the first line of the MONITOR window.
     (PM25844 at 10.1)
    -Monitor prefix command ("m") results in:
     "EQA1412E Prefix command not supported for language".
     (PM26338 at 9.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 occurs in EQA01SV2 at offset x'216' on CLI
     instruction (95E2 C008) due to invalid address in gpr12.
     Exception occurs when calling IKJTSOEV.
     (PM26879 at 10.1)
    -The Disconnect button in the Debug perspective sometimes hangs
     RD/z.  Can't get RD/z to reconnect for a debug session when
     the program is re-driven.
     (PM27260 at 9.1)
    -Remote debugger: A watch breakpoint defined on a variable in a
     COBOL File Section is only taken at the first change. After
     that, even though the variable changes every time for a VSAM
     Read, Debug Tool does not stop anymore.
     (PM27351 at 10.1)
    -A MONITOR LIST value disappeared when PF7/PF8 is entered.
     (PM27927 at 10.1)
    -Abend in EQA00OHT, processing OhtE which is filled with X'55'.
     (PM27875 at 10.1)
    -Can not change G type item on MONITOR if "SET DBCS ON".
     (PM28248 at 9.1)
    -ABENDU200 in DFSECP10 when using EQASET and issuing INQY
     ENVIRON command. An incorrect I/O area length is being passed.
     (PM28397 at 9.1)
    -Program Check at EQA00DEI+00002650.
     (PM30363 at 9.1)
    -Program Check at EQA00NMU+0000034C. Failing instruction is ST
     (50206010) due to reg6 being in a different key than psw.
     (PM29109 at 9.1)
    -Running EQACCSD causes these warnings:
     (PM29255 at 10.1)
    -Program Check occurs in EQA50CTL at offset x106 when
     processing an ATND abend. Failing instruction is a STore
     (50F0400C) due to an invalid address in gpr4.
     (PM29504 at 9.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 occurs in EQASTMOD, CSECT EQASTSUB, when using DTST
     transaction. Failure occurs at offset x'CF0' on STH
     instruction (4080 201C).
     (PM30804 at 10.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 occurs in module IGZINSH CSECT IGZIISF. Failing
     instruction is a CLC (D507 6000 B368) due to an invalid
     address in gpr6.
     (PM30886 at 10.1)
    -Remote debugger: MOVE statement causes a performance problem
     in Debug Tool when the automonitor is being used.
     (PM30894 at 10.1)
    -Issue with COBOL ROUNDED variable in the Monitor window.
     (PM30904 at 10.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 in EQANCDBG + x'275A' processing an EXEC CICS XCTL
     if only DTCN Program ID is specified.
     (PM31642 at 10.1)
    -EQA1485E incorrectly issued when both SET SOURCE and SET
     DEFAULT LISTINGS are used.
     (PM32904 at 10.1)
    -Program check in EQA00OHT at offset x'1448' may occur if two
     programmers are debugging same application at the same time.
     There was corruption in the Debug Tool overlay hook table.
     (PM32883 at 10.1)
    -PROG755 when automonitor single SHIFT-OUT.
     (PM33109 at 9.1)
    -Message "EQA2513E" should be issued as I level "EQA2513I".
     (PM34481 at 11.1)
    -"+EQA9999W - Requested data set unavailable, start loop." is
     received repeatedly.
     (PM34767 at 9.1)
    -After using GO, Debug Tool cursor is still on PROGRAM-ID.
     (PM36161 at 10.1) (was PM34851 at 9.1)
    -Error using DTSP profile in RDz.
     (PM36950 at 11.1)
    -Missing help panels in DTU
    -Remote: New message (EQA4031E) to reject SET DYN OFF in non-LE
    --- End Service ---
    This APAR also contains fixes for this previous V11R1 service.

Local fix

  • Additional Keywords: kixdcfcic670
    Even with DEBUG=NO specified in the SIT, Language Environment
    initialization will still load all the Event Handlers. If Debug
    Tool load libraries are in the JCL, and LE finds the debug tool
    CEEEV006 module, you may still abend during CICS 4.2
    initialization if the fixing PTF for this APAR is not applied.
    Symptoms will be:
      Exception trace entry for S0C1/AKEA in DFHAPLI2
      DFHSR0601 Program interrupt occurred with system task III in
         control PSW
      Program DFHAPLI2 was in control, but the PSW was elsewhere.
      PSW may be in low core.
      BEAR address may be in EQA10OSM

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: Debug Tool 11.1 users who need the           *
    *                 features or have the problems described      *
    *                 in the Problem Description.                  *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: --- Features ---                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -LangX COBOL                            *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The term "non-Language Environment     *
    *                       COBOL" has been changed to "LangX      *
    *                       COBOL" and the support has been        *
    *                       extended.  LangX COBOL now includes    *
    *                       any of the following supported         *
    *                       through the use of an EQALANGX file:   *
    *                       - Programs compiled using the IBM      *
    *                         OS/VS COBOL compiler (previously     *
    *                         included in non-Language             *
    *                         Environment COBOL).                  *
    *                       - Programs compiled using the VS       *
    *                         COBOL II compiler with the NOTEST    *
    *                         compiler option (previously          *
    *                         included in non-Langauge             *
    *                         Environment COBOL only when          *
    *                         link-edited with a non-Language      *
    *                         Environment library).                *
    *                       - Programs compiled using the          *
    *                         Enterprise COBOL compiler with the   *
    *                         NOTEST compiler option.              *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The SET PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE command   *
    *                       has been extended to support           *
    *                       LANGXCOBOL in addition to NONLECOBOL.  *
    *                       The response from QUERY PROGRAMMING    *
    *                       LANGUAGE is now LANGXCOBOL regardless  *
    *                       of whether LANGXCOBOL or NONLECOBOL    *
    *                       might have been used in the            *
    *                       corresponding SET command.  In         *
    *                       addition, the language designator in   *
    *                       the top left of the screen in          *
    *                       full-screen mode is now "LX COBOL"     *
    *                       (rather than "NL COBOL") when the      *
    *                       current programming language is LangX  *
    *                       COBOL.                                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Use a single Debug Tool Language       *
    *                       Environment user exit data set for     *
    *                       multiple IMS regions.                  *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The new function adds the IMS          *
    *                       subsystem identifier information in    *
    *                       the Debug Tool Language Environment    *
    *                       user exit data set to allow a user to  *
    *                       control whether to debug or not an     *
    *                       application based on the IMS           *
    *                       subsystem identifier. The IMS          *
    *                       subsystem identifier information       *
    *                       enhances the existing matching logic   *
    *                       so that a user can use a single user   *
    *                       exit data set for multiple IMS         *
    *                       regions.                               *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The new function is limited to the     *
    *                       IMS Debug Tool Language Environment    *
    *                       user exit.                             *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Note: The 'Debug Tool Language         *
    *                       Environment user exit data set' is     *
    *                       also called the 'TEST run-time         *
    *                       options data set' (typically           *
    *                       userid.DBGTOOL.EQAUOPTS).              *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Add IMS transaction ID as a pattern    *
    *                       matching argument in the Debug Tool    *
    *                       LE user exit processing. It provides   *
    *                       a filter for a user wanting to start   *
    *                       a debug session only for a specific    *
    *                       IMS transaction.                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -DTU options 6 and 8.1.1, TIM and DTSP  *
    *                       - add IBM Subsystem ID and IMS         *
    *                       Transaction ID.                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -DTSP: Display error message when       *
    *                       EQAUOPTS dataset is in use.            *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -If a duplicate MONITOR LIST command    *
    *                       is now entered, Debug Tool issues a    *
    *                       message and a prompt indicating that   *
    *                       a duplicate command has been entered.  *
    *                       You can either respond N to ignore     *
    *                       the command, or Y to create a          *
    *                       duplicate entry in the Monitor         *
    *                       window.                                *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Two MONITOR LIST commands are          *
    *                       considered to be duplicates if the     *
    *                       log output or the LIST MONITOR output  *
    *                       is the same for the two commands.      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Debug Tool has been enhanced to not    *
    *                       establish a Monitor command for        *
    *                       'Monitor Local List expression' if     *
    *                       one or more variables in the           *
    *                       expression are not defined in the      *
    *                       specific compile unit. An error        *
    *                       message will be displayed in this      *
    *                       case.  This enhancement will reduce    *
    *                       unnecessary information in the         *
    *                       Monitor window.                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Add a new DTU utility function ( "A    *
    *                       JCL to Setup File Conversion" ) that   *
    *                       converts JCL to Debug Tool setup file  *
    *                       format. It provides a list of steps    *
    *                       in the JCL and the user can choose     *
    *                       one for conversion.                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -MR0614105116: &&temp file support in   *
    *                       DTSU foreground.                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -MR1007103007: '+' as continuation      *
    *                       character for SYSTSIN cmd in DTSU.     *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -A new Debug Tool Built-In Function,    *
    *                       %CHAR, is now available for Assembler  *
    *                       and Disassembly.  It causes the        *
    *                       operand to be displayed as character   *
    *                       data in the same way that %HEX causes  *
    *                       it to be displayed in hexadecimal.     *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Message EQA1872E ( An error occurred   *
    *                       while opening file:  INSPPREF. The     *
    *                       file may not exist, or is not          *
    *                       accessible.) will now only be          *
    *                       displayed                              *
    *                        (1) when INSPPREF is specified or     *
    *                            defaulted in the preferences      *
    *                            file suboption of the TEST        *
    *                            runtime option and                *
    *                        (2) there is a file allocated to the  *
    *                            INSPPREF DD name and              *
    *                        (3) this file can not be opened.      *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Previously, if the INSPPREF DD name    *
    *                       was not allocated (2), the message     *
    *                       would be issued.                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Message EQA1872E ( An error occurred   *
    *                       while opening file:  INSPLOG. The      *
    *                       file may not exist, or is not          *
    *                       accessible.) will now only be          *
    *                       displayed                              *
    *                        (1) when there is a file allocated    *
    *                            to the INSPLOG DD name and        *
    *                        (2) this file can not be opened.      *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Previously, if the INSPLOG DD name     *
    *                       was not allocated (1), the message     *
    *                       would be issued.                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Note that in both cases, this change   *
    *                       in only relevant to batch and          *
    *                       full-screen modes.                     *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -PL/I conditions associated with file   *
    *                       handling can now use a wild card (*)   *
    *                       instead of having to specify a file    *
    *                       reference.  Specifically, the          *
    *                        o AT OCCURENCE                        *
    *                          file_condition(file_reference)      *
    *                        o ON file_condition(file_reference)   *
    *                       commands have been enhanced for        *
    *                       Enterprise PL/I programs to support a  *
    *                       wildcard, *, for the file_reference.   *
    *                       For example, if using the ON command,  *
    *                       you can now enter the following        *
    *                       command:                               *
    *                         ON ENDFILE(*) command;               *
    *                       The wild card indicates that the       *
    *                       breakpoint is honored for all files    *
    *                       that raise the ENDFILE condition.      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Support for the CICS/TS 4.2 Open       *
    *                       Beta. See                              *
    *                 *
    *                       cics/tserver/v42/openbeta/             *
    *                       for more information about the         *
    *                       CICS/TS 4.2 Open Beta.                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -DTCN and DTSP plug-ins: Improve        *
    *                       handling of invalid (or expired) TSO   *
    *                       userid or password.                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Features ---                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- Service ---                         *
    *                                                              *
    *                      See the PM27734 APAR Error Description  *
    *                      for a complete description of the       *
    *                      service contained in this PTF. Here is  *
    *                      a summary of the service:               *
    *                                                              *
    *                       (PM24275 at 8.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM24586 at 8.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM19840 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM24291 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM26338 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM27260 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM28248 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM28397 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM29109 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM29504 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM30363 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM33109 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM34767 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM34851 at 9.1 )                      *
    *                       (PM23760 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM23761 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM24428 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM24654 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM24810 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM25215 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM25844 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM26879 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM27351 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM27875 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM27927 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM29255 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM30804 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM30886 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM30894 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM30904 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM31642 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM32883 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM32904 at 10.1)                      *
    *                       (PM34481 at 11.1)                      *
    *                       (PM36950 at 11.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      and the following two addtional         *
    *                      problems:                               *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Missing help panels in DTU             *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Remote: New message (EQA4031E) to      *
    *                       reject SET DYN OFF in non-LE           *
    *                       environment.                           *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Service ---                     *
    *                                                              *
    *                      This PTF also contains fixes for this   *
    *                      previous V11R1 service.                 *
    *                        PM28464/UK64067                       *
    *                        PM33215/UK65130                       *
    *                        PM33452/UK65267                       *
    *                        PM34813/UK65869                       *
    * RECOMMENDATION: Installations that need these features or    *
    *                 problem fixes should install this service.   *
    New features and miscellaneous service.

Problem conclusion

  • New features and service available.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

    UK66981 116AC4Ÿ


    ***This field was truncated.  To obtain the full apar record, please contact your local support center.***

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RB10 PSY UK66981

       UP11/04/23 P F104

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTQWA","label":"IBM Debug for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 October 2020