IBM Support

PM23044: Service for Debug Tool 10.1.

A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • --- Features ---
    -Allow the Terminal Interface Manager to run without TN3270 and
     terminal LU customization.  See the ++HOLD DOC for information
     on how to enable this new function.
    -Enable support for 'IMS subsystem identifier' in DTU option 8
     (JCL for Batch Debugging).
    --- End Features ---
    --- Service ---
    -Remote debugger:
     EQA9999E Program Check at EQA0SXU1+00007674
     EQA9999E - Interrupt Code - 00000004
     is received when certain code is single-stepped through and
     the Variables pane has focus.
     (PM19840 at 9.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 in MQ Open.
     (PM21331 at 9.1)
    -AbendS0C4 occurs in EQANCDBG at offset x'2618' on a Load
     instruction (5890 32F4) due to invalid value in gpr3. Problem
     occurs if the advanced functions (assembler exits) are active.
     (PM21456 at 10.1)
    -Exception in EQANCLDE at offset x'12C6' on a ST instruction
     (5060 700C) due to an invalid address in gpr7.
     (PM22052 at 8.1)
    -When running Debug Tool on an IBM-DYNAMIC TN3270E terminal of
     160 columns and number of rows greater than 68.  The terminal
     display constantly refreshes.  See the ++HOLD DOC for
     information about a new WTO (EQA9921U) that can be issued.
     (PM22266 at 9.1)
    -DTCU I/O error during session start or stop may cause orphan
     (PM22422 at 9.1)
    -Debug Tool's TIM (Terminal Interface Manager) becomes
     unavailable for connection and can only be remedied by
     recycling the EQAYSESM started task on the affected LPAR.
     Additional symptom: TIM using excessive CPU.
     (PM27225 at 9.1)
    -Program Check at EQA00BLD+00000BB0 on OI instruction
     (96803000) due to an invalid address in reg3.
     (PM23517 at 10.1)
    -MONITOR LIST PL/I numeric PICture cannot be overwritten.
     (PM23760 at 10.1)
    -MON LIST or simply LIST on a PL/I subscripted structure, gives
     the wrong output.
     (PM23761 at 10.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 occurs in module EQA10MGF at offset x'224' on an MVC
     instruction due to an invalid address in reg13. Problem occurs
     when using INSPLOG RecFm V and Lrecl 264.
     (PM23965 at 8.1)
    -U4088 abend caused by CICS non-LE GLUE EQANCLDE during stack
     (PM23968 at 8.1)
    -C/C++: After stepping through the IF block of an IF-ELSE,
     Debug Tool appears to step into the last line of the ELSE
     (PM24275 at 8.1)
    -Remote debugger:  JUMPTO results is "EQA2381E The target of a
     jump to Location is invalid".
     (PM24291 at 9.1)
    -Debug Tool has code to handle certain abends which occur when
     CICS is in an undebuggable state. However, AED3 was not one of
     (PM24586 at 8.1)
    -Show as String from RDz Monitor window has no effct on COBOL
     VSAM record.
     (PM24654 at 10.1)
    -Hex prefix command has no effect on COBOL VSAM record.
     (PM24810 at 10.1)
    -DTCN profiles which were created in the VSAM repository by the
     remote plug-in are deleted when the owning userid is not
     logged-on to the CICS region.  DTCN has been changed to
     inactivate the profiles and not delete them.
     (PM25215 at 10.1)
    -Monitor prefix command ("m") results in:
     "EQA1412E Prefix command not supported for language".
     (PM26338 at 9.1)
    -CICS goes short on storage when using Debug Tool and Unicom
     (PM26595 at 10.1)
    -A storage violation occurs when using Debug Tool in CICS to
     debug a Non-LE Assembler program.  The violation is caused by
     an over-run of a stack segment which should have received a
     stack overflow.
     (PM26643 at 8.1)
    -Message EQA9981I - EQA00STO Internal Error 00000004.  The
     message is issued due to an invalid fragment length, which
     occurs when a SAVEBPS member becomes corrupted.
     (PM26656 at 10.1)
    -EQALANGX at FA 10.1 APAR PM21096 level.
     EQALANGX version 2010-10-05 05:51
    -In Debug Tool Utilities 'Debug Tool Setup File', on panel
     - EQAPFORS, where you enter a string for the 'parameters'
     - EQAPFPRM, where you enter a string for the 'Program
       arguments' field check for the following conditions:
       (1) if the string is enclosed within quotes, it should be a
           pair of matched quotes.
       (2) if the string has blanks, it should be enclosed within a
           pair of matched quotes.
     See the ++HOLD DOC for information about two new messages
     EQAZ119W and EQAZ120W) that can be issued.
    --- End Service ---
    These defects have already been shipped via separate PTFs (and
    are included in this PTF):
    --- Features ---
    -Use a single Debug Tool Language Environment user exit data
     set for multiple IMS regions.
     The new function adds the IMS subsystem identifier information
     in the Debug Tool Language Environment user exit data set to
     allow a user to control whether to debug or not an application
     based on the IMS subsystem identifier. The IMS subsystem
     identifier information enhances the existing matching logic so
     that a user can use a single user exit data set for multiple
     IMS regions.
     The new function is limited to the IMS Debug Tool Language
     Environment user exit and the user must use DTU option 6 to
     update the user exit data set for this new function.
     Note: The 'Debug Tool Language Environment user exit data set'
     is also called the 'TEST run-time options data set' (typically
    --- End Features ---
    --- Service ---
    -Received the following error when create HTML Annotated
     Listing Report with COBOL imbedded messages.
         1644 +++         Line#=Line#+0
         1471 +++        StartCobStmt=GetLineNo(StartStmt)
          746 +++  Call GenSummary
          150 +++ Call WriteAnno OutDsn
      IRX0041I Error running EQACUANS, line 1644: Bad arithmetic
      conversion. A command entered or contained in a CLIST has
      invalid syntax.
     (PM23140 at 10.1)
    -Received the following error during the generation of HTML
     report from some annotated report when a DBCS literal was
     split across two lines of the COBOL listing.
      GRE01414 report got the following error:
        449 +++      If In.I=Listing.DTCUAnnSyms
        117 +++ Call ProcAnno
      IRX0023I Error running EQACUANS, line 449: Invalid SBCS/DBCS
      mixed string.
     (PM23137 at 10.1)
    -ABENDS0C4 abend in EQADIXXT when the containing SEQAMOD is
     (PM24428 at 10.1)
    -Client is debugging and application with Debug Tool, and their
     program receives an ABEND0C7 data exception. Debug Tool does
     not stop on this S0C7 condition. This incorrect behavior only
     occurs in 3270 debugging, and does not occur with Remote
     (PM24024 at 10.1)
    --- End Service ---
    --- Service ---
    -During a debugging session, once the BOTTOM command has been
     executed on the MONITOR window, the PF8 key (DOWN) does not
     work anymore, except when it is executed having the cursor on
     the first line of the MONITOR window.
     (PM25844 at 10.1)
    -The DTSU function does not perform a correct override for the
     DD cards in the PROC.
     (PM26365 at 10.1)
    -The DTSU does not recognize the null ( // ) JCL statement.
     (PM26369 at 10.1)
    --- End Service ---

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: Debug Tool 10.1 users who need the           *
    *                 features or have the problems described      *
    *                 in the Problem Description.                  *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: --- Features ---                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Allow the Terminal Interface Manager   *
    *                       to run without TN3270 and terminal LU  *
    *                       customization.  See the ++HOLD DOC     *
    *                       for information on how to enable this  *
    *                       new function.                          *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Enable support for 'IMS subsystem      *
    *                       identifier' in DTU option 8 (JCL for   *
    *                       Batch Debugging).                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Features ---                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- Service ---                         *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Remote debugger:                       *
    *                       EQA9999E Program Check at              *
    *                       EQA0SXU1+00007674                      *
    *                       EQA9999E - Interrupt Code - 00000004   *
    *                       is received when certain code is       *
    *                       single-stepped through and the         *
    *                       Variables pane has focus.              *
    *                       (PM19840 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -ABENDS0C4 in MQ Open.                  *
    *                       (PM21331 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -AbendS0C4 occurs in EQANCDBG at        *
    *                       offset x'2618' on a Load instruction   *
    *                       (5890 32F4) due to invalid value in    *
    *                       gpr3. Problem occurs if the advanced   *
    *                       functions (assembler exits) are        *
    *                       active.                                *
    *                       (PM21456 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Exception in EQANCLDE at offset        *
    *                       x'12C6' on a ST instruction (5060      *
    *                       700C) due to an invalid address in     *
    *                       gpr7.                                  *
    *                       (PM22052 at 8.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -When running Debug Tool on an          *
    *                       IBM-DYNAMIC TN3270E terminal of 160    *
    *                       columns and number of rows greater     *
    *                       than 68.  The terminal display         *
    *                       constantly refreshes.  See the ++HOLD  *
    *                       DOC for information about a new WTO    *
    *                       (EQA9921U) that can be issued.         *
    *                       (PM22266 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -DTCU I/O error during session start    *
    *                       or stop may cause orphan session.      *
    *                       (PM22422 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Debug Tool's TIM (Terminal Interface   *
    *                       Manager) becomes unavailable for       *
    *                       connection and can only be remedied    *
    *                       by recycling the EQAYSESM started      *
    *                       task on the affected LPAR.             *
    *                       Additional symptom: TIM using          *
    *                       excessive CPU.                         *
    *                       (PM27225 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Program Check at EQA00BLD+00000BB0 on  *
    *                       OI instruction (96803000) due to an    *
    *                       invalid address in reg3.               *
    *                       (PM23517 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -MONITOR LIST PL/I numeric PICture      *
    *                       cannot be overwritten.                 *
    *                       (PM23760 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -MON LIST or simply LIST on a PL/I      *
    *                       subscripted structure, gives the       *
    *                       wrong output.                          *
    *                       (PM23761 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -ABENDS0C4 occurs in module EQA10MGF    *
    *                       at offset x'224' on an MVC             *
    *                       instruction due to an invalid address  *
    *                       in reg13. Problem occurs when using    *
    *                       INSPLOG RecFm V and Lrecl 264.         *
    *                       (PM23965 at 8.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -U4088 abend caused by CICS non-LE      *
    *                       GLUE EQANCLDE during stack extend.     *
    *                       (PM23968 at 8.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -C/C++: After stepping through the IF   *
    *                       block of an IF-ELSE, Debug Tool        *
    *                       appears to step into the last line of  *
    *                       the ELSE block.                        *
    *                       (PM24275 at 8.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Remote debugger:  JUMPTO results is    *
    *                       "EQA2381E The target of a jump to      *
    *                       Location is invalid".                  *
    *                       (PM24291 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Debug Tool has code to handle certain  *
    *                       abends which occur when CICS is in an  *
    *                       undebuggable state. However, AED3 was  *
    *                       not one of them.                       *
    *                       (PM24586 at 8.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Show as String from RDz Monitor        *
    *                       window has no effct on COBOL VSAM      *
    *                       record.                                *
    *                       (PM24654 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Hex prefix command has no effect on    *
    *                       COBOL VSAM record.                     *
    *                       (PM24810 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -DTCN profiles which were created in    *
    *                       the VSAM repository by the remote      *
    *                       plug-in are deleted when the owning    *
    *                       userid is not logged-on to the CICS    *
    *                       region.  DTCN has been changed to      *
    *                       inactivate the profiles and not        *
    *                       delete them.                           *
    *                       (PM25215 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Monitor prefix command ("m") results   *
    *                       in:  "EQA1412E Prefix command not      *
    *                       supported for language".               *
    *                       (PM26338 at 9.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -CICS goes short on storage when using  *
    *                       Debug Tool and Unicom PIE PCSSPNEP.    *
    *                       (PM26595 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -A storage violation occurs when using  *
    *                       Debug Tool in CICS to debug a Non-LE   *
    *                       Assembler program.  The violation is   *
    *                       caused by an over-run of a stack       *
    *                       segment which should have received a   *
    *                       stack overflow.                        *
    *                       (PM26643 at 8.1)                       *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Message EQA9981I - EQA00STO Internal   *
    *                       Error 00000004.                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The message is issued due to an        *
    *                       invalid fragment length, which occurs  *
    *                       when a SAVEBPS member becomes          *
    *                       corrupted.                             *
    *                       (PM26656 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -EQALANGX at FA 10.1 APAR PM21096       *
    *                       level.                                 *
    *                       EQALANGX version 2010-10-05 05:51      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -In Debug Tool Utilities 'Debug Tool    *
    *                       Setup File', on panel                  *
    *                       - EQAPFORS, where you enter a string   *
    *                         for the 'parameters' field           *
    *                       - EQAPFPRM, where you enter a string   *
    *                         for the 'Program arguments' field    *
    *                       check for the following conditions:    *
    *                        (1) if the string is enclosed within  *
    *                            quotes, it should be a pair of    *
    *                            matched quotes.                   *
    *                        (2) if the string has blanks, it      *
    *                            should be enclosed within a pair  *
    *                            of matched quotes.                *
    *                       See the ++HOLD DOC for information     *
    *                       about two new messages EQAZ119W and    *
    *                       EQAZ120W) that can be issued.          *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Service ---                     *
    *                                                              *
    *                                                              *
    *                      These defects have already been         *
    *                      shipped via separate PTFs (and are      *
    *                      included in this PTF):                  *
    *                                                              *
    *                      PM24028/UK61402:                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- Features ---                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Use a single Debug Tool Language       *
    *                       Environment user exit data set for     *
    *                       multiple IMS regions.                  *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The new function adds the IMS          *
    *                       subsystem identifier information in    *
    *                       the Debug Tool Language Environment    *
    *                       user exit data set to allow a user to  *
    *                       control whether to debug or not an     *
    *                       application based on the IMS           *
    *                       subsystem identifier. The IMS          *
    *                       subsystem identifier information       *
    *                       enhances the existing matching logic   *
    *                       so that a user can use a single user   *
    *                       exit data set for multiple IMS         *
    *                       regions.                               *
    *                                                              *
    *                       The new function is limited to the     *
    *                       IMS Debug Tool Language Environment    *
    *                       user exit and the user must use DTU    *
    *                       option 6 to update the user exit data  *
    *                       set for this new function.             *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Note: The 'Debug Tool Language         *
    *                       Environment user exit data set' is     *
    *                       also called the 'TEST run-time         *
    *                       options data set' (typically           *
    *                       userid.DBGTOOL.EQAUOPTS).              *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Features ---                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- Service ---                         *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Received the following error when      *
    *                       create HTML Annotated Listing Report   *
    *                       with COBOL imbedded messages.          *
    *                       1644 +++         Line#=Line#+0         *
    *                       1471 +++        StartCobStmt=          *
    *                                       GetLineNo(StartStmt)   *
    *                        746 +++  Call GenSummary              *
    *                        150 +++ Call WriteAnno OutDsn         *
    *                        IRX0041I Error running EQACUANS,      *
    *                        line 1644: Bad arithmetic             *
    *                        conversion. A command entered or      *
    *                        contained in a CLIST has invalid      *
    *                        syntax.                               *
    *                       (PM23140 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Received the following error during    *
    *                       the generation of HTML report from     *
    *                       some annotated report when a DBCS      *
    *                       literal was split across two lines of  *
    *                       the COBOL listing.                     *
    *                        GRE01414 report got the following     *
    *                        error:                                *
    *                        449 +++      If                       *
    *                                    In.I=Listing.DTCUAnnSyms  *
    *                        117 +++ Call ProcAnno                 *
    *                        IRX0023I Error running EQACUANS,      *
    *                        line 449: Invalid SBCS/DBCS mixed     *
    *                        string.                               *
    *                       (PM23137 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -ABENDS0C4 abend in EQADIXXT when the   *
    *                       containing SEQAMOD is APF-authorized.  *
    *                       (PM24428 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -Client is debugging and application    *
    *                       with Debug Tool, and their program     *
    *                       receives an ABEND0C7 data exception.   *
    *                       Debug Tool does not stop on this S0C7  *
    *                       condition. This incorrect behavior     *
    *                       only occurs in 3270 debugging, and     *
    *                       does not occur with Remote Debug.      *
    *                       (PM24024 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Service ---                     *
    *                                                              *
    *                                                              *
    *                      PM26509/UK62134:                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- Service ---                         *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -During a debugging session, once the   *
    *                       BOTTOM command has been executed on    *
    *                       the MONITOR window, the PF8 key        *
    *                       (DOWN) does not work anymore, except   *
    *                       when it is executed having the cursor  *
    *                       on the first line of the MONITOR       *
    *                       window.                                *
    *                       (PM25844 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -The DTSU function does not perform a   *
    *                       correct override for the DD cards in   *
    *                       the PROC.                              *
    *                       (PM26365 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -The DTSU does not recognize the null   *
    *                       ( // ) JCL statement.                  *
    *                       (PM26369 at 10.1)                      *
    *                                                              *
    *                      --- End Service ---                     *
    * RECOMMENDATION: Installations that need these features or    *
    *                 problem fixes should install this service.   *
    New features and miscellaneous service.

Problem conclusion

  • New features and service available.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



    EQA00C00 EQA00C53 EQA00C62 EQA00C63 EQA00C
    ***This field was truncated.  To obtain the full apar record, please contact your local support center.***

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RA10 PSY UK62414

       UP10/11/24 P F011 ¢

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"A10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTQWA","label":"IBM Debug for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"A10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 October 2020